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Show I Hi JUNIORS I SCOP M Creditable Performance of "Mary Jane's Pa" Given at Orpheum Theatre Tho Junior clou of Ogden high H chool nrored a decided bucccm lost j evening when tho play, "'"' Jan' j I Pa," wna presented Bt the ornheum, theatre under the direction of XJIsa Vara Hosaenpflug. Expecting only Another amateur production, many In Hl the audience were prepared to make allowances. "They're dear to ui and Hl we"i; boost for 'em. anyhow," was Hj the unspoken thought. But o-i pre- dented lnt evening no allowances I i . ed he made, the play was declared Hj ' lby many to he up to the standard o(- . fhe bent road shows With Just the1 right staging and costuming th Hj I -tlon was carried forward without hesi- 1 tuncy to the surprlng conclusion. CA9T PU IS1 rc Hfl ; ' Miaa Sherma Hendershot as Portia i T'erklne. manager of the I'erklns j home and the fiosport we.-kly paper, r I pkeaned her audience frith th' ralis- tic manner In which !v took her part. As Luclle Perkins, her daugh-fl daugh-fl (' ter, Mayme Wright also made a do- elded impression. Ralph N'ye, aa i Hiram Perkinn. Mary Jane's Pn. hin- I j dld tho leading role with ability. Kfl i i The surprise of the show was Audrey 3 l J Clark, a golden halreil your, ester. 9 playing the part of Mary Jane, who H I went through her difficult assignment t ' Trith naturalness and winning charm. A The part of. Berrett Sheridan, an ac- Hlfl 'j tor, was taken by Clydi Millar and Hvjj ( that of Rome Preston, a lawyer, by iH n William McOulre. botii mwnmlnit their 'a characters with ease and assurance. J 'The plot la laid In. the village of 4 Gosport. Ind., some years .iito. It flj ) ems that Mr. Perkins felt the urge iij 61 wanderlust and deri.b-iJ to travel flj about the world, leaving his wife and jS two daughters to shift as best they ii could. Mrs. Perkins pains control of the weekly paper and la, determined jj to back Preston, the lawyer, against rj Joel Skinner, a local politician, played b Earl Donaldson. In the race for the 5t 1 l gbdature. Preston hlmnelf In in love Q '1 with the publisher. Just then the ffl 1 long-absent huaband appears and for ifl J the novelty of it takes a pin u cook J in the I'erklii" home hi ..Jentlt;, be-1 be-1 'ng hidden from the children. In wj jl hrlef. the QnsCnipulOUl politician Is 9 j beaten the prlntlnx plant is Wrecked '1 by a mob of angry villagers, and M . ry 1 J Jane'n Pa Is forced to disclose his 4 identity to vn the reputation or bJa 1 wife. OOMES HAPPDTI BR With the polltlcnl victory of Rom j Preston and tho engagement of Im. i die Perkins to Barrett Sheridan, hap- 1 Plneas comes to the Perkins horn-. In ) the reconciliation of Portia and Hl-ram Hl-ram Others who play their party I I with ability wore Betty Hurst, appear- 1 ' lng as Ivy Wilcox, the village belle; Kate Fenton as Hiss Faxon, the vil- j 'a-ge milliner, k.hi Donaldson vividly ,9 appearing M Joel Bklnnor; Kenneth E Heaa, as Star Skinner, his son; Mike 9 Kogers, typical of the village I., J Oaoar Crosby as Urn- Watklns. ;.,. port's bus driver; Conrad Pornellusl j taking the pari of Bhlgsna Mr- I field, foreman of the printing office. ! i asslstsed by Charles Qreep ena.?in. I the part of Lewallyn 5rc. :i and I J rael SUversteln, In the roio u( John 1 Whipple, country- politician i oo |