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Show ,; ... :.; ... ,. . v . - . fAGE FOUR THE BINGHAM PRESS BULLETIN ' ' ! Americans to rally to the defense of i CONDITIONS GOOD the constitution. : : AVERSJABGUSON Carl R. Marcusen, Republican State Chairman, received assurances that ' the Republican National Committee would give every assistance to the . - seate committee in its efforts to re-- elect Congressman Don B. Colton and E. O. Leatherwood, as well as sweep the state for Coolidge and Dawes. In a recent long distance telephone message to National Chairman Wil-liam Butler, State Chairman Marco-se- n impressed upon him the excellent prospect, with proper with the national .committee, of Utah again being represented with a full Republican delegation. In Saturday's message he obtained assurance that a number of nationally known speakers and a large amount of literature will be placed at his dis-posal for the next four weeks of the campaign. Every effort is being made by Chairman Marcusen to keep Senator Reed Smoot in Utah to fill a num-ber of speaking engagements through-out the state. "The Senator is re-garded as an. institution in Utah," said Chairman Marcusen, "and his pres-ence in the state at a time when it appears there has been a coalition be- - tween the LaFollette group and the Democrats, will do much to elect the entire Republican ticket. Congressman Colton, after a series of trips to various sections of the state the past two weeks, declared at State headquarters Saturday that President Coolidge would receive the largest vote ever-give- a Republican candidate in Utah. Congressman Colton, Chairman Marcusen and other party leaders have been most successful in stirring up the workers to an extensive drive to get a heavy registration on the last five enrollment days, Oct. 7, 8, 14, 28 and 29. Special effort will be made to in-crease the registration of women. "During my conferences with party leaders in the various counties," said ; Congressman Colton, "I have found the sentiment' for Coolidge and , Dawes unanimous. From what I ' have gathered, indications are that the Republican vote for the Republi- -' can presidential candidates will be even greater than that cast for Mr. Harding during the 1920 landslide. As far as LaFollette is concerned, his attack on the constitution and the su- - preme court, has turned the Utah vot-er- s, who abhor radicalism of any sort, against him. ; Republican organization throughout the state was effected with the hold-- ', ing of final county conventions last week. ; At each of these conventions held . in practically every section of the state. Republican state candidates, I headed by Governor Charles R. Ma- - bey, were in attendance. ; In speaking Deiore the county del- - egates, Governor Mabey stressed the , fact that tariff protection of Utah in-- ; dustries lay in the success of the Re-- ; publican party. J The governor also reviewed the ' economies effected by the present ad-- p ministration and the need for all loyal NEW PARCEL POST SCALE INSTALLED AT POSTOFFICE A new parcel post scale of the lat-est model has been installed at the lo-cal postoffice, which will assist ma-terially in the handling of packages during the Xmas rush, which has al-ready started here, on account of many packages being sent across the Atlantic Ocean. ' ' . The new seal is self computing, and takes a capacity of 70 pounds. FROG TOWN FOLKS TO GIVE DANCE A Dance of more than passing in-terest is the second Invitational Ball which will be given by the Frog Town Glee Club at" Canyon Hall on Tuesday evening, October 14. Music will be furnished by the Ariel Octette, Utah Prize music makers, and ad- - mittance to thi hall will be by invi-tation only. Elaborate plans are being made for a wonderful evening, and stages will be run to the valley to bring back loads of merry makers for the gala occasion. Many are of the impression that the Frog Town Glee Club activities always call for much disturbance, but this idea is given little weight when it is known that the club is composed of young fellows who reside in the lower, part of the canyon, the club being formulated merely for recrea-tion and diversion. PHONE 295 PHONE NOW READY TO CARE FOR YOUR ' I HAULING , FROM LOWER BINGHAM TO COPPERFIELD AND HIGHLAND BOY We Call for and Deliver TRUNKS OR PARCELS Prices Reasonable PHONE 295 PHONE I AUTO REPAIRING i I TIRE REPAIRING I I STORAGE J Canyon Garage j i I Markham at Main Street I I Phone 333 t r J YES ! SPECIALS, AS OUR j I ARE ALWAYS OF THE VERY BEST 1 : CORN-FE- D STOCK t Good Meat Is I ECONOMICAL MEAT J That is what you get when you order Meat t I from the , 1 BINGHAM CAIN MEAT GO. I PHONE 5 " I Highland Boy Branch PHONE 205 j I You are cordially invited to inspect our new j X Market at f 460 MAIN STREET i Utah s Finest Meat Market fit Ulll M 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 M It I Ml I 1 1 M I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II M I II n' JOHN CULLETON Teacher of VIOLIN and SAXOPHONE 398 Main Street IMIffllllMIIITM Jack's Place i i X FOR i i .cww. ! 