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Show oo Japanese Arrested for Breaking Dry Law II. Nakamo, Japanese. charc I Stth I having liquor In bla poseision, and .released last night upon I.Sou ball, Is to appear for arraignment before the city court tomorrow morning. Nnkamo 'was arrested lust night, following; raid made by Detectives Eerett Noble and Ed Rutterfleld on a small house In West cgden. A still, two hundred gallons of raisin mash, a quantity of Mars, and other equipment were confiscated con-fiscated by tbe officer. T. Mtnoga and T. Ilerano were ar-I ar-I rested and were held last night for (Investigation. They were released. Xjtianio Is alleged to have been 'making Illicit whiskey on a wbolesale I Oasis. The i-ase may be tnrnel owr ftdersl diithortll'fl. the polu say. rl |