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Show I LAWS ENAdED-JUHKlNG EKHTH- ! SESSION OF UTAH LEGSSLATURf i Appropriation Bill Passed by Both Houses Forty Bills Already Approved by Gov '! ernor, Numerous Other Measures Awaiting Signature Famous Liquor Bill jl Hangs in Balance Along With Measures Relating to Juvenile Courts, ij Detention Homes and Adoption of Des Moines Plan ( of Municipal Government. commerce committee A substltuts for the Cannon prohibition bill. S. D. No. 15?, Seel Proving for a state conservation board find appro-prlatlng appro-prlatlng $3,000 therefor. S. B. No. 166, William Relating to the Utah Art Institute and annual prizes to be paid for paintings. S. B. No. 172. Brlnkerhoff ProTlJ-Ing ProTlJ-Ing for the appointment of a state he inspector, and for county bee inspectors, inspect-ors, and for spraying Infected bees. S. B. No. 18C, Williams Providing for the sotting apart of a portion cf tho capltol grounds for the purpose of a state armory building. S. B. No. 187. Benner X. Smith Validating certain acta of county commissioners com-missioners in counties of the flrt clans. S. B. No. 18S, Horaley Providing for the building of a wagon road over Johnson's pass, Tooelo county, and appropriating ap-propriating $1,000 for tho purpose. S. B. No. 190, Badger An act amending section 1102 of the Complied Com-plied Iaws of Utah, 1907, relating to the Balarlos, duties and expenses of the secretary of the board of health. S. B. No. 192, Badger An act requiring re-quiring the Inspection of Ice before It la offered for sale and requiring tho I Inspection of ponds before Ice Is taken ! therefrom. j S. B. No. 194. Benner X. 9mlth Aa act omen-ling sections 3533 and 3534, ! O m ii lr-ii Laws of Utah, 1907, specify-I specify-I in,- lio.v I ind shall be partltlnnod, If : r!'.jl-; providing for the sale of 1 : nin ..it 1 the appointment of referees j w' c c it h Impossible to partition .r.), 2"1 f'-r Improvements thereon. S D. No. 10C, Sevy An act author Ir.Inp: th- pvtrrnor to accept from tho United Si aft the property known as tho r.'inpultch .school. Including thd lands, buildings and fixtures rertaln-Ing rertaln-Ing to auch school, upon certain con -dltlons. S. B. No. 197, Benner X. Smith. An act to amend section 113-X2S of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907. relating re-lating to the location of pest houses, S. B. No. 198, Bonner X. Smith An act to amend section 427$ of the Conv I piled Laws of Utah, 1907, relating to the location of pest houses. S. B. No. 199, by committee on county coun-ty and municipal corporations. Is a I substitute for the parts stricken out of S. B. No. 100. Utah, 1907, relating to nominations. S. B. No. 25. Badger Making It compulsory for employment agencies to take out licenses, restricting the power of these agencies and providing for a state fee. S, B. No. 31, Sevy To amend bcc-tlon bcc-tlon 2549. Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, relating to notice to taxpayers by county treasurers; amending section sec-tion 2529. Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907. relating to the issuance of tax notices by county treasurers. S. B. No. 34. Stookey To punish certain convicts for committing assaults as-saults upon others by means of force or otherwise. S. B. No 33. Badger A bill for an act to amend section 4247 of the Com-niiPri Com-niiPri Laws of Utah, 1907, relating to Indecent exposure, exhibitions, writings, writ-ings, eic. S. B. No. 39, Badger An act authorizing author-izing the district attorney in judicial districts having a population of 75,000 or more inhabitants to appoint an assistant, as-sistant, and providing, the qualifications, qualifica-tions, salary and duty of said assistant. assist-ant. S. B. No. 45, Williams An act appropriating ap-propriating the sum of $2,000 to William Wil-liam Forsberg for injuries sustained while in the employ of the state of Utah. S. B. No. 51, Marks For the protection pro-tection of fish, game and birds; for appointing a fish and game commissioner, commis-sioner, chief deputy, chief warden, hatchery superintendents and special deputies, and prescribing their duties; to provide for fish and game licenses, and a fish and game fund; to provide for the building of fish hatcheries, and to provide penalties for violations of this act, and to repeal title 25, Revised Statutes of Utah, 1907. and all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith. S. B. No. 53, KucTiler An act to amend Bection.869 of the Complied Laws of Utah, 1907,- relating to the duties of Judges of election. S. B. No. 57, Burton An act to amend section 1S67, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, relating to apportionment and use of school fun.l.