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Show TOLD IN THE CITY When Jove dies Cupid doesn't bother With an autopsy. An egotist Is any man who thinks be is better than you are. ' A woman clothed with authority thinks more of the trimming, ... (; If every rose has its thorn, how about those flowery beds of ease? Don't rust Even a good reputation will tarnish if It Isn't kept In constant . use. .: . " It takes an optimist to realize that the hour of adversity contulns only 60 minutes, ' The magazines certainly print lots of mushy literature, Including' tliejse real stories. it'a all right to take things as they come, but It Is quite another matter to make them stay. ' You never can tell. The man with a long head is seldom the one who rushes Into things headloiig. 'Self-discipline demonstrates that many a man feels like kicking him-self him-self who wouldn't let anyone else do It "There Is np such word as fail," cried the optimist "But there are ' plenty of synonyms," growled the pes-almlst |