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Show On two of the pages in the primer are a number of lighting fixtures such as those that are found in the home. On other pages are pictures of rooms of a home, the living room, the dining din-ing room, the kitchen, the bedroom, etc.. On the pages containing the rooms the child must paste the fixtures fix-tures that he cuts from the fixture pages. This, too, is very simple, as he is told what fixtures belong in each type of room. The main thing is to get the most attractive arrangement with the best lighting results. The next and last duty, of the contestant con-testant is to write a six hundred word essay on how to re-light his ' own home so that it will be in accordance with the principles of good lighting. This is not difficult, as by this time the child will have a good knowledge of lighting conditions and rules that he has obtained in doing the other three things. His ability to do this well depends mostly on his own ability abil-ity and care. . The work of the contestant is judg-. judg-. ed for knowledge of the lessons in the primer, as shown by the essay, knowledge cf the lessons in the primer, prim-er, as shown by the essay, knowledge of the lessons as shown by the pasting past-ing of the fixtures in the drawings I the rooms, originality of ideas and clarity of language in the essays, and thoroughness and neatness of work. In doing this work the student will learn many valuable lessons in the correct principles of home . lighting which will be of great benefit to him in conserving and protecting his eyesight. S15.000 HOME IS CONTEST PRIZE One of Many Valuable Prises in Good Lighting Campaign AH local school children ten years of age or over will nave an opportunity opportun-ity of winning very valuable prizes which are offered in the Home Lighting Light-ing Contest being conducted throughout through-out the intermountain territory by the Rocky Mountain Electrical. Cooperative Cooperat-ive League. The contest here is part of a great international contest that is being held in all. of the important cities and towns in the United States and Canada. , , The boys and girls of this city are eligible to compete for the following international prizes: First prize, $13,-000 $13,-000 model electrical home to be erected erect-ed wherever the winner chooses on lot to be provided by him; two second sec-ond prizes one boy, one girt $1,200 scholarship in American or Canadian university or college of accepted standard; stan-dard; two third prizes on boy, one girl $600 scholarship in American or Canadian university or college of accepted ac-cepted standard; two fourth' prizes, $600 scholarship in American -or Canadian Can-adian college or university of accepted accept-ed standard; two filth prizes one boy, one girl $300 scholarship in American or Canadian university or college of-accepted standard; two sixth prizes one boy, one girl $300 scholarship in American college, or university of accepted standard. The Rocky Mountain Electrical Cooperative Co-operative League will award the following fol-lowing prizes for this district: first prizes one boy, one girl $100 each; second prizes one boy, one girl $30 each; third prizes one boy, one girl $25 each; fourth prizes one boy, one girl $15 each; next eleven prizes, $10 each. In addition the electrical industry will ' award substantial local cash prizes in a number of communities in this section. The Home Lighting Contest opened open-ed on the first of October and will close on the thirty-first of October. All school children are invited tc get the Home Lighting Contest prim-1 er from the nearest offtce'of the Utah Power & Light company, or from their teachers in. school, four things must be done by the children who enter en-ter the contest, and all the rules of the contest are contained in the primer. First, they must read the lessons les-sons on home lighting that are printed print-ed in the primer, so that they will learn the principles on which the contest con-test is based. Then they are asked to visit the homes ef two of their friends and investigate the fixtures that they have. In a chart in the bad of the primer notation must be made of the fixtures in their neighbor's neigh-bor's homes as well as in their own. This is very simple, and is the easiest part of the contest. |