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Show , ' mmv. BINGHAM PRESS P1" PAGE SEVEN Honor fnventor of Cement jT" t hi B J IN TRIBUTE) to Joseph Aipdtn. the Er-glis- atone meson who patented port-len- d cement October 21st, hall at Leeds, England, by F. W. Keller (Inset), president of the American Portland Cement Asso-ciation, during the centennial cele--,. bratlon conducted by the British cement manufacturers. It was re celved on behalf of the British Cement Makers' Federation by the Lord Mayor of Leeds and Blr Edwin Airy. Several Amer-ican manufacturers attended the celebration and presentation cere-monies. 100 years ago, the American Port-land Cement Association presented the bronze tablet shown In the accompanying Illustration. The presentation was made In the city The Press-Bulleti- n Entered as second-clas- s matter at the postoffice at Bingham Canyon, Utah, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Subscription Price, per year, in advance $2.00 Address all communications to the Press-Bulleti- n at Bingham Canyon, Utah - ( ; ' ..'-- 'i ' ... , PHIL M. GOLDWATER, Publisher v --WUR LABE is your guarantee I I EX J." That ROYAL BREAD is absolutely. ' ; - pure and clean; ; . - That tt ia made by expert bakers in a .... : modern shop; , " That it it made and handled in a tan-- r I j; - itary way ; ,;; v,, "',, .,, That it is the best food obtainable any- - where in the world. ROYAL BREAD ' . j j - The Bread that Made 1Vk Mother - Quit Baking ' food '.I w at more of it 1T - I Energetic Gasoline and Good Oil, Too I You'll get both of these at the Bingham Garage Filling Station I and lots of extra service. Then, too, the charge is right and 1 that makes it more reasonable. I Our men are expert in the matter of lubrication and choosing I the proper mixture for your car. They'll be pleased to help 1 1, I you. BINGHAM GARAGE & STORAGE 1 Temporarily Located at Inglesby's Garage r Phone 88 j 1 DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE . I I LINCOLN FORD FORDSON j WhatYouWant How You Want It When You Want It iTTT For anything in the MJI line ol printing come --U to us and we'll guar-antee you satisfactory work I at prices that are right f I J Enl gUoetkbs j I SQys I Meet Me at the 1 Copper King "BECCO" ON DRAUGHT I Bingham Canyon, Utah V2? of zsszsyi The Latest Model Family Size f WONDER, 'JUNIOR-- " I J lFIPIiEllONE , li Jllj The Best Ironer ' MESflfl white Enameled faMnl ; TMtToVallaclnmni i THE WORLD'S ironer LEADING IF YOU HurriP I I vPtZK (Regular PriceIO& B tht txclusivt Simplex future. I in addition. th new Wcmdtr "Jim-- a Absolutely without cost or obligation to lor" 8.mpl with T.bl. Top we wiu give you thjg beautiful white 1 "of fhTw.,' ; enameled porcelain table top attachment 1 n p.rticuUriy idapud to ih. houM- - S which instantly changes your Ironer into a H wii of tht imail fimiiy nd tht convenient, useful, beautiful table for kitch- - B hom- - en or laundry it's free with the Ironer un- - M0 ht open end. My! how It Ironn B t:i October 25 , wlll eiv. hour tnd noun on Irontns 1 U bttutlfully flnUhed In r.y entmel SDCCialTCTmS TitltU OCtOber HLhc.:;ii; , lowest meOdoiap while eeited on en ordlntrjr kitchen ICI'lllS CVCT I I Th'.r'wonder "Junior" Simple, turn, f OFFERED cLJ A.WEEIO tht htrdfit tttlt" of tht week into 3 nleesant occupation l Mi Don't put it otf until too late I J Come in at once and see the New Won-der "Junior" we'll be pleased to show you its many points of superiority. mmPftWER &IIGHT CO. EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERV1CB Q r " iLfc " faraMjafetg""1'''''''1'" " m.r.ifa ilf J.tfa,-- , ,n u IfTli-B- TiYintil II lilrtT'AtVjsiS Let le Cure Yeun PILES That-Qni!- 1 I can cure your Piles (Fistula, Fissure and other Diseases of H the Rectum except Cancer a ahtirt lime longer) without thloro-- 9 3 form, Kther, Knife or Hospital. Do not doubt thlj amazing truth! 