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Show I SCOUTS TO GET I I IRJT BUDGES Fifty to Be Awarded to Members Mem-bers of Troop 23 Tomorrow mjM J Merit badge Will be awarded to oi) mmj a -, .,uts of the Ogden council at Troon 3 it headquarters, Tblrtsr-rsl J and Porter uvemic. Wednesday night. J according to Bcout ftzeeutlve A. -l Goute. The court of honor. . ..nw- 4 lnK of Fred G. Taylor, chairman; mm 1 v Boyd, D. 1 1 . Adams, i Raj Ward. -J George A. Grave. Han Sullivan. Hr. 991 W V. K. mmett and W. G King Will Vflr4 tend. , ,. 999 Following arc the subject and tne 99 J names of the scouts who will r 1 the merit badges: H'-9 ''.imping. Ally ii Jackson; conserva- 9m9 1 tion. Leslie Crouch and Robert Schnel- mmWM 1 ,,r; cycling. C. Dee, Harold Pai 9M9M 1 Clifford llunsuli-r, Lohei! S- hncltrr, Mmm i chemistry, Theodore Jakemau; civics. J John McCune; electricity, C. Doe. I George A. Bcrgstrom and Leslie ? crouch; first aid, Carmen Anderson. :'l LcKoy Parren, Sherman West. Leslie 1 I'rouch, Del li it loulirer and Walt-r j Cooley; riremanship, Raymond Poul- I ter: fli aid to animal. Sherman Weal $ and C. Dee, Interpreting, A. Berg-J Berg-J sirom and G. A. Qbates; life-saving, 71 i." v. ..-..) Uarker. personal health, L .ii Kov Farren. Ilaymond Poult' . Walter if loobv. 1 oll I. William il i,,n, -.' ,... i;.-!,!', hIk1 . i:iti 4 Snyder and tealle Crouch; public 9M9m i health. Orvll Winkler, C. I 1 A. Bcrgstrom. Allyn Jackson, LeROy I I Karren. Herman Anderson. Sherman .1 West.. Kobe it Snyder; printing. C. Dei Hrsl safety. Robert Snyder and 9 i'rouch: ecbolarahlp. Hon McCnn HHb i swimming. Harold Far' nod l'lwood HHb J Barker: wireless, Geor. A. Rcri?- |