- S. U. No. 65. Badger An act amending amend-ing sections 2372 and 2380 of the Complied Com-plied Laws of Utah, 1907, providing for the acceptance by the state of Utah of certain desert lands, and providing pro-viding for contracts .for the reclamation reclama-tion of the 9ame. and validating and confirming proceedings heretofore taken ta-ken under chapter 2, title 75, Complied Laws of Utah. 1907. S. B No. C6. Badger A bill for an act amending section 1211, Compiled Laws of Utah. 1907, relating to proceedings pro-ceedings for divorce. S. B. No. 68, John T. Smith A bill for an act establishing a state library-gymnasium library-gymnasium commission, defining its powers, prescribing its duties and providing pro-viding for its maintenance. S. B No. 72, Wlson Amending section sec-tion 116 of the Compiled Laws of Utah. 1907, and creating one new Bectlon, to bo known as section 446a, providing that certain corporations shall be liable lia-ble for the killing of livestock, and specifying when and where affidavit of ownership and value shall be filed, and providing for recovery of attorney's attor-ney's fees in cap of suit. and making an appropriation therefor. S. B. No. 104, Bullen Amending sections 1854. 1855 and 1861, Complied Laws of Utah, 1907, creating a state text-book commission and providing for the .manner of solectlng text-books. S. B. No. 10G. Badger Amending soctlon 282-X7 and repealing section 282-X8 of chapter 16. Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, relating to special tax funds in cities. S. B. No. 106, Badger Amending section 1117, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, relating to the width of public and private ways. S. B. No. 109, Hulaniski Providing punishment for the removal, stealing or in any manner interfering with Journal bearings, brasses, or other parts of locomotives, tenders or railroad rail-road cars, and for bujdng or receiving such stolen property, knowing that the same had been stolen. S. B. No. 119. Benner X. Smith, by request Relating to certain agreements agree-ments declared to bo void unless in writing. S. B. No. 180, Badger Relating to filing of copy of notice of mining location lo-cation fee, and of filing of duplicate notice of mining location fee. S. B. No. 146, Marks Relating to garnishments. S. B. No. 154, Bullen Relating to high schools. S. B. No. 160, Marks Creating a state board to be known as the capltol commission, fixing tho manner of appointment ap-pointment and compensation, prescribing prescrib-ing their powers and duties, and au- thorlzing tho erection of a state capltol. cap-ltol. S. B. No. 161, Mark6 ProviJlng for the Issue and disposal of state bonds and the appropriation of the proceeds for the purpose of erecting a state capltol. S. B. No. 162, Marks Providing for the refunding of the bonds of the territory ter-ritory of Utah, of the Issue of July 2, 1892, and the disposal of the funds provided by funds for the redemption thereof. S. B. No. 1G3, Marks Providing for an election, submitting to the qualified electors of the state, a proposition to levy a one mill tax in excess of the rate of taxation otherwise fixed or 11m- 1 Ited, for all other purposes, for twenty I years, to raise funds to construct and furnish a state capltol of the state , of Utah. I S. B No. 200, Marks, by request-Creating request-Creating a commission to revise the revenue laws of the state of Utah S. B. No. 201. llYile. by request Relating Re-lating to validating certain conveyances. convey-ances. S. B. No. 202 By committee on appropriations ap-propriations Appropriation bill. S. B, No. 203, by committee on appropriations ap-propriations Relating to the collection collec-tion of historical material. S. B. No. 204. Miller Relating to tax for state purposes. S. B. No. 205, Bullen Relating to the appointment of the board of trustees trus-tees of the agricultural college. S. B. No. 206, Hulaniski An act approving, legalizing and adopting the Complied Laws of Utah. 1907. In Governor's Hands. S B. No. 26, by Bullen Amending soctlon 2427-X. comnllod laws of Utah. of carrying out the provisions of this act. S. B. No. S3, by Hyde To amend section 213, compiled laws of Utan, 1907, relating to. city offlcors. and providing pro-viding for the appointment of a mar-thai mar-thai in cities