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Show 'PETE DEFENSE j PLEA RjEVEJILEB Woman Swears She Saw Denton Den-ton in Arizona Lonrj After Supposed Murcier LOS ANGELES. Feb. 16. Content of flvo affidHVlts Hiibmltted to the court In b'half of an application for iv new trial for Mrs. Isouls? L. Pecte. convicted nf the murder of Jacob harlcs Inton, were made public I Monday by W. T. Agsoler, aetltlg pub-llc pub-llc defender. In one affldnvlt. Mr. Nona B. Wallace Wal-lace of Tnt; Beach .swore she met a man in Kingman. Ariz . September 11 llast. who told her hl name wjls Denton, Den-ton, and that bho recently Identified a plctiir of tho man alleged to have been murdered a her acquaintance of .that occasion. Tho prosecution de-'clar"'l de-'clar"'l Denton was killed June 2 last. I Twn other affiants declared they 'had seen the "Spanlah woman," frequently fre-quently mentioned in the case, but de-flared de-flared by the projecutlon to be a1 myth. The remaining affidavits con-1 taln'd Htalcmcnts that the body found did not resemble Denton In several chn rxr terlstlcB. W. J. Ford, n local attorney, an-nouncei an-nouncei he had been retained as coun-,ael coun-,ael for Mrs. lJeete and would appear I with Mr Aggoler Wadnaaday when' Itho application for a new trial Is1 I scheduled to bo heard. OO |