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Show I PHONE 295 PHONE NOW READY TO CARE FOR YOUR ' HAULING , FROM LOWER BINGHAM TO COPPERFIELD AND HIGHLAND BOY We Call for and Deliver TRUNKS OR PARCELS Prices Reasonable PHONE 295 PHONE I AUTO REPAIRING i I TIRE REPAIRING I I STORAGE J Canyon Garage j i . I Markham at Main Street I I Phone 333 t r J YES ! SPECIALS, AS OUR j I ARE ALWAYS OF THE VERY BEST 1 : . CORN-FED STOCK t Good Meat Is I ECONOMICAL MEAT J That is what you get when you order Meat t I from the , 1 BINGHAM CAIN MEAT GO. I PHONE 5 " I Highland Boy Branch PHONE 205 j I You are cordially invited to inspect our new j X Market at f 460 MAIN STREET i Utah s Finest Meat Market fit Ulll M 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 M It I Ml I 1 1 M I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II M I II n' JOHN CULLETON Teacher of VIOLIN and SAXOPHONE 398 Main Street IMIffllllMIIITM Jack's Place i i X FOR i i .cww. ! 482 Main Street t Bingham Canyon, Utah ' Bingham Stage Line Bingham Depot CROY'S CAFE Main and Carr Fork Phone 41 SCHEDULE Cars leave Bingham t 8, 9 and 11 a. m. 1 , 3. S. 7 and 9 p. m. Salt Lake City Office Semloh Hotel 107 E. 2nd South Phone Was. 1069 SCHEDULE Cars leave Salt Lake City at 7, 9 and 11 a. m. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 p. m. FARES One way .$1.50 Round Trip $2.50 I BINGHAM & GARFIELD I RAILWAY COMPANY I Through Daily Package Car Service from Salt Lake City in connection with the Union Pacific System. 1 I Semi-weekly iced refrigerator cars in summer and heat- 1 I ed refrigerator cars in winter are operated for the con- 1 1 venience of patrons receiving shipments of perishable -I freight. I T. H. PERLEYWITS, A. W. MALY. I Asst. Cen. Freight Agent Agent I I Salt Lake City, Utah Bingham, Utah I Hall's Catarrh Medicine ThoM who are In a "run down" condition condi-tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much nor thaaj when they ara In food health. Thli Met prove that while Catarrh la a local dlaeaae. It I (really Influenced bjr ronatltutlofial condition. HAU'B CATARRH MEDICINE con-(11 con-(11 ( an Ointment which Quickly Relieve by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which aaiiata In Improving the General Health. Bold by druKRlata tor over 40 Teara. V. i. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio. I United Drug Co. I j COPPERFIELD -:- -:- BINGHAM, UTAH I Toilet Requisites I k of every description, in fact, you will find everything you ?t would expect to find in an up-to-date store Drugs, Patent Medicines, Creaws, Pastes, Powders, Brushes, Toilet Soaps, M ; Candies, Ice Cream, Soda Water, etc., etc. " , - : 3 DAINTY PERFUMES FOR WOMEN OF THE MOST f & REFINED OR MOST EXACTING TASTES PRESCRIPTIONS GAREFULLY FILLED rs-rH -: By an Expert Pharmacist $ to ' ... : p r.:.. ; We use only the highest quality of drugs, substitution is 35 ' . positively not allowed, and our system of checking and re- ! 1st checking assures you obtaining just what your physician " tf prescribes. j ? .. '...COPPERFIELD -:- -:- BINGHAM, UTAH j J Drug Co. I As Good as New If j I Repaired by Us I 1 That'i everybodys verdict I j I after they've had their car j 1 I repaired in our shops. I ' I Master hands do all the I 1 work that's one of the 1 l 1 reasons. Then, too, we I 1 use the finest replacement parts and give you a price j J that's right. ii Bingham Garage ft j I Storage 1 ' 1 Temporarily located at 1 j I Inglesby's Garage 1 I Phone 88 f Day and Night Service 1 Lincoln FORD Fordson J i ' mmmmmmmMKijmmmmmm Broadcasting From I Station S-A-V-E 1 There is a message which is broadcasted 1 daily in every village, town and city of E this country. It is a message on which all ? jifikXitl successful p e o p 1 e I it Vfiftf f have tuned in. It is f: dUi-j L a short message, a ; f big message, the p iks message of success. P is-save first, save regularly. i- ...sgr' - - Save at this Bank 1 r BINGHAM STATE BANK j Oldest Bank in Bingham Canyon |