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Show 7 yr- Experience as Nurse '? Causes Mrs. Flemng i to Endorse, Tanlac Practical Nurse for 16 Years Tells of Recovery Thanks to Tanlac Recommends It to Patients. 'I would never have believed any medicine on earth could help me like Tanlac did," Is the precise statement of Mrs. Cella Fleming;, 1915 Addison St., Berkeley, Calif., a practical nurse of sixteen years' experience. "In 1904 a serious operation, weakened weak-ened my system so I never saw a real well day until I took Tanlac three years ago. I never seemed to be hungry, hun-gry, my stomacb was so disordered I could scarcely retain a thing I ate, and I lost weight till I was almost a shadow. I was very anemic, and shat- -tered nerves and sleepless nights con-fibuted con-fibuted even more to my already miserable mis-erable state. . ' "Tanlac built up my appetite and digestion di-gestion wonderfully, and every single ailment went away. Then, with returning return-ing strength came a 32-pound Increase In weight, and from that day three years ago my health has been splendid. I recommend Tanlac to many of my patients, for It Is Indeed a remarkable . medicine." Tanlac Is for sale by all good druggists. drug-gists. Over 40 million bottles sold, Accept no substitutes. Take Tnnlac Vegetable Tills. |