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Show H FEDERAL TAX COUNSEL Eight da.s ;w ulabl between February 10 and March 15 Solution of Income Tax problem prob-lem may, in iome instance?, be had bv mail I' Fee: axe as low a, is consis-1 ' tent with the biff standard of L sei-vicc given j). Proof of solution given with each. D. J. McDonald, Tax Counsel Evanston Wyomjnjj iH Boys Wanted LKe bo can rn good profiu and vatuJb'e prlxts ning Th &aturda fivanlno Pott, Ladict' Home Journal md Country Q ttieniaw bfr Pri Zlnn. 21St Quin., SVefMie. Read This Telegram;- i WESTEBM UNION I ' Sm SSWnnMt .kriii.iii,, New York, Feb. 7, 92. H. E. Skinner, Manager, Alhambra Theater. Ogden, Utah I have just seen - Midsummer Madnesa." and frankly confess that m my opinion it is the most flawless picture I have ever seen, it fol- ' lows the highest technical standards of motion picture making as well I as the dramatic ccnotructlon of a spoken play. I am so convinced of the success of this production that I would not hesitate to run it for an indefinite pesod. HUGO RIESENFELD , 1 BATTERlEs How the Submarine KSj A majority of all submarines in the world arc oro, pellcd under the sea by Exide Batteries 9sgcti The lessons learned in developing submarine batten- Wit1 and those made for telephone systems, light and BjV companies and many industrial uses, are built irto iR' the Exidc made for your car. The result is a start BttT and lighting battery of lasting power a matter of real WSl comfort and economy to you. Krt EXIDE BATTERY STATION W 3Ut have you the "ready csia". a u i 0 isual various little ripens. K without making the undcrtakiof 1 i hardship It's better lo have sufflclw IBj LLfea - Havings account at inls t m financial ,,n Prt! 'jt gg now to materialize that "bo- fZtZ) It is ceTtain that you jl Sfry J lomeUme. Whon 'hat m A (&f&'i.'i jpm comes whet sW" provider is really tested-- 71 |