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Show First to Use Catcher's Mitt Still Playing Ball The man who introduced the padded mitt Is still active In professional baseball, John J. MeCloakey, now owner own-er and manager of the Newton (Ken.) dab of the Southwestern league. The "grand old man of the minors" has been In the game since 1SS7, though he's past flfty-flve. He was born !n Iulsvllle In 18iW, and won prominence as "father of the Texas league," which was organized In 18M8. The year before he was catcher on the Houston Independents and It was during that time lie Introduced the catcher's mitt, which at the time brought down the ridicule of the country. coun-try. Hut In due time the padded mitt was generally adopted and eventually did much to speed up the fame. McCloskey organized the I'nlon association as-sociation and owned and maaaged the Itutte (Mont.) team of that circuit. lie has been connected at various times as player or manager, with St. Joseph, Austin, .Sacramento, Houston, Montgomery, Mont-gomery, Havannah, Louisville, Dallas, Oreat Falls, Tacoma, San Francisco, Vancouver, St. Louis and Milwaukee, |