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Show the Cross gggs gg -and Circle Printed in Red on Every Package of Genuine Alabastine Instead of Kalsomine or Wall Paper Became onlr genuine AIabattne will give you thoie soft delicate, artuic AUbutSne colon, which add io much to the beauty of your home. A Good decotatori ate Alabartine. Nearly all itorei lellinfl paintt carry fc ia stock. Aik your dealer decorator to ihow you satnplea and explain the AUbaiune. Opalina Pioccm the neweit and most beautiful method oi intera decoration. The Alabastine Company Grand Rapida, Mich. Salt Lake City Firms J r wan arampt n rica and qnlrk ralama ka thm adTarUaaaunla ntioo xht nana ( 1 pr' i ' ' ' . A BARBER IN EICHT WBPK8 Writ Molar Barber CL. 11 Ragant 8k, S. L. BUSINESS COLLET. E8 U D. 8. BUSINESS COLLEGE. School of KfficW-wj. All wmmmW branch. CataJcw Irae., 60 N. Main St., Bait tk City. BOOKS AND SHORT STORIES DAAIfO, An hoot ou want hy mJt, C. O. 'D UUIVJ Dfuret Book Co. 44 Eaat ti& Tcmpla BONGS A BMEET MUSIC CnWfC, nrw and ntl All kind Slwrt nrnalc br WllUO Ulni, (;ol). BeMlr Muilc C f! S Main CREAM WANTED SHIP DIRECT Direct Craaat Shipment Par Maat Monaf Rend a trial can Blackraan A Griffin Conpanjr. Ofdea, Uuk SUITS A DHF8SES CLE ANEP DT ED Up to th mtntiu Cliilin and Drains Rrturn potK paid Rccal Cleaning A Drains Co, Ibt E. Ind 80. "They Can't Put You in Jail for That!" "Can't, eh?" said the man, "Well, Tmherer After your sleepless night from coSee drinking and your friends say it's all imagination, remember the sleepless night. Also remember that Postum, the pure cereal beverage, contains nothing that can interfere with sleep. It has every desirable quality of a mealtime drink cheering warmth, delightful flavor and wholesomeness that makes for health. for Health "Tlicre's a Reason" tz&z?Sh Your rrocw salli Pcwtiira In VttaftL two forma Iraran. Fowura ttfZftf I in tint prepared instantly in jr-?' "SiT 5& the cup by the addition of PdM ' ZStSHt. ig; boiling water. Postum Cereal Lv' 5 ?i "ifvmwB sfj in package for those who ilSTAHT 3 : e-SSS rreler the flavor I rought out 5 DOSTUM j , :I;fZzZ2 ! by boiling iully 20 minutes. miAi ' ' -rf-3" 1 ilia coat 01 either lorra ia ,' .Mna 1 1 about one-hall cent 1 cup. j ' " 1 1 "Say it With Flowers" Fresh Cut Flowers at AU Times Hobdays Flower Shop Keith Emporium liklg. Salt Luke Save money on eed purchases . Our aceta tmtttd and proved Dealers In field scetls, seed grains, seed potatoes, garden seeds in bulk, tie. We solicit your correspondence MVi'f for Pric CarJ Cache Valley Seed & Prod. Co. c mithfield, Utah |