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Show We Solicit Your fl Savings and Checking Accounts 1 The First national BanCi - Bingham Canyon I EDITH B ELAINE 3 BEAUTY PARLORS at 289 Main Street . Phone 264-M 7 ' fJMIIIIMMWWI I " " ; - v" "' " 1 1 You Are Always Welcome at Merger's -: t " The Home of the 2 I ONLY BILLIARD TABLE IN BINGHAM CANYON MAH JONGG HEADQUARTERS r l 6 POCKET BILLIARD TABLES I Where the Live Ones Meet f Hunting Season Is at Hand X YOUR HUNTING NEEDS TAKEN CARE OF AT I ' ' J ! Bogan Hardware Company HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL BINGHAM PEOPLE 1 Shafer's 1 Wilsom Cafe SHELLFISH AND OYSTERS OUR SPECIALTY 1 I WE CATER TO BANQUETS AND LARGE PARTIES 1 24 PRIVATE DINING BOOTHS 1 36 l I TIRE PATCHES THAT WEAR I When you have your in- 1 net tubes patched ee 1 that they are repaired in' M a lasting manner. , We 1 see to this if you allow us i to take care of your tire fl troubles. H Bingham Garage & I Storage I Temporarily located at I Inglcsby's Garage I Phone 88 Day and Night Service 1 Lincoln FORD Fordson 1 lu.UiUBIiU. - Taylor Garage GENERAL REPAIR WORK Sales and Service ' j 1 228 Main Street - KigHgifM frill 1111111 jnTiii lllllMMCTMMaSSMMSis1ll (,i . , j ' , . . , ' Permanent - ' j I roads are a I I good investment It not on expense j The KSgEa Coat C Post ponimg Permanent j Highway Building j;... Poor motor roads stifle industry and agriculture, waste huge sums annually ; in high maintenance costs, and greatly ; increase gasoline, tire and repair bills. There is not a state, not a county, not , a community, that isn't paying a heavy price for having too few permanent t roads. , There are still many sections of the . country even whole states that are i trying to operate twentieth century f 11 - traffic over nineteenth century roads. I This is costing millions of dollars every l 1 year, and will keep on costing millions j until we have well developed permanent f highway systems everywhere. I 1 Even what we often call the more I progressive communities are far behind - - , . the demands of modern highway traffic f with its 16,000,000 motor vehicles. From the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from Canada to Mexico, we need more Concrete roads the roads for twentieth ' century traffic t Your highway officials want to be of the greatest possible service to you. Get behind them with ways and means that will provide more Concrete roads and streets. Such an investment will pay you i big dividends year alter year. I PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION McComick Building l, f SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH I R A National Organization to Improve end Extend the Uies of Concrete 1 OMICES IN 29 CIT1II i iS jj i f ! I j .1"-? 3 & I Begin tohanltyourmoney whileyou are young. When you are young, the whole world is before you and just how much of it you conquer, rests with you. t The best start a young man can make is to wo.k hard and X REGULARLY bank a part of his earnings. It won't be long before he is "noticed" and soon the older men are relying upon him and he rapidly comes to the front. t Young Man, come in, start that bank account today-$1.00 will do it and it is up to you to keep up your deposits regularly and sue- ceed. ' - - ' We will welcome you I CENTRAL UK OF BUM We Seek More Business on Our Record Unless you ask for your bread by name you cannot blame your grocer if h tend you a loaf that doesn't suit you. There are many grades of bread In every store. The grocer hi to carry several kind because h Ls a public Kmnt, mpplrlng various grades and varieties of all food. Butter- Krust is high food value bread, containing all tne element of nutrition. It It wWesome, pure and satisfying. Get it today. Order it every day. Don't say "bread" ay 'BUTTER-KKUST- for there's a ifferwea |