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Show -ROTTEN AFFAIR" SCENTED IN BtRGDOLL'S LSUAr-t WASHINGTON. Feb. S A prelim tnarv Investigation of the escape to German of lipmr 'leveland Ktc-doll. Ktc-doll. ealthy Phi'.adtlphla draft dod- Ber. is to be made by the house mill-' lufv commlttef to determine whether! i thorough luouiry ov ., tpscial com- ' mlttee va.; justified I This was announced todav , Chairman Chair-man Kahn after an executlv. s"-ji.ir of the oommlttes which voted m 1 launch thi j.rllmmaiv hearing Thur d "I'm convinced th w Poll affaTr waa rot '-n and that we Should o;o t.. th Ibottom of It," said Chairman Kahn |