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Show News Notes . , From Lark : Mr. and Mrs. Elbert White attended at-tended .theatre at Salt Lake City, on Saturday evening. . lJeter Olson a prominent sheep owner of Ephriam, has been visiting vis-iting here tne past week with'his sister, Mrs. Elbert White. Miss Kuby Graves returned to her home in Sandy after spending spend-ing a week's " vacation with her sister, Mrs. Dewey Nelson. , A Mr. and Mrs. Alma Blum were Salt Lake visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hemming-sen, Hemming-sen, of South Jordan, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs! A. Hem-mingsen Hem-mingsen on Saturday, Miss Vera Nordberg of Salt Lake City was the week-end visitor vis-itor with her mother. Miss Kuby Savage will attend school in Salt Lake City. After spending three months in Coalville Mrs. vV. Overson and young son, returned to camp this week i -' , , . Mr. and Mrs. ' Dell Nell and son Kenneth, spent Monday evening ev-ening in Salt Lake visiting with Mrs. Nell's father, W. Mitten-dorf, Mitten-dorf, of Denver, Colo, who is visiting vis-iting with friends there,' Mrs. W. J. Fahrni of Salt Lake is visiting.here.for a few days-Mr. days-Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Nell were Riverton visitors Tuesday evening. even-ing. -. . -m '.. Mrs. Ernest Maun returned to her home at Salt Lake City after spending several days visiting vis-iting here with her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Tripp and daughter were the guests of Mrs. Ernest Silcox of West Jordan Jor-dan Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Webb, of Riverton, visited Mrs. " Albert Johnson Sunday. ' Eraest Arnold and Mrs. Nordberg Nord-berg motored to Salt Lake this 'week. ; " ;,' ; "v;--- A card party was given at the Club Rooms here on Tuesday evening, 500 was played and 1st prizes awarded to Mrs. Percy Penpraze and Lynn Arnold while the second prizes were given to Mrs. D A. Thomas and Alma Blum. A luncheon consisting of cakes and ice cream was served by .Mrs. Alma Blum and Mrs. George Eastman. Deputy Sheriff Dorus Thomas and Mrs. Thomas were business visitors in Salt Lake on Friday. |