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Show NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX AND DE. LINQUENCY OF- THE SAME. To Whom It May Concern: Under authority of Section 276 of the Compiled Laws of Utuh, 1907. and as i directed by Section 1056 of tho Rovis.sd Ordinances of Ogden City, Utah, 1915. The undersigned Treasurer of Ogden City, Utah, horeoy gives notice Unit a I Special Tax for tho purpose of paying , tho costs of building Pipe Sowers In , Sewer District No. 110 in Ogden City. Utah, has been levied and confirmed by an Ordinance of tho Board of Commissioners Commis-sioners of Ogdon City, Utah, adopted and passed January 3rd, 1920, and published January 3rd, 1920. Said Special Tax is levied upon all property abutting1 on the following Street, to-wit: All that part of Van Eurcn Ave., between be-tween 27th and 30th streots; Brinker Ave., between 27th and 29th streets; Iowa Ave., between 25lh and 20th streets, 25th street, between Taylor and Filmore avenues; ave-nues; 24th street between Polk and Fii-iv.ore Fii-iv.ore avenues, and Capitol street bfl-tween bfl-tween Tyler and Filmore avenues bo and Is hereby created as Sowor District No. 140. And which is further described aa follows, to-wit; On Lots 1 to 52 inclusive, in-clusive, Block 2 Massa Sub, of Block IS. Plat "C." Lots 1 to 4 inclusive and Lots 21 to 24 Inclusive, Block 1, Chamberlain's Cham-berlain's Sub. of part of Block 17. Plat C." Lots 17 to 20 inclusive, Block 2 Chamberlain's Sub. of part of Block 17, Plat "C," a part of Lot 1, Block 17, Plat "C." a part of Lot 6. Block 11. Plat"C.'-a Plat"C.'-a part of Lots 1 and 10. Block 12, Pl.it "C." Lots 1 to 20 inclusive, Block 2 Dundee Dun-dee Place Sub. Part of Lots 6 and C, : Block 10, Plat "C," Lots S to 12 Inclusive. Lots 20 to 1 inclusive. Lota 32 to 36 I inclusive, and Lots 44 to 4S inclusive. I Manhattan Sub. oi Block 9, Piat "C," i Lots 1 to 26 inclusive, Block 1 Massa Sub. of Block IS, Plat "C." Lots 2 lo 14 inclusive. Block 1, Dundeo Placo Sub. Part of Lots 1 to 4 both incluslvo acd Lots 7 to 10 inclusive. Block 2S, Plat "C," Lots 9 to 17 incluslvo. Anita Lander Sub. of Lots 5 and 6, Block 2S Plat "C." Lots 1 to 11 Inclusive. Block 16, Nob Hill Addition, part of Block 60 Nob Hill Annex, An-nex, Lots 6 to 10 incluslvo. Block 16 Nob Hill Addition. Lota 19 to 26 Inclusive Block 15 Nob Hill Annex; Lots 1 to Jl inclusive, Block 11 Nob Hill Addition. Lots 1 to 22 Inclusive, Block 12 Nob Hill Addition; Lots i to 7 Inclusive. Block IS Nob Hill Addition; Lots 23 to 30 inclusive, Block IS Nob Hill Annex; Lots 1 to 16 inclusive. Block 51 Nob Hill Annex; part of Block 17 Nob Hill Addition: Lots 1 to 12 Incluslvo. Nob Hill Subdivision of Block 17 Nob Hill addition; Lots 4 to 9 incluslvo and Lots 16 to 21 incluslvo, Block 1 Robinson's Sub.; part of lot 1. Block 3 Nob Hill Ad. dltlon. part of Lot 2 Block 2 Nob Hill Addition; and Lots 12 to 22 Inclusive; Block 13 Nob Hill Addition, all in Ogdon City Survey, to a dopth of 100 feet back from the street line. Said tax is payable In five installments. install-ments. Tho first installment becomes dclin. quont on tho 3rd day of January, 1921. Tho second installment becomes delin-qucnt delin-qucnt on tho 3rd day of January, 1922. Tho third installment becomes delinquent delin-quent on tho 3rd day of January, 1923. Tho fourth installment becomes delinquent delin-quent on the 3rd day of January, 1924. Tho fifth Installment becomes delinquent delin-quent on tho 3rd day of January, 1925. Each of said installments drawn Interest at the rate of six per cont per annum from tho 3rd day oi January, 1920, until delinquent, and It said tax or any installment thoreof shall remain unpaid after tho delinquency of the same; interest thoreon thereafter will be at tho rate of olght per cent per annum an-num until such assessments are fuiiy paid. All special taxes are payable at tho Offlco of tho City Treasurer in the City Hall, at Ogdcn City. Utah. C. T. KOONS, City Treasurer. Published in Tho Ogdcn Standard. First publication January 19th, 1920 , Last publication January 23rd, 1920. July 21.10 21.10 20.95 20.95 i Ribs May 20.75 20.87 20.62 20.62 h CASH SALES. " 2 CHICAGO, Jan. 22. Corn No. 2 mix- ed and No. 3 mixed not quoted; No. -1 " IH mixed $1.471.49; No. 2 yellow ST.- 1 58. - r Oats No. 2 white 87Vi87c; No. 3 : white 8687c. - jl Rye No. 2 S1.72-V. : Barley S1.441.55. ' ' X Timothy seed $10.5014.50, 3 h Clover seed $45.0058.00. I Pork nominal. Lard S23.5023.60. Ribs $19.0020.00. 