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Show t Two pleasant ways to relieve a cough Take your choice and suit e2t'T your taste. S B or Menthol mVJK flavor. A sure relief for coughs, liV0 colds and hoarseness. Put one fy'fffip' in your mouth at bedtime. rOB Always keep a box on hand. mar SMITH BROTHERS 1 5 C0V.MPPS J" - m ijii .a m i arieianm mmn pijii ii i i iillim iiwy Now is the time The season of most delidious salads is here. Crisp and tender lettuce and other spring vegetables make this truly "salad time." To enhance the delicious flavor of either fruits or vegetables, prepare your salads with New Style Yacht Club Salad Dressing a favorite in American homes for 3; years. It it mild,rich and creamy always ready always good New Style mm salad fi DRESSING Hrrsl Write for the gy.l "Manual of Salads" I New Style Yacht Club Salad m Dressing is sold by all good " VA grocers. Order a bottle today xvaa an witc r a fr" cpy f W Yacht Club Manual of Salads. . I JUN.CUrkSL Chicago, UL J I C4$ I I II 111 cwcAsTaitk mil) Salt Lake City Firms Tm BB'urt prompt rvlrf and quirk rrturna ta Mifm BdtrtiaitnU mention th mm of Jiia pnprr. A BAIIIlr K IN ElCJtT M EKKS Writ MolCT ltrb-r Cot., 114 lt.Knt St.. S. L. " BUHINKSH COI.LKf.KS fCH.I.EC.K. School of Kffici-ncy. All Cfimm.-ciat bram-rn. Catlilntf frw. SO N. Main St.. Suit I.ke City. . f HOOKS AND SHORT BTOU1KS PAnvC Any nook you wont hy null. 0. (. I) DUVIVJ ifewrrt nook Co. 44 Mt So, Temple 80NiS snxKT MUSIC CAVfC new ami old. All kind. Sheet minif hy OUnuJ 1111U cod. Urvaky Mumr Co. 5; s M.tin (UK AM WANTED KHIP DIRKC'T Direct Crram Shlpmnt Vmf Moal Money Send m trial can Illaikman A Griffin Company, Ogden, Utah CLASS PIN'S f I ACS W lien In need. "I)nn t fornet in.' VLluJ I lilj elicikef.re.,iiriill kimUofjew tlry K 1. I.i iir Mi Jeweler. Its Mum. tilai!, "Say it With Flowers" t'ref h Cut f lowers at All Times Hobday s Flower Shop Keith I I u .or i urn Htiltf. Suit Luke J $2,5 OO in PrizesV ENTER thw International Crow-Shooting Contest. Du Pont offers $2,500 in marchan-dis marchan-dis prizes. No entrance fees. Destroy the K menace to game and crops. Write today for T booklets giving full information on the crow. l E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO.. INC Sporting Powder Divition ? WILMINGTON, DEL. MJr . I . |