of-le63 than 12,ooy inhabitants. in-habitants. S. B. No. 87, by Williams Providing Provid-ing for the enrollment and organization organiza-tion of the militia of the state, providing pro-viding for tho Btaff of tho commander-in-chief and tho organization equipment, equip-ment, discipline, duties, pay and government gov-ernment of tho National (Juard or Utah, an providing penalties for unlawful un-lawful Interference with the member thorowlth while on duty; and providing provid-ing for military courts and .the Jurisdiction Juris-diction thereof, and. for the care and custody of government and state military mili-tary property; and providing penalties penal-ties for the unlawful use and disposition disposi-tion of the same; and repealing sections sec-tions 1124. 1425. 1426. 1427. 1428. 142J, 1430. 1431, 1432, 1433, 1431. 1435, 143b. 1137, 1438. 1429, 1440. 1441, 1442. 1443, 1144. 1445, 1446. 1417, 1448. 1449, 146', 1151, 1452, 1453. 1454. 1455. 1456. 14o7, 1158. 1459, 1460. 1461, 1462. 1463, 14M. M65-66, 14C7.1168. 1469, 1470. 1471, 1472. M73. 1474, 1475, 1476. 1477. 1478. 14J, ! 1460. 14S1. 14S2, 1483, 1484. 14S.. 14;, ! 11?7. 1488. 1489, 1490. 1491. 1192. lly.t. 1191, 14D.VX. 1494X4. 1194-Xo. or lltlo I IS, compiled laws of Utah. I'jti7. S. B. No- 88. by Scely An act creating creat-ing a compensation to provide lor in-1 ('If.play of Utah's resoiirccs it ti:--Ahiska-Yukon-Paciflc exposition at .-i-1 Mtle, Wash, In the year 100'J. to do:i:i! Its duties and powers, to make an r i propriation therefor, and repealing J sections 1. 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. 7 and 8 or cnap- I ter 124, complied laws or Utah, yuv. S. B. No. 89, by Marks Providing for police and fire departments in cities of this state of 12,000 and mora inhabitants; providing a board ot po-lce po-lce and fire commissioners for cities of the first class, defining their powers pow-ers and duties; providing for control, ind maintenance of said board in titles of tho first class, and providing powers and duties of said departments in said cities, and for the maintenance j-nd control of said departments, anl repealing chapter 12, title 13, complied I.i Y3 of Utah. 1907, and all other acts cud parts of acts In conlllct herewith. here-with. 3. B. No. 90, by Benner X. Smith An act amending section 2919 or the compiled laws of Utah, 1907, relating to parties and to actions or proceedings proceed-ings by or against Joint tenants, or tenants in common, or Joint tenant against co-tenant. S. B. No. 93. by Williams Amending Amend-ing section 1944, compiled laws ot Utah, 1907, relating to the canvass of the ballots cast at a bond election, making returns thereof, tiling statements state-ments relating thereto in the county clerk's offico, Issuing bonds and providing pro-viding a tax for interest thereon and redemption thereof, and limiting the amount of bonds that may be issued. S. B. No. 94, by Badger To amend section 206, compiled laws of Utah, 1.-07. relating to the powers of city i v Hero is a record of the bills passed by the bouso and senato during the c:ghth legislature. HOUSE BILLS. i - Approved by the Governor. H.' B. No. 2. Baker To authorize foreign corporations complying witn I the laws of Utah to exercise tho power ! of eminent domain the same of do- i loestlc corporations. 1 H. B. No. 18. Archibald Provld- ' ing for the better protection of em-!' em-!' . r-'oyes an5 for preventing superlntcn- ii dents, foremen, assistants, bosses, or ;; r.ny other person, from receiving or i soliciting any sum of money or other i'i . valuablo consideration for. or on ac- count of, employing or continuing to (I employ any person, or promising or ; agreeing so to do, and providing penal-') penal-') ties for violations of this act. This ' bill provides for a fine or $100 to SI,-;l SI,-;l iOOQ and' a Jail imprisonment of thirty j . days to ono. year, at discretion cl I court. H. B. No. 27. Thompson Providing for the establishment of an cnglneer-i cnglneer-i in? experiment station in connection ' with the state school of mines; pro- I vlding for its organization and con-'. con-'. trol, defining Its duties and power. . and. making an appropriation there-; there-; for. H. B. No. 28. Morris Amending !j section 1870. article X. of the com- piled IawB of Utah, relating to stato aid for public schools where tho reve-!j reve-!j nues are insufficient. ;i II. B. No. 32. Russell Amendlns j! miction 1708. compiled laws, requiring ;j pawnbrokers and second-hand dealers jj to keep a record' and