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Show OUTLINE BIRDS' I RESTING PLAGE A. T. Hestmark and Government Govern-ment Representatives Report to Local Association That the Hear River resting plaOS for mi(rrutor birds will soon become a reality under state and government I CO-OperSLtlon, was the substance of a (report made by A. T. Hestmark and I governmc-nt representatives to the Weber County Fish and Game Protective Protec-tive association. Mr. Hestmark re-I re-I pot ted that Governor Mabey is In-itensely In-itensely Interested in the plan for the sett itur .I'l-lo .t' the Kruund and is preparing pre-paring leclsl.itlon to bo presented to j the present session of the Utah legislature. legis-lature. The government representatives were II. s. stone and Qeorge B, Hoi- man. of the C S. department of biologies bio-logies I xurvcy. Botb representatives went over maps and plans of the ground In detail and announced that the government would lend Its support I to the movement. I Committees for the year to act for the local association were named at the meeting at which representatives from eleven out of fourteen game protective pro-tective associations of the state were present. The committees follow: Fish nnd Game propagation committee com-mittee J. O. Read. A. E. Wilson. Oscar Os-car Couch, Prank Grundy. William Richardson, R. M. Jones. N. J. Mlnton, Herbert Rrewertcm. V C. Iver.son. Auditing committee Cj F. Gllmore, Sam Jost. Jr . and Adam F.irber. , Membership committee J. F. Matt-son, Matt-son, chairman. Advisory committee Sam C. Powell,1 R. H. Baumunk, F. W. Brewer, C. E. ' Carlisle, I. N Fulton, ( J LlndquLst, Fred Maddock, Dr. (. W. Baker. How-; ard Goddard. F. S. Karnster, J. F. I Mattsor.. T R. ('Connelly, Fred Wilson. Wil-son. J McKay. F. M. Thomas William Mather. H. H. Wardley. and P. J. Anderson. An-derson. Publicity committee A. E. nrewer-ton nrewer-ton and C. F. Gllmore. Winners of lost year's prizes in the' fish contest will be announced and prizes distributed at the next meeting to bo held March 11, oo |