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Show Dr. Clark Young Replies to Critic Bingham, Utah, March 26, 1924. To the Editor of the Bingham News: Dear Sir: , V- " Will you kindly print the following fol-lowing paragraph in answer to an editorial which appeared in a contemporary Bingham newspaper news-paper some two issues ago? "My attention was called, a few days ago, to a lengthy editorial edi-torial in the Press Bulletin concerning con-cerning the civic loyalty of a 'certain professional man.' Believing Be-lieving myself to be that professional profes-sional man, I wish to correct a misrepresentation, the absurdity of which really should not warrant war-rant a reply. "That article would tend to make the innocent reader believe be-lieve that I had sympathized with the opposing teams of Bingham in the recent State Tournament, It was not Bingham Bing-ham I was opposing but several individuals whose kindergarten tactics were aught but repre sentative of Bingham. For mature ma-ture men to declare that every influence was being used to defeat de-feat one certain team in an amateur am-ateur tournament; City influence State influence, Church influence Referees and Tournament Officials Of-ficials influence places them, in my estimation, not as representatives represen-tatives of a community but as men blinded by influences other than that of true sportsmanship." sportsman-ship." (Signed) Clark Young |