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Show U. S. EATS CLOSE! TO OHO OF SUGAR EACH PER YEAR! i itfASHINGTOK, Feb. 15 Araor-W Araor-W lean sugar production in 1920 broke all previous records. A preliminary announcement today to-day by the bureau of crops estimates esti-mates placed the aggregato production pro-duction of beet and cane sugar tor tho year at 2.605.174,000 pounds, a fifteen per cent Increase In-crease over tho previous record output In 1016 and G3 per cent more than was produced In 1919. Beet sugar at 2,219.200.000 pounds showed a 27 per .cent Increase In-crease over tho previous record production In 1916 Eargor acreage acre-age and favorable weather aro held accountable for the increaoe. The I nlted States is said to produce pro-duce about one-fourth of tho ugar it consumes. Per capita consumption for various periods was aa follows: 1914, 90.5 pounds: 1915, R7 R pounds; 1916. 79.6 pounda; 1917, 83.5 pounds; 1918. 78 7 pounds; 1919.. 84 2 pounds; 19J0 92 pounds The announcement notes that 191S consumption was about average av-erage "despite tho popular impression im-pression of a sugar shortage." and that the 1920 figure showed an Increase of a billion pounds In total consumption over the previous pre-vious year. no |