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Show 1 SOVIET RUSSIA I FEODOSL, (Theodosia) Crimea, April 8. (By the Associated Press) ' After two years of hardship and ad-1 venture in soviet Russia, Miss Elizabeth Eliza-beth Hollinger, of Syracuse, N. Y., has! made good h$r escape through tho! south Russia zone of hostilities to thei American Red Cross here. She is one! of the thousands of refugees now crowd tho shores of the Black sea, seeking an exit through Russia's back door. Miss Hollinger who has rosided for twenty years in Russia, was living at Kiev wheu it wus occupied by the soviet sov-iet army. She left hor homo, staying In the daytime in a local cemetery, nnd i at night visiting the dwelling of humble hum-ble friends, who socretly provided hor with food. Eventually she Was discovered discov-ered and arrested, but on account of her nationality was released, though' forbidden to leave tho region, oo In ancient Tlomoj domesticated ostriches os-triches were sometimes used by woni-on woni-on of the nobility for riding. On one occasion for Emperor HclIograbaluH , I had tho bralno of GOO oHtrlehea served' I up in a sinxlo dleh at a feast. I oo I |