1 m Send the coupon below for Free Information and Convincing Proof SI that my method of curing Rectal troubles is reasonable and should i S appeal to everyone wishing to avoid a pevcre surgical operation E g with its attendant discomforts and ffurftil dread that causes so a R many sufferers to delay seeking relief and cure. h I Hiss Cannot be Cured with Salves, I Tablets and Ointments 1 3 IIomG remedies at best can only relieve, thus delaying proper H H treatment and a permanent cure. Symptoms of Cancer and other h jg serious Rectal diseases are thus smeared over and not dittcovered R g until too late! If you are a cufferer with Rectal trouble, your S 8 condition justifies an intelligent (.pinion and proper treatment which B B you c.innot receive from any patpnt medicine or from any friend's a H advice. My experience of more than twenty years tn Crand Island H g will he of real value to you if you will only accept It PAY M il KN rj r . CURr.D! I give a life-tim- e guarantee in every case I accept for 9 M treatment, or male no charge for my services. m 9 xTZ Dt tt) the eonaUnt Irri-- '? s ifck'''"-- tatlon of tven mild cM ' i, S B) Ihetlt ncrvoua ijiim, s aj."l K s V Jm'- - S"at many trouble! re-- v' i "'"nt I g ) V Write U m today snl jt tJ in VkB'L learn tht nature of ytur 1 C I h riI7i!;;r trouble and what yon f,f JT autcauMfMatmsiis ahould d. to (.t cured. 1 OR. RICH spst GRAND ISLAND. KEBR. Free Information Coupon 444 H ricafe fend free information in regard to your i cure for Rectal Troubles to K I M 1 p (Trint Ni.me and AilJreea and Slate Whether Mr., Mre. or Miaa) B Addrfss g y j Staff S 'MWWIitMlllfciltlBW I Second Hand Cars At Bargain Prices 1 1 Ford Coupe, 1922 model I 1 Ford Touring, 1922 model I 1 Star Touring, 1923 model. I The right terms to the right people j: I BINGHAM LIVERY ANt) GARAGE I Miles Hartman, Prop. i 7 I I Carr Fork, Just Around the Corner from Main V ' ! 1 - I , JUST HOW GOOD ARE ROADS? Complaining of bad roads, rather than of bad places in roads, is much the same as complaining of the faults of people: we are too apt to pick out the "bad spots," forgetting the smoothness and quality of the major por-tions. Sometimes a broken spring of stone bruised casing helps us to remember the bad spots in the road; but this editorial is written to help us p in remembering the good places, which constitute the vast percentage of highway construction. " According to the Bureau of Public Roads of the Portland Cement As-sociation, Federal Aid Projects completed and under construction during the past eight years total in round numbers, 51,000 miles and at a cost of $371,000,000.. Of this mileage, 16,003 miles are concrete or other hard sur-faced highways, while the remainder of 35,000 miles are of gravel, sand clay or grading, including bridges. When we look at the roads from a national or state-wid- e standpoint, the isolated instances of inferior construction or lack of construction do not weigh so heavily in complaint. She may not come to breakfast from the kitchen looking like Gloria Swanson in "Bluebeard's Eighth Wife." She may not play a set of tennis like Helen K. Her "morning dress" may be the same as her "evening gown" on washdays and double-wor- k days; but don't call her "the old woman." She's your mother. For a good many years she's been smoothing out the path of life for your feet to tread. She may never have explained the Einstein theory to you or told you all about the latest drama, but her common sense has kept your fool ideas from getting you in bad more than once. Her memory's no good when it comes to recalling the boners you've pulled, but she'll tell your father you're the greatest boy on earth, bar none. She's 100 per cent each friend, adviser and fixer and 1000 per cent mother. If she is ever going to have a daughter in law as good as she is, youll have to step some, young man! in striking distance, Bryan shot wide. Grondell saved one from Mannion, at the expense of a corner. M. Gay-thwai- te took the kick, Crow missing by inches. Bingham pressed a center by Red-mond was cleaned by Mills. H. WicN der broke away, and then Wiclders, Hirst and Graham made a good run. E. Gaythwaite intercepted and part-ed to Smith. Smith cleaned. The Bingham forwards then raided the home goal for five minutes, Grondell again saving a score from Denver. E. Gaythwaite shot into Grondell's hands, Denver rushed Grondell over the line just outside the sticks. Gra-ham made a run, and Jackson cleaned. Walters kicked over his line, and