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Show I, CHANGE BILL OH 1 MHIII, ! Compulsory Four ' Months Drilling of Youths May J; ' . Not Be Pressed 1 WASHINGTON. April 8. Facing! certain defeat, senate supporters of j compulsory universal military training' today retreated from pressing ihcl adoption of their plan of four months training of all youths as a part of thet army reorganization bill. With this ' 1 change of recent advocates of training i rJ shifted their tactics in an effort to ob- ' tain acceptance of a bystem of volun- -Jjp 'nry training, I It is expected that a vote will be tak- en on the voluntary training substitute tomorrow. There will be no direct vote - on compulsory plan, ir tne voluntary I plan is adopted, ft , Supporters of the compulsory train- ing feature expressed the opinion to . daV that its defeat meant tne viriual jp "wreck" of the entire measure. Sen- ntor Wadsworth, Republican of New W York, in charge of the bill, said pro-W pro-W . vision for reducing die regular army to -210.000 meji v.-jthln the next five years would hot be practicable witli compul-; compul-; t' sory training re'ected. ' -Senator Frclinghuysen, Republican. ' "V. New Jersey, a supporter of the compul V sorv plan, offered the amendment for ' i4iy'ing volunteers. He did so "'reluct- S nlFAt" le said, "but with other advo-i tWV V- of coml)ulso,T training thought p3 yThalho volunteer scheme was the best LJ ' that might be had at present, y Debate today on the bill was con-1 v fined entirely to the training schemes! ( y jJ Senator Thomas, Democrat. Colorado. . ' said defeat of compulsory training was largely due to "political cowardice" of . members desirous of refraining from supporting it on the eve of election. Senator McKellar. Democrat of Tennessee, Ten-nessee, declared, however that "over- , whelming sentiment" of the- senate i against the compulsory plan "com- j pelled its practical withdrawal."' 3 nn . |