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Show V Helen Wainwright Sure of Olympics This American mermaid, Helen r) ' I Wainwright, who broke the world's f i f : 1 J record for 300 meters at the Miami f J. j ' I f (Fla.) meet, and was on the relay team I,, ,1 j that broke four International stand- . Y , i 1 ' 4 i arUs, is almost certain to. make the ;kjti I 1 I Olympic team this year, because of fill 3 J t her ability, both as a swimmer and i 1 1 yl ,, .. lirj I fancy diver. She scored for Uncle H .?f j Sam In the previous Olympics. j "J'! This American mermaid, Helen Wainwright, who broke the world's record for 300 meters at the Miami (Fla.) meet, and was on the relay team that broke four international standards, stand-ards, is almost certain to. make the Olympic team this year, because of her ability, both as a swimmer and fancy diver. She scored for Uncle Sam In the previous Olympics. |