furnish a copy of tho same to tho sheriff. I I H. B. No. 44, -Russell To amend rectlon 4427 of the compiled statutes of Utah, 1907, relating to vagrancy, i begging, prostitution and drunken-1 drunken-1 hops. j H. B. No. 45. Russell Prohibiting f ttc carrying of dangerous and con-!l con-!l cealed weapons. i! H. B. No. 47, Judiciary committee ij Amending laws relating to the assess-t assess-t ir.ent of property. ; II. B. No. 61, ThompBonProvldlng 1 let the holding of farmers' and do-jj do-jj iiicstio science institutes and schools jl in the counties of tho state, and roll ro-ll pealing sections 2095-6-7-8, compiled laws of Utah. I II. B. No. 56. Henrle Creating a ' f tate road commission, defining its riu-' riu-' ties; also creating a system of state ronds; also creating & state road jl building fund and providing for its ox-i ox-i pendlture; also repealing chapter 4, j! title SO, 'complied laws of Utah, jj H. B. No. 66, Henrio Establishing jj a standard system of construction of ;j public roads In the state of Utah and l; the various counties thereof, j! H. B. No. 67, Henrle Defining the , powers of county commissioners as to roads; appointing county road coru-. coru-. missloner, defining his duties, provld-1 provld-1 . log an annual road pell tax, specifying who shall be liable and manner or collecting col-lecting and expending the same, and repealing chapter 2, title 30, compiled laws of Utah, 1907; also title 64, com-. com-. piled laws of Utah. 1907. H. B. No, 71, Fuller To create the state board of dental examiners, regu-lota regu-lota and define the practice of dentistry, dentis-try, providing penalties thereror, and to repeal sections of law in conflict therewith. i: H- B. No. 74, by William McMlllm jj Extending the time for complying jj with the provisions of title 82. corapll-I corapll-I cd laws of Utah, 1907, relating to townsltes. , c ' H. B. No. 80, Wootton Amending com p Hod laws, relating to tho name of the state normal school, its rela-j rela-j tiop. to tho university, courses ot study, normal scholarships, certltlcates anl diplomas. I H. B. No. 83. by McCracken Am-I Am-I ending section 3114 complied laws ot , Utah, 1907, relating to privileged cora-jj cora-jj mnnlcatlons and the rights of wit- j H. B. No. 84, by McCracken Am-, Am-, ending section 6014 compiled laws ot ij Utah, 1907, relative to competency or ! husband or wife to testiry In certain j . cases. i H- B. No. 91, by Dyreng Amending I section 999 compiled laws or Utah, ! 1907, entitled ' "Jurors in Justices I courts. Per diem and mileage." H. B. No. 92. by Wootton Amend- ing section 1795 compiled laws or Utah, 1907, rol siting to the requlre- ments of certificates of teachers, j H. B. No. 93, by Wootton Amend-I Amend-I Ing section 1S15 compiled laws or Utah. 1907. relating to school Tunds ! nnd providing for school libraries. H. B. No. 98. by Committeo on State Mental- Hospital Amending soctlon 2154 compiled laws of Utah, enlarging the objects of the state mental hos-idtal, hos-idtal, permitting the state to care tor feeble-minded and non-Insane epileptics epilep-tics and providing for adml&slon thereof there-of as well as the regularly Insane. (This is a substitute tor H. B. No. 47.) 11. B. No. 99. by Bower Creating a state horticultural commission, providing pro-viding for the publication and distribution distri-bution of Its reports, for tho appointment appoint-ment of a state horticultural inspector, inspec-tor, the examination and appointment of county inspector, and defining their duties; the duties of common carriers, orchardl6ts and nurserymen, dellnin? n misdemeanor and providing a penalty pen-alty therefor, making an appropriation appropria-tion for carrying out the provisions ot this act ami repealing title 24, com piled laws of Utah, 1907, relating to horticulture. H. B. 122, Fuller Amending section sec-tion 1369, complied laws of Utah, 1907, relating to the levying of taxes for tho establishment and maintenance ot a free public library and gymnasium In cities of tho third class and In towne. H. B. No. 123. Baker Amending section 2050, compiled laws or Utah, 1907, and fixing the salary of the clerk of tho supreme court, the adjutant general and assistant adjutant gen- Icral and the state bank examiner. H. B. No. 123. Morris Creating a board of commissioners of Indian war records, prescribing its duties ana compensation, and appropriating the um of $5,000 for the compensation Mid expenses of the members thereof. there-of. IT. B. No. 142, by Ashton Authorizing