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Show Americans to rally to the defense of the constitution. i CONDITIONS GOOD : : AVERSJABGUSON Carl R. Marcusen, Republican State Chairman, received assurances that ' the Republican National Committee would give every assistance to the . - seate committee in its efforts to re- elect Congressman Don B. Colton and E. O. Leatherwood, as well as sweep the state for Coolidge and Dawes. In a recent long distance telephone message to National Chairman William Wil-liam Butler, State Chairman Marco-sen Marco-sen impressed upon him the excellent prospect, with proper co-operation with the national .committee, of Utah again being represented with a full Republican delegation. In Saturday's message he obtained assurance that a number of nationally known speakers and a large amount of literature will be placed at his disposal dis-posal for the next four weeks of the campaign. Every effort is being made by Chairman Marcusen to keep Senator Reed Smoot in Utah to fill a number num-ber of speaking engagements throughout through-out the state. "The Senator is regarded re-garded as an. institution in Utah," said Chairman Marcusen, "and his presence pres-ence in the state at a time when it appears there has been a coalition be- tween the LaFollette group and the Democrats, will do much to elect the entire Republican ticket. Congressman Colton, after a series of trips to various sections of the state the past two weeks, declared at State headquarters Saturday that President Coolidge would receive the largest vote ever-given a Republican candidate in Utah. Congressman Colton, Chairman Marcusen and other party leaders have been most successful in stirring up the workers to an extensive drive to get a heavy registration on the last five enrollment days, Oct. 7, 8, 14, 28 and 29. Special effort will be made to increase in-crease the registration of women. "During my conferences with party ', leaders in the various counties," said ; Congressman Colton, "I have found the sentiment' for Coolidge and , Dawes unanimous. From what I ' have gathered, indications are that ', the Republican vote for the Republi-' Republi-' can presidential candidates will be even greater than that cast for Mr. Harding during the 1920 landslide. As far as LaFollette is concerned, his attack on the constitution and the su- preme court, has turned the Utah vot-ers, vot-ers, who abhor radicalism of any sort, against him. ; Republican organization throughout the state was effected with the hold-', hold-', ing of final county conventions last week. ; At each of these conventions held . in practically every section of the ', state. Republican state candidates, I headed by Governor Charles R. Ma- bey, were in attendance. ; In speaking Deiore the county del- egates, Governor Mabey stressed the , fact that tariff protection of Utah in-; in-; dustries lay in the success of the Re-; Re-; publican party. J The governor also reviewed the ' economies effected by the present ad-p ad-p ministration and the need for all loyal |