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Show BILLIONS ARE TO BE PAID How are the payment! of repara lionr to be made by Germany? Thai question has been asked. t'.erniany Is to pay two annuities of 2,000,000,000 guld marks each from May I, 1921, to May 1, 1923: three annuities of 3.000,-000,000 3.000,-000,000 sold mark each from Mav 1. 10 Lfl Mav J. HUti. three annuities of -l.'o.o ,000 mM marks each from M.iy 1, ItJjk. to Mav 1. thiee an nuitiea of 5,$00,000,000 xold marks each I rotu May 1. 19L'9. to Mav 1 1932. and thirty one annuities of i. 000. 011 0 gold marks inch from May lj 192. to May 1. 198:1. The-, sums are payable aeml annualh In iadditton. Germany will have to pa fort -one annuitie- running from May 1, 1921. equal in amount to 12 per cent ad valorem of German exports, pav-.,li pav-.,li in sold ivao months after the eloae of each half vear. 1-or toitv one vears Gennaii) ia to be tied to the tread wheel of servitude. servi-tude. A totsl of f 1ft five bjllion dol lars gold must be paid. This must remind the Prussians of lv?3 when they exacted one billion dollars from France, and Bisman k said he had fixed a sum . sufflclentK larse to bleed France while. Troops were quartered on the French until 'he nlre amount pa ! Md'Mi i, the surprise of the coldblooded states men of the newlv organixed German empire, the French peasants were able to contribute the enure billion dollar of obligation within a few month. oo' |