Authoriz-ing county commissioners or certain counties and city councils of certain cities to appropriate moneys ror the purpose of aiding In the entertainment of merabors of the Grand Army of tho Kepubllc at its annual encampment for tSe year 1909. H. B. No. 159, by ' McCracken To amend section 323 of the compiled laws of Utah, ( 1907, relating to the vlnding up of the affairs of corporations corpora-tions whose franchises have expired. H. B, No. 176, by Committee on Manufactures and Commerce Prohibiting Pro-hibiting the unauthorized use of the rame or picture of any public Institute in this state, or of any public officer or privato person for the purpose ot ndvertlslng. , H. B. No. 206. Hodges Authorizing the diversion of the sheep inspection fund to the fund for the extermination extermina-tion of wild animals. H. B. No. 210, sub. ror H. B 205, 4310. compiled laws of Utah. 1907, in relation to disturbing the peace. In Governor's Hands. H. B. No". 22, Ashton Amending the law relating to juvenile courts, the title, term of office, duties, appointment appoint-ment and compensation of the Judge thereof and other oiflcers connected therewith; providing for a juvenilo court commission and specifying its duties and the duties of its secretary, defining the Jurisdiction of district courts in certain districts, prescribing the powers, rights, proceedings and practice of juvenile courts, and providing pro-viding for the manintenance thereof; providing for appeals, for disposing of fines, and- repealing all acts, or parts of acts. Inconsistent herewith. H. B. No. 24, Ashton Amending the law relating to the establishment and maintenance of detention schools, for the care and custody and education educa-tion of dependent or delinquent children chil-dren 18 years of ago or under. H. B. No. 25, A9hton Amending the law relating to the methods for the protection, disposition and supervision of dependent, neglected and 111-tre.ited children and to prescribe the punishment punish-ment for such persons as are responsible responsi-ble for the care of a child and repealing repeal-ing all acts or parts of acts Inconsistent Inconsist-ent herewith H. B. No. 39, Holman Relating to the publishing of fallacious, erroneous, and libelous items in newspapers, magazines, periodicals and making all persons '"who wilfully and deliberately furnish such Information guilty of a misdemeanor and liable to fine or Imprisonment. Im-prisonment. . H. B. No. 43, William McMIUIn Amending section 4233. rrvlsp.l statutes stat-utes of Utah, 1907, prohibiting noisy and other amusements on Sunday and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. H. B. No 4S, Pope Relating to Irrigation Ir-rigation districts. This Is a substitute substi-tute for H. B. No. 16. H. B. No. 5S, Henrio Defining the powers of county commissioners relative rel-ative to special road district tax for the construction of gravel, macadam and paved walks. H. B. No. 65, McCracken Authorizing Author-izing the University of Utah to erect a central building, at a cost not execed- ing $260,000, and appropriating the necessary money for that purpose, and authorizing partial conversion of the University pf Utah permanent land fund Into cash, loan thereof and method meth-od of repaying the tame. H. B. No. 81, Russell Amending section 4251, Compiled Law6 of Utah, 1907, relating to owning or renting buildings, keeping, residing in or resorting re-sorting to houses of ill fame. H. B. No. 82, Porter Creating the offices of state veterinary surgeon and livestock Inspectors, prescribing their duties and fixing their compensation, and making regulations for the prevention pre-vention of the spread of contagious diseases among certain livestock. II. B. No. 133, Dyren Defining and classifying transient stock and providing pro-viding for the assessment, collection and distribution of taxes on the same; providing penalties for violation of its provisions and repealing section 25.J7 to 2542. both inclusive, and 2542-X to 254G-X, Compiled Laws of Utah. H. B. No. 140, Cannon Tho Dea Moines bill. H- B. No. 157, Pope, by request Providing for hydrographlc surveys and co-operation with tho United States government. II. B. No. 161, Henrle Creating a state bounty fund, providing for a tax' on certain livestock; providing for tho destruction of certain wild animals ani-mals and repealing chapter 1, title 9, Compiled LawB of Utah, 1907. H. B. No. 162. Barrette Prohibiting tho use of bridges or trestles upon any railroad in this state more than thirty feet in height, II. B. No. 167, Thornley Providing for the registration and numbering ot motor vehicles and chauffeurs and their use of the public highways and imposing the penalties for the violation viola-tion of its provisions. II. B. No. 177, Hansen Providing for the organization and regulation of county Insurance companies to insure against loss by fire and lightning. H. B. No. 1S2, Thompson Amending Amend-ing soctlon 9C5. Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, fixing tho fees to bo charged by the secretary of state. H. B. No. 20S, McRae Amending section 1337, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, relating to the period of employment employ-ment of men working in mines and smelters. H. B. No. 220, Russell Providing for the employment of citizens on public pub-lic works. H. B. No. 222, by the Judiciary committee com-mittee To amend section 511, Compiled Com-piled Laws of Utah of 1907. H. B. No. 231, by committee on deaf and blind To create the Utah commission com-mission for the hllnd, and prescribing the powers and duties thereof, and making an appropriation to be expended expend-ed by the said board for the objects and purposes for which the same Is created. SENATE BILLS. Approved by the Governor. S. B. No. 1. Williams To provide for the regular and contingent expenses ex-penses for the eighth legislative session ses-sion and appropriating the sum of ?35,O00, or such portion of the same as may be necessary. S. B No. 2, Badger To amend section sec-tion 1145 of the Compiled Laws of Utah of the session of 1907 as to legal holidays and providing that Feb. 12, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, bo declared a legal holiday; also declaring declar-ing the following to be legal holidays In the state of Utah: All Sundays la the year; the first day of January, Feb. 22, known as Washington's birthday; birth-day; July 4, known as Independence day; July 21, known as Pioneer day; tho first 'Monday In September, Labor day, and all days set apart as holidays holi-days by the president of the United StateB or by the governor of the state of Utah. S. B. No. 4. Kuchler An act to appropriate ap-propriate the sum of $2,500 to Margaret Mar-garet Clark, on account of tho death of her husband, Seymour L. Clark, while engaged in his duties ns a peace onicr of the state of Utah and a deputy dep-uty sheriff of Weber countv. S. B. No. 5, Badsrer A bill for an act defining the crime of Indecent ns- sault. and providing for punishment therefor. S. B. No. C. Badger A bill for an act to prevent the use of the name, portrait or picture of any person for the purposes of trade. S. B. No. 7, Badger A bill for an act to amend section 4734 of the Complied Com-plied Laws of Utah. 1907. that an Information In-formation or Indictment must charge but one offense, with "certain enumerated enumer-ated exceptions. S. B No. 10, Marks A bill for an act to amend section 2010-X of tho Compiled Laws of Utah, relating to salaries of certain state ofllcers. S. B. No. 13, Mlllor Amending section sec-tion 1113, Revised Statutes, to designate desig-nate tho officer who shall attend the annual convention of the health officers offi-cers of the state. S. B- No. 17. Benner X. Smith Providing Pro-viding for furnishing tho governor's office and making an appropriation therefor. S. B. No. 19. John Y. Smith Amending Amend-ing section 309 of tho Compiled Laws of Utah. 1907, providing the manner of submitting to the qualified electors elect-ors of cities or towns the question of incurring a bonded Indebtedness, and when and to what amount such bonds may be issued. S. B. No. 21, Benner X. Smith To punish life convicts for committing assaults as-saults upon others by means of fore? or otherwise. S. B. No. 22, Badger To amend section sec-tion 825 or the Complied Laws of Utah, 1907, relating to nominations. S. B. No. 23, Badger To amend section 822 of the Compiled laws of the stato of Utah, 1907, rvlatlug to nominations. S. B. No. 21, Badger To amend I section 803 of the Compiled Laws of S. B. No. 73. Hulaniski Making an appropriation for the reception and entertainment of the Grand Army of the Republic at its forty third encampment, encamp-ment, and providing for n commission to expend the money appropriated for the said purpose $33,000. S. B. No. 76, Benner X. Smith For the protection of persons furnishing labor and materiel for the construction or repair of public buildings and public pub-lic works S. B No. 83. Bullen An act amending