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Show ' "rANbREvv! Tt&Gts;! Class 1925, Bingham High School v -v. : (Editor's Note The ; following theme, written by a Bingham High School student, clearly shows the efficient ef-ficient training given the pupils of this institution in English. How many high schools of the state could boast of a student with the keen forethought fore-thought as presented by Andrew Hadges of the class of 1925?) What makes a human being happy? Does Money, does Recreation or Pleasure, or does Glory, Honor or Conquest? If these make a man happy?. hap-py?. It is probable that they have acquired these things are never happy? hap-py? It is probable that the yhave had to go through many hardships to acquire the atove that makes them unhappy. Then how is it that these same great men have foretold "The raw material of which happiness is made is ignorance." Also the Bible saya that no happiness will be gotten in this world but only experience and that it is gained through suffering and that only after death happiness will really come. If a human being is never content with the environment in which he is living and wishes to change, he is never happy. And after af-ter he has spent so many years to acquire possession he feels that he is no happier than before he secured it. It seems then that pleasure is not happiness but a human desire. TWELVE PAGES LAST WEEK WE GAVE THE , READERS OF THE PRESS-BULLETIN PRESS-BULLETIN A 12-PAGE PAPER ! AND ALTHOUGH WE WERE PROUD OF IT, EVEN - WE, WITH OUR ZEALOUSNESS TO GIVE THE PEOPLE A SUPER-WEEKLY NEWSPA-' NEWSPA-' PER, FAILED TO EVEN DREAM THAT WE WOULD BE ABLE TO REPEAT AGAIN ; BUT HERE IT IS, AND AT THIS TIME WE WISH TO THANK THE MANY MERCH-, ANTS OF THIS CAMP WHO f RESPONDED SO NOBLY TO , THE CAUSE AND WHO ALONE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING THE PRESS-BULLETIN PRESS-BULLETIN "BINGHAM'S C LEADING NEWSPAPER." s |