Wharton headed the ball clear. God-dar- d was injured on the play and had to leave the field, but gamely return-ed after ten minutes. Mannion took a chance but his effort was a trifle too high. F. Wielders also took a chance at Goal, but again Jackson cleared. The first half ended with Bingham still pressing the home team. At the offset of the second half, Bingham again pressed the home lads but were unable to score, the God-dess of 111 Luck working overtime against the Miners. Denver and Mannion changed posi-tions in an effort to break the hoo-doo, but it was not allowed. Much time was lost at this juncture by the Ranger backs kicking the ball out of play. E. Gaythwaite beat three men to the goal, but shot wide. Play be-came more keen, and accidents were frequent among the Ranger players. Mills was hurt, and Mannion got possession, but again Grondell saved. Denver rushed Gfondell, and Gron-dell was injured. A few moments Grondell saved a score when E. Gaythwaite sent a hot shot to him. The final whistle blew with .the Bingham men still pressing.' Bingham clearly out-play- its ri-vals, but luck worked against the Utah Copper lads. Weakness of the forwards in front of the goal played a prominent part in the defeat. E. Gaythwaite played a stellar game. Although Mannion played great ball throughout, he was not up to his usual standard, owing to an in-jury received in the early part, of the game. Smith and Whitton were safe backs, and with Bingham pressing most of the time, Jackson, at goal, had very little to do. Grondell' played a great game at goal for the Rangers, but was rather lucky on several occasions. Mills and Andrews played finb ball throughout the game. Following is the line-u- p of the two teams. Rangers Utah Copper. Grondell ... . g ........... Jackson Mills . rb ....... Wharton Andrews (C) ....... lb Smith Burtoff rhb T. Gaythwaite Firth . chb Mannion Bert. Alvey lhb Walters A. Coddard ol .. M. Gaythwaite F. Wielders . it .... Bryan H. Wielders c - Denver (C) Hirst ir Crow A. Graham ...... or Redmond Referee, Stanley Poole. Linesmen, Bert Bramlcy and M. Pierce. Length of halves, forty minutes each. Goal scorer, H. Wielders. RANGERS ANNEX CLOSECONTEST Utah Copper Soccer Team loses 1 to 0 Game to Salt Lake Team, After Bitter Contest. The Rangers of Salt Lake City won a 1 to 0 soccer game from the fast Utah Copper team at Kelsey Field Saturday afternoon of last week. Taking the field without the serv-ices of Whittle, Whitton and Carr, all first string men, the Copper lads worked under a handicap from the outset, although their places were ab ly filled by M. Gaythwaite, Walters and Redmond. Denver won the toss, and Bingham pressed from the opening whistle. Bryan made a beautiful kick but the ball sailed over the bar. Mills of the Ranger team was injured at this stage of the contest, but continued on. Smith cleaned from Graham, and then Andrews returned the ball down the field, Mannion tried to head off the play but failed and the ball con-tinued on its course, bouncing past Wharton ,and then H. Wielder beat Jackson with a low shot . from six yards range .after five minutes of play. This was the only goal made throughout the entire contest. Bingham became desperate, and some clever work by M. Caythwaite and Bryan soon brought the ball with- - that in the event that the child HAD been told, he, in all probability, would never attempt to steal a ride. Thus it is seen that if all the par-ents would INSIST that their chil-dren desist from "hooking" rides on the back of cars, there would be less chance for an accident in Bingham's one narrow thoroughfare. Let the parents of the camp assist in this work, let them tell their chil-dren to keep off moving vehicles, and thus eliminate the possibility of an accident which may prove fatal, in which the drivers of the two death cars would be absolutely blameless. Joe Geisler Struck (Continued from Page 1.) would say that it is the fault of the parent. Why? Because the average child of Bingham, Canyon is a child with enough gray matter sitting under his hat to do as he is told, and the fact that the parent has never told the child to stay off the rear end o! autos and trucks, proves conclusively |