amend-ing section 1823. Compiled Laws of Utah. 1907, providing for school sites and buildings. S. B. No. 86, Hyde Directing the state board of land commissioners to sink certain wells. S. B. No. 92, Stookey An act providing pro-viding for archaeological and historical histori-cal exploration and Investigation In connection with the Unversity of Utah, 1907. creating a bureau of statistics. S. B. No. 33, by Stookey To prohibit pro-hibit the taking of any narcotics, weapons weap-ons or explosives Into the state prison, pris-on, or any Jail or reformatory within the state of Utah, or on the grounds , of any such Institution. S. B. No. 61. by Benner X. Smith An act providing for an Insurance de- I partment. enacting an Insurance code and regulating insurance companies ! and their business, and fixing certain ' fees to be charged and collected by the commissioner of Insurance, and repealing sections 403, 404. 405, 10H. 407, 408. 409. 410, 411, 412. 413. 411,1 413. 416. 417. 418, 419. 420. 421, Ml. 422-X. 422-XI. and 122 X2 of the corn-riled corn-riled laws of Utah, 1907. relating to ! and regulating insurance companies and their business. S. B. No. 63. by Badger A bill tor an act amending section 1208. compil- counclls. S. B No. 100. by Benner X. Smith-Proposing Smith-Proposing the adoption or the D?s Moines plan of city government ror cities of the first class. I S. B. No. 107, Badger Amending sections 266. 267, 258. 259, 261 and 277, and repealing 272. chapter 14, Compiled Com-piled Iaws of Utah, 1907, relating to special taxes. S. B No. 117, Benner X. Smith Relating Re-lating to the state board of pharmacy, the appointment, terms, qualification, compensation and duties of the members, mem-bers, the registration of pharmacists and assistant pharmacists, and prohibiting pro-hibiting the sale of poisons to cor-taln cor-taln persons, and regulating the pale of poisons and providing penalties therefor. S. B. No. 124, Stookey Providing a permanent fund for the general maintenance main-tenance of the University of Utah, In- eluding tho liranch Normal scnooi ana the Agricultural college of Utah, 1 S. B. No. 126 A lost number omitted omit-ted from the files. S. B. No. 129. Badger Relating to fees of county officers. S. B. No. 138. .Benner X. Smith Relating Re-lating to the dismissal of actions and Judgments of non-suit. j S. B. No. 141, John Y. Smith Declaring De-claring the use of the waters of thli state for beneficial purposes to bo a public use, and providing for the exchange ex-change of waters. S. B No. 142, Marks Preventing tho use of detective devices for testing the quality and value of milk, cream, butter or cheese, and providing a pon-alty pon-alty for the violation of this act ed laws of Utah, 1907, relating to dl-orce dl-orce proceedings and the grounds ol divorce. 1 3. D. No. 71. by Badger, ror an interlocutory in-terlocutory and a final decree In dl-orce dl-orce actions and prohibiting the marriage mar-riage of divorced persons within the period allowed for an appeal, and pn-vlding pn-vlding for changes In decrees, and amending sections 1184 and 1212, complied com-plied laws of Utah, 1907. S. B. No. 74, by Bullen To amend section 2321 and 2321. compiled laws of Utah, 1907, providing ror a Btate board of land commissioners. S. B. No. 79, by Williams Creating a state armory board, and constituting constitut-ing it a body corporate, under the came of "state armory board," denning denn-ing its powers and duties, malong a certain appropriation, for Us use, authorizing au-thorizing It to erect a state arsenal S. B. No. 143 Ist number, not upon the flies. S. B. No. 144, Wilson Providing for the manner of annexing that port of the territory of one or more counties to an adjoining county, and of creating creat-ing new counties out of existing counties. coun-ties. S. B. No. 145, Hulaniski, by request Validating articles of Incorporation, which have been flld in wroug county. S. B. No. 147, Burton Relating to the boundary lines of Salt Lake county. S. B. No. 14S, by manufactures and and armory in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county, and to exercise the right of eminent domain, and authorizing tho board of state land commlsslou-e-s to loan said armory board runds for said purpose, and repealing sections sec-tions 1194-X, H94-XI and 1494 X2, compiled com-piled laws of Utah, 1907. S. B. No. 80, by Williams Creating a sdate dairy and food bureau. deOn-In? deOn-In? Its powers and duties and making mak-ing an appropriation for tho purpovs |