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Show OLD ElOlOIL I STOCKJJSTED I Mining Exchange Widens List As Drilling in Utah , Salt Lake Stock ft Mining exchangs tramactlcns were comparatively oulet H during today's session H Tlntlc Standard sold from $3,35 to 3.40 1 an In hundred shure lots. Columbus gllgafgl R. xall moved up to 36o. H Old Emory Oil company was called H for the first tlmo today, 1000 shares H changing hands at 20c This Is the B company that has recently shipped a rig Into the San Rafael district and, it la ex- 888888881 1 . ted, will bo the first company to put BBBBBBBBBl aown a holn on the swelL H (.Quotations furnished over private wlra of J. A Hoole & Co , Eccles Bldg.) ... Bid Ask g)gB a va Con $ 01'4 $ 01 a ? ' ln Lgggsl Am.-rlcan T on. . u" (1114 8888888881 Al'.a Tunnel ;o6i '07 8BBBBBBb1 ntVmiP0pPftr 0li Lggal '! 1,1,1 02 vi .04 ijbbbbbbbI Big Cottonwood . ... 0314 o:i4 8888888881 Bullion 0r,iJ -07 gggggaTJ Black Metals . . . 0"L n" gtggtl Columbus RexaU .35 .36H 8BBBBBBH Crown Point 024 .03H gggggga Colorado Con 03 "fiii.. I 'I Central Eureka 01 ti 02C aBgtl Cardiff 1.10 1 20 gggggsi Dragon Con oo1- 8888888H Daly YVest ;, .5 4 0! " BBBBBBBB East fown Point 02 O'1- sggggl East Tlntlo Coal on; 1 aTgH East Tin Con ,ox .08Vi IJSSSSSI Eureka Mines 06 OS BBBBBBBB Eureka Lllv 07 '4 07J sBgal Eureka Bullion .11 i" PaTaffffl Emma Silver 02 (,"' LggS Empire Mines "04 g)fl Cold Chain " 04 " 10 gaH tlrand Central ijjtt 4;, 1 Howell o5Vi .11 BBBBBBBH Iron King x8 .20 1 ggggtfl Keystone 65 70 igggggag '-'oriora . ot ,. , I Lehl Tlntlc 06 .06 gggggfl !v Day oi 01 V. gggggfl Mi.'i.r inn xj' Mammoth 23 35 ' Moscow .01 .oi; bbbbbbbbI Michigan-Utah 00Vi .014 f I North Standard 0.7 3 .07'T 88888881 New Qulncy 03 04 g)S Nalldrlver 40 .H Plutus ,.. 25 .26'tt gggggtl Prince Con 31 32 i Jl Provo 06 .07 j j LH la I-;,, a 01 .,,,!.. Rico Argentine .004 01 888888881 Rico YY'ellington 06 .15 H Sells 04 .05 1 888888881 Sll. King Coal 1.8.7 1.90 8BBBBBBb1 Sil. King Con 1.,. a 1 Sioux Con 02 South Heela 60 SO . 888888881 South Standard 15 .17 Sliver Shield igifc ,19V- ggggga Tar Baby 02 .03 BBBBBBBBI Tlntlc Central 01V4 014 gVTgVTgVTgS Tint M Standard 8.37 3.40 Utah Cons 01 .01 Undo Sam 0014 02 Victor , 05 ri ll.! ' ggggfl YV.st Toledo 04 .04 '3 8BBBBBH YN alker 2 32 3 8T Wood lawn ..'.. 07 ot Y'ankee 04 ,ga"4"4"4"J Zuma O6V4 ,07'4 I PiOChS Bristol 03 .03 iH Mon7.onitc 01 .Ol j Opcnlna ales. Alta Con 1000 at l4c. JaVaVaVaVJ Antelope Star K,oo at 3'4c; 2000 at 3c. BBBBBBfl Albion 500 at 14c. Big Cottonwood Coal 1000 at 3c Columbus Rl vail 2100 at T4c; 1100 ai 33c; 100 at 34c. Eureka Mines 100 at 74c. Eureka Bullion 1000 at HVic Lehl TlntlC 1500 at C. Leonora 9000 at lc Moscow 1000 at c. Michigan-Utah C000 at lo. North Standard 7000 at 7V&C. YI Old Emory 1000 at 30C gaH Paolma 1000 at lc iH South Standard 500 at 19c. Stiver King Coal. 1600 at $1.87. South Hecia 100 at 67c; 300 at 66c. g)H Tar Babv 1000 at 24c. gafgH Tlntlc Standard 100 at $3.35. 100 at ggggfl 17. Whirlwind 200 at lc. Closing S.iles. pH American c .n Copper lono at 2V4c. Bullion 1000 at 6c; lnOo at 6c; 100 at 8888881 iH Columbus Rexnll 2200 at 35c: 100 at ss)iH M IJBBBB Lehl Tlntlc 1000 at 6c. gaH Silver Shield 600 at 20c; 30Q0 at 19c Tlntlc Standard 100 at $3.40; 100 at TJBBBBH 13.37. : Uncle Sam 500 at lc. JafH YY'oodlawn 1000 at 7c. iH I locho Bristol 2000 at 5c. uj)H Monzonlto 1000 at 10. fgaV LOCAL SECURITIES. Bid Ask 1 Amal Sugar $ 9G.50 $ : 00 do common 9-00 jj m Reetgrowers Sugar 4.10 ' Cunnlson Y'alley 5.00 ' i fb.tm, Fire of Utah 3S0.00 , Pon Motor Co 2.00 2.50 People's Sugar 4.10 Utah-Idaho Sugar 5.45 6.60 West Cache Sugar 90 00 piBBBtal Z. C. M. 1 127.00 CHICAGO GRAIN. CHICAGO. Feb. 15 Weakness .level-oped .level-oped In the wheat market today, owing largely to a disposition on the' part of I buyers to go slow in the absence of any 1 PffafgV new factor of a bullish character. It was 1 contended that recent sharp advances bad discounted known conditions for at least the time being Some hedging sales of the March delivery were noted, Opening prices, whl.-h varied from un- changed figures to lc lower, with March J6666)i $1.69- to 1.70 and Mav 51.68 to 1.59. gH were followed bv a slight rally, hut then gl by downturns nil around. Corn descended with wheat, although export demand for corn remained cvl-dent. cvl-dent. After opening unchanged to Vic lower, with May 70 to 70c. the mar- ket worked Irregularly lo'er. H Oaks were governed chiefly by the ac-tlon ac-tlon of other cereals, starting unchanged L4H to c higher, May 46 to tslsA and then undergoing a general sag Higher quotations on hogs strength- g) ened provisions. Subsequently, fresh attention was given t oihe wheat crop outlook, especially as viewed by field experts representing big firms here. Sharp upturns followed. Green hugs were reported In Kansas and actual damage from them In Texas. The market closed strong, 4l-i to iJc net higher, with March $1 75 to 1 70 L and BBBBBBBl Mav $1 1 J-V-V-VJ Later corn nulckly advanced when wli.at went upgrade. The close was 'Hong. to 2-c net higher, with Mav gggggl |