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Show J NOTICE TO W ATE ft USERS. State Engineer's offico. Salt Lake City, Utah. February' 2J. 1909. ; Notice is horoby given that Chester j E. Coulter, whose postoffice address j is Ogden. Utah, has made appllcatloa In accordance with the requiremenU of Chapter 108, Session Laws of Utah. j 1905, as amended by the Session L&wi J of Utah. 1807. to appropriate two (2) j cubic feet per second of water from springs In Weber County, Utah. Sail springs are situated at a point vihlch J bears north 79 degrees 14 mlnut-?3 cast 1.900 feet distant from the southwest i corner of Section 34, Township 6 north, Range 1 west, Salt Lake base and meridian. Said water will bo diverted J at the point where it Issues rrom mid spring, collected and conveyed t.T . means of a channol for a distance) oi -about 3.000 feet and there useJ from j April 1 to November 1, inclusive, of j each year, to irrigate 120 acre ot land embraced in Section 33. Township Town-ship 6 north. Range 1 west. Salt Lako base and meridian. As much water as may be necessary will bo used during dur-ing the entire year for domestic purposes pur-poses This application Is design' in tho State Engineer's office as So. 2102. All protents against the granting oi ; raid application, stating the reasons therefor, must be made by affidavit W duplicate and filed in this offlc? in thirty (30) days after tbe complex ion of the publication of this notice. CALEB TANNER. State Engineer. Date of first publication February 27; date of completion of publication March 29. 1909. I |