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Show Chips and Shavings Around Bingham ' Jerome ' Bourgard, of Salt Lake City, was in Bingham on Thursday looking after nis business bus-iness interests here. . The plumbing shop of the J. Bogan Hardware Store has undergone un-dergone repairs and is now one of the most up-to-date shops ot its kind in the camp. ! The Mark Sett Orchestra, of the Hotel Utah dispensed dance music on Tuesday night at, the new dance hall known at "Dream Land" a large number attended and the , remark was passed "Such a beautiful number of young ladies had not been seen on a Bingham floor for many years." One of the main attractions at-tractions at these popular dances is the soft drink bar operated by A.'W. Kingsberry who .always .al-ways provides the best procurable procur-able for his patrons. John Condas, the popular and well known sheep man of Salt Lake City, was visiting friends here last Wednesday. - Theros Katex the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Katex, died on Thursday last of pneumonia pneu-monia at the family home in Copperfield. He was born at Salt Lake City on August 20, 1922. Funeral services were held from the Greek Orthodox Church at Salt Lake on Sunday afternoon with the Rev. B. Kar-ahales Kar-ahales in charge. Interment was made in Mt. Olivet Cemetery under the direction of O'Donneli Undertaking Co. General Manager S. Kellock, of the Ohio Copper Mining Co. was in Bingham on Tuesday inspecting in-specting the properties here. A three and half ton truck owned by Morrison Merrill and Co. taking a load of cement to Copperfield on. Wednesday backed back-ed in on the sidewalk in the upper up-per part of. town with the,, result re-sult the weight was too much and the truck crushed in the board side-walk, depositing the truck over on its side. Help wa3 soon gotten and the load transferred and the sidewalk repaired. ihe following men arrested on a charge of vagrancy are in the Bingham jail; Robert Mc-Cullum, Mc-Cullum, J. M. Trujilla, Joac Gul-lin, Gul-lin, Dick Leary, John Kane and J. E. Cantlyon. J. Fitzgerald was sentenced by Judge E. E. Dudley to serve thirty days in the county jail for disturbing the peace. Attorney A. C. Cole spent 3 days in the Third District Court at Salt Lake City, defending a civil case. Needless to say the case .was won by our local legal light Victor Eckman, of Salt Lake City, was a business visitor in Bingham on Wednesday. . Judge E. E. Dudley was a business visitor to Ogden on Thursday. Attorney Ray McCarty, of the Felt Building, was in camp on business Wednesday. Hartley Tyson was granted his naturlization papers at Salt Lakevn Monday and is now a full-fledged citizen. ' Peter Olsen, a popular sheepman sheep-man from San Pete County, was an interested visitor in camp on Tuesday last. The Gibson Girl3 Orchestra of Salt Lake have been engaged and will give one of their popular popu-lar dances in "Dreamland" on April 1st. This .is no fool affair and please don't entertain the thought. . |