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Show LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE O. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. In thi District Court. I'robato Division, Second Judicial District, in and for (i,.- County ol I'uvE, and Stall- ol L'tai.. In tin inatti r of the estate, of Hyrum Stewart. Deceased. The uiulerslgned will sell al private sale in two paroaia the following described ,, , , i. it,, nl the aliiiVc muni J 1I1 i ei.i-d n a'i i. i county Utah, and mora partlcu Marly described as follows The Northegat one quarter () of Sir tlo'i 8. Township 6 North, Range 1 East 1 of Salt LcKe Meridian. I .1 all rlKlit. title and interest of Hy rum Stewart in and lo the N. V4 of the sl U ol Section b, NW. M of SW. Vi of Section 8, e. i of nw Vi. se. u of ME li of Section 18, Township 5 North, j.,;,,., 1 E.-i.-t. S 1. M. containing two hundred and forty acms. 011 or after the 3rd du of March. 1921. d wrllien bids tH he lecelvod by uic LEGAL NOTICES nt Stewart Burton A Company I store nl Kaysvllle, Davis County, Utah. Term.i of tale cash. 10 per cent to nceompnnv bid In cash or certified check; balance cm delivery of deed Dated, February 4, 1921. CHRISTOPHER BURTON, Ji Administrator of Estate of Hyrum Stewart, Stew-art, Deceased. T MeClure Peters, Attornev for Admin istrator, Knysvllle Cllv, Utah. |