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Show NOTICE TO WATER U8ERS. State Engineer's office, Salt Lake City. Utah. February 13, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that Charles E. Smith, whose postofllec address Is Ogden, Utah, has made application in accordance with tho requirement of of Chapter 108. Session Laws of Utari, 1905, as amended by the Session Laws of Utah, 1907, to appropriate one-tenth (1-10) of a cubic-foot per second ot water from a spring In Weber County, Utah. Said spring; Is situated at a point which lies T.00 feet north and 320 feet west of the center of Section 22, Town-ehip Town-ehip 6 north, Range 1 west, Salt Lake base and merTdian. Said water will bo diverted at the point where It Issues Is-sues from said spring and conveyed by means of a pipe line for a distance of 650 feet and there used from January Janu-ary 1 to 'December 111. Inclusive, ot each year, for domestic purposes. Tnli application is designated In the Stato Engineer's office as No. 2106. All protests against the granting of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must bo made by affidavit In duplicate and tiled in this ofllce within thirty (30) days after tho completion of the publication of this notice. CALEB TANNEK. State Engineer. Date of first publication February 27; date of completion of publication March 29, 1909. |