482 Main Street t Bingham Canyon, Utah ' Bingham Stage Line Bingham Depot CROY'S CAFE Main and Carr Fork Phone 41 SCHEDULE Cars leave Bingham t 8, 9 and 11 a. m. 1 , 3. S. 7 and 9 p. m. Salt Lake City Office Semloh Hotel 107 E. 2nd South Phone Was. 1069 SCHEDULE Cars leave Salt Lake City at 7, 9 and 11 a. m. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 p. m. FARES One way .$1.50 Round Trip $2.50 I BINGHAM & GARFIELD I RAILWAY COMPANY I Through Daily Package Car Service from Salt Lake City in connection with the Union Pacific System. 1 I Semi-weekl- y iced refrigerator cars in summer and heat- - 1 I ed refrigerator cars in winter are operated for the con- - 1 1 venience of patrons receiving shipments of perishable -- I freight. I T. H. PERLEYWITS, A. W. MALY. I Asst. Cen. Freight Agent Agent I I Salt Lake City, Utah Bingham, Utah I Hall's Catarrh Medicine ThoM who are In a "run down" condi-tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much nor thaaj when they ara In food health. Thli Met prove that while Catarrh la a local dlaeaae. It I (really Influenced bjr ronatltutlofial condition. HAU'B CATARRH MEDICINE con-(1- 1 ( an Ointment which Quickly Relieve by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which aaiiata In Improving the General Health. Bold by druKRlata tor over 40 Teara. V. i. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio. I United Drug Co. I j COPPERFIELD -:- - -:- - BINGHAM, UTAH I Toilet Requisites I k of every description, in fact, you will find everything you ?t would expect to find in an up-to-da- te store Drugs, Patent Medicines, Creaws, Pastes, Powders, Brushes, Toilet Soaps, M ; Candies, Ice Cream, Soda Water, etc., etc. " , - : 3 DAINTY PERFUMES FOR WOMEN OF THE MOST f & REFINED OR MOST EXACTING TASTES PRESCRIPTIONS GAREFULLY FILLED rs-r- H -- : By an Expert Pharmacist $ to ' : p r.:.. ; We use only the highest quality of drugs, substitution is 35 ' . positively not allowed, and our system of checking and re- - ! 1st checking assures you obtaining just what your physician " tf prescribes. j j ' l ? I .. '...COPPERFIELD -:- - -:- - BINGHAM, UTAH j j J Drug Co. I I f i As Good as New If j I Repaired by Us I 1 That'i everybodys verdict I I after they've had their car j I repaired in our shops. I I Master hands do all the I work that's one of the 1 1 reasons. Then, too, we 1 use the finest replacement parts and give you a price J that's right. ii Bingham Garage ft j I Storage 1 1 Temporarily located at 1 j I Inglesby's Garage 1 Phone 88 Day and Night Service 1 Lincoln FORD Fordson J ' mmmmmmmMKijmmmmmm Broadcasting From I Station S-A-- V-E 1 There is a message which is broadcasted 1 daily in every village, town and city of E this country. It is a message on which all ? jifikXitl successful p e o p 1 e I it Vfiftf f have tuned in. It is f: dUi--j L a short message, a ; f big message, the p iks message of success. P is-s- ave first, save regularly. i- - ...sgr' - Save at this Bank 1 r BINGHAM STATE BANK Oldest Bank in Bingham Canyon BACK FROM VACATION Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Addcrley and son Charles, returned Tuesday from a ten days', trip through southern Utah. They report a most wonderful trip, with weather conditions perfect, and the car imbued with the spirit of behaving the entire time. SENATOR STANDISH AGAIN ON THE JOB Senator H. N. Standish of the health department, is again on the job after an illness lasting several weeks in which he was confined to the Bing-SOCCER GAME HERE ham Hospital most of the time. ON SATURDAY Bingham Soccer fans will be treated to a fast exhibition of England's great game at Utah Copper park Saturday afternoon when the Utah Copper team' will lock horns with the fast Viking team of the Schubach Cup league. The locals have been work-ing out each evening, determined to win tomorrow's game from the Norsemen. Alt One Labeled Poison Tears ago la the merry days of the English tavern there was a turmoil among radicals over the "poisoning" of the ale drunk by the common people. The trouble wai caused wliei some one learned that In making ale sulphuric acid, made from Spanish pyrites, was used and that this contulned arsenic. It was a tempert In a teapot, however, because It would have taken five bar-rels of ale to Tontaln enough arsenic COPPERFIELD DRUG STORE to hurt one Ind vldual. ADDS PRESCRIPTION DEPT. The United Drug Store of Copper-fiel- d has during the past week made many new improvements, the most noteworthy being the addition of a prescription department, with a reg-istered pharmacist in charge. Mr. James Jemas, manager of the drug store stated that a complete line of drugs and sundries had been in-stalled, and that the United Drug Store is now as well equipped to care for the needs of the Copperfield peo-ple as any store in the state. Perfumes, and all beauty requisites that might please milady are now in stock, with a complete line of Nya! Remedies, and a soda Fountain ser-vice second to none. |