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Show 15 NEW BILLS BEFORE HOUSE Lawmakers Take Time for Measures Despite Cigaret Bill Debate SALT hAKE, Kab. IS. The com- mlttee report on the Southwlck :nti-i :nti-i cigaret bill yesterday precipitated ! debate in the house which lasted un-' un-' til o'i'loek lrurt evening nnd gave no ; Indb-atlon of ending until lnte today. The bill will nguin be continued to . day unfinished business with the fight focused on ths amendment of Set gmiller to nccept the report of minority mi-nority of the committee on mau ifJSC-' ifJSC-' ires and commerce. I .-. M DILI ! Although hours were given over to j the Southwlck measure yesterday, the house found time for the Introduction i of fifteen new bills, disposed of n i- j tnerotis oounnunleatlons from the senate and heard the reports of stand ; Ing committees on nine house and i ISl itc measures, gave them second! reading and placed them on the already al-ready lengthy third reading calcn- d i ' "f the eight committee reports on hills only one measure had an unfavorable un-favorable repOft, thrt of Mrs. lavis. Which would make the slate board of education the Juvenile court oomtnls- I slot) of the stiite. The. purpose of each ; measure reported out is explained 1 ti , today's calendar Tour measure were signed bv the speaker. The stale board of land commls- i sloners would be authorize ,1 tO refund to S Colony Of 1?2 Jewish farmers-1 who purchased state lands in the Piute Pi-ute irrigation project approximately $11,000 If a bill Introduced by Representative Repre-sentative Jorgensen yesterday passes both houses and Is signed by the governor gov-ernor The sale of the land to these settlers was afterward cancelled, the hill sta'es. after the colony had cultivated cul-tivated and Improved 2700 acres of lie lands, and the lands were resold at a higher figure. The colony hail failed, but It Is asking that It be re-Imbursed re-Imbursed for the- money spent f or j Improvements. It Is provided th.tt each, or his ns-signe. shall give thel state a complete release from any further liability. The bill wan referred to th appropriations conunlttte, Represe ntative Clnwaon's bill, which would make the officer In tho na - tlonal guard designated by the gover- ' nor as properly nnd disbursing offl- I cer of the Cnited States army in Utah . the assistant adjutant general of the state, was Introduced yesterday. It was referred to the military affair-i affair-i omtnlttee. of which Its author la ! chair man. Uttering or passing of a check upon n bank In which the man who does so mav have no funds would he s! felony under a hill Introduced by Repregenta- l IV e 1 lougl i. Representative Soderberg. In House bill Xo. 134. would provide for the eonfiacatlon of concealed n-cannn.s found on persons charged with Dairying Dairy-ing cop.ee.aled weapons. Ii: l M.l I v In :i bill of sixteen pages. Itepre-sentatlve Itepre-sentatlve Finllnson would amend the existing !avH affecting drainage In the state, principally for the purpose of clarifying such statutes The m a sure Is understood to have been prepared pre-pared by the legislative comtnlfte, .,' the I'tah Drainage Iilsirlct association associa-tion which Includes about 98 per cent of the area Involved In the drainage districts organized It would provide for drainage districts appropriating water and If would strengthen the provisions relating to the collection of taxes for drainage, having s bearing on the general taxing statutes of the i state j These districts are now nearlng completion and Ihe existing laws, aaya Mi". FlnllnOon, must he amended to i provide cash with which to reimburse i the construction funds and to meci i further bond Interest payments. Tn-I Tn-I less something Is done at this sewJon , according to the Millard county representative, rep-resentative, several district mav tie, compelled to default on their bonds I The bill was referred to the committee commit-tee on Irrigation. A police pension bill of which considerable con-siderable was written Just before Mi. convening of the fourteenth lem- , lure made Its appearance In the house i yesterday. It was sponsored by the i speaker, and would provide that members mem-bers of police department in cute of 13 000 or more population would be eligible to pension after serving a ' period of twenty yeara, providing he, has also reached the age of sixty yeara The pension would be $60 a month, and would he granted upon the recommendation of the chief of J police and consent of fh city council. coun-cil. The measure went ! trie Judl-i clary committee LOWER I'HiMiN., itATj The rate for printing legal notices I would be reduced under a bill Intro j duced by Representative .McShane. j The bill affecta onlv QOUntleS having ; a population under 26.000. and it pro poses to reduce this rate from 10 , ents ii hne to 5 cents a line ir was' referred to the Judlclarv committee Representative M. Shane lso apon- I sered a bill amending the lsir special session laws relating to the power of; Juvenile courts and defining delin- j ouenls It Is House bill No 143 and pro-! : rides for changing the existing atat-l ute Which would give the )udg the Juvenile Court the option of acting a a i ommltUng magistrate, and i won;. I give the Juvenile court Judge con. -nr. ut jurisdl. tion with a Justice of the peace acting as a committing! magiat ra le. It further amends the existing statute stat-ute by providing that. Instead of send ng , Juvenile delinquent to Jail, ne may order him confined under io. k n,i keN fox a period not exceeding exceed-ing ten days t any one time in a specially provided ward for the detention de-tention of hjvenllfl delinquents, if In the Judgment of the court surh confinement con-finement will have a tendency to arrest ar-rest the wayward tendencies of the Juvenile The bill was referred to the Judlclarv committee INM K W l M,v n prcaer.taWv e lewi f ta.t county. coun-ty. In House bill No 1,4. WOUld amend exUtlng statutes relating r,, nv .-inenta .-inenta by Insurance .ompanlM do ; buaineea m I tah. The law now ffro ' vldea that no insurance company do-' l Ing huainea In this atate unless it , poaaesard of the actual amount of , capi'al or guaranty or surplus funds ! M rejuired In other statutes, which requirement is baaed upon buinaw traniwrtrrl and the bill Introduced , yeterda ould add a proviso to the effect that no water right application made to the I'nltsd states bv the com- ' peny for a a-ater right umii-r any fed-j fed-j eral reclamation project, shall he con - ! I strued to be an encumbrance n re 1 state involved. The bill was re-1 ferred to the committee on insur-1 ance and real estate. -oo . K.t'u.M of ,h'" absence of crime in Huntington. I tah. ihe jail la now, a public library. A seat in th. New Tork 8to k Exchange Ex-change recently sold for 110. 0oo |