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Show jg n ji u jj ar x 4T' jrnprExyiigjriiniiiP H" go c o 1 Daily Market Report I WALL STREET J , NEW YORK, April 3. An under-1 I current of caution pervaded the stock1 I market at the irregular opening of to-1 day's session. This -vvns attributed inj large part to overnight developments.! particularly the spread of the railroad I strike and latest advices 'dealing with tho Franco-German situation. There j were indications of considerable shore selling, based on these factors. I Changes were fractional in the main, although several of the leading steels and equipments gained 1 to 2 points. A firmer tone set in before the end of the first half hour. The early rally failed to hold, fresh . selling being induced by reports that the railroad strike had caused partial, suspension of operations at western' industrial centers. Reactions of- 1 to 3 jioints wei'p made by speculative is- sues, and Stomberg lost I" points, but soon recovered most of Its decline. Re-fore Re-fore noon another buying movement ' occurred, oils, shippings and equipments equip-ments leading the rebound with su-,1 gars, some of the latter making sensa- ' llonal advances. The volumc of trad-'. Ing. however, was far befow that of ; previous day of the week. j' Call money opened and renewed into next week at 0 per cent. i |