2 E I BUTTER AND EGGS. ,.0 5 f CHICAGO, Jan. 22 Butter un- S changed. . : j Eggs Receipts 4813 cases; un- . changed, ; I Poultry alive unchanged. . ; POTATOES. 1 CHICAGO, Jan. 22. Potatoes - f steady; arrivals 24 cars; northern.- - ( IH whites S4.755.00; western russets,' - v jH jobbing, S5 75G.00. . 1 KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK. I KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 22. J (United States Bureau of Markets.) " 1 Hogs Receipts 2000; market general,- 5 V ly steady; bulk $15.2515.45; heav-' - I ies ?15.2515.50; medium S15.25 - ( 15.60; lights $150015.50; packing S ) sows ?14.0014.75; pigs S13.7515.- " j Cattle Receipts 5700; market : ;! slow; about steady; heavy beet steera,. ? choice and prime, ?16.C017.90; me- S I dium and good ?12.4016.40; c6m- : mon $10.60(5)12.40; light weight, good, i; and choice, $12.6016.75; common ; j and medium $8.2511.50; butcher : j cattle, heifers,' S7.0014.00; cows, j S6.7512.40; canners and cutters ?5.- " I feeder steers S8.2513.50; stocke - steers ?6.5010.90. " - Sheep Receipts 7,000; market j closing steady; lambs S16.6519.75; culls and common $10.2516.35; year- 1 ling wethers ?14.2516.65; ewes $9,- " 7511.75; culls and common '54. 50 : 9.50; breeding ewes $9.0014.00; " feeder lambs S14.5017.50. " J - " OGDEN LIVESTOCK MARKET. " S j H Cattle Receipts 177; choice heavy ? ' steers $1012; goodateers $810; fair 2 steers $68; choice feeder steers-S8, ; 9; choice cows and heifers 89V ? fair to good cows and heifers S67.5Q;! -cutters S45; canners S34; choice ; feeder cow S56; fat bulls S56; " bologna bulls S45; veal calves $10 : 1 ll. H Hogs Receipts 471; choice fat hogs 175 to 250 lbs., ?14.2515.00; bulk " 1 $14. 5014. 75; feeders S9.5010. 50. ; Sheep Receipts 521; choice lambs $1416; wethers $6.50)7.50; fat 2 ewes $56; feeder lambs ?1215. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK, 7 I S CHICAGO, Jan. 22. Hogs Receipts - B H 20,000; market 20 to 30c higher; bulk " H $15.3515.65; top $15.75; heavy $15.- -1515.60; medium $lg.3515.70; " H light 515.4015.75; light light $14.75 S H 15.50; heavy packing sows, smooth, $14.5015.00; packing sows $14.00-14.50; $14.00-14.50; pigs $13.7514.75. Cattle Receipts 12,000; xnarEef" firm: beef steers, medium and choice, $15.0018.50; medium and good ?11.-6516.50; ?11.-6516.50; common $9.5016 50; j light weight, good and choice, $13.25 j 17.25; common and medium $9.00 13.25; butcher cattle, heifers, $6.75 14.25; cows $6.7513.00; canners and cutters $5.-756.75; veal calves $17.5019.00; feeder steers $9.00 12.50; stocker steers $7.5011.00. Sheep Receipts 10,000; market firm; lambs, 84 pounds down, S14.00 20.25; culls and common $14.7517.- , 50; ewes, medium and good, $9.75 12.25; culls and common $ OMAHA LIVESTOCK. OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 22. (United States Bureau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts 15,000; market 10 to 15c high-er; high-er; top $15.30; bulk $15.0015.25; heavT weight $15.0515.25; medium weight $15.1015.30; light weight H $15.0015.25; light light $14.7515.- H 00; heavy packing sows, smooth, $14.-9515.05; $14.-9515.05; packing sows, rough, $14.-7514.95; $14.-7514.95; pigs $12.0014.25. Cattle Receipts 6,000; .killing classes steady to strong; feeders steady; beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime $16.0017.- 11 75; medium and good $12.0016.00; common $9.5012.00; light weight, good and choice, $15.7517.75; com-mou com-mou and medium $9.7515.75; butch- 1 er cattle, heifers, $7.2513.25; cows $7.0013.00; canners and cutters $5.-257.00; $5.-257.00; veal calves, light and handy weight, $13.5015.00; feeder steers $8.0014.00; stocker steers $7.50 iM 11.75. H Sheep Receipts 6,000; killing classes 15 lo 25c higher; feeders IH strong; lambs, 84 pounds down, $18.25 lH 19. S5; culls and common $14.00 ifll 17.50; yearling wethers $14. 4517.00; 'H ewes, medium and phoice, $10.0011.- IH 75; culls and common $5.0010.00. jH MONEY EXCHANGE. NEW YORK, Jan. 22. Mercantile paper six per cent. JH Sterling; Demand $3.63; cables iH ?3.G2U. jH Francs: Demand 12.05; cables 12.- Guilders: Demand .37; cables .37. Lire: Demand 14.15; cables 14.13. iH Marks: Demand 1.45; cables 1.55. Time loans strong; all dates 7& per Call Money. Call money easy; high 6 per cent; low C per cent; ruling rate 6 per cent; IH closing bid 5Vi per cent; offered at 6 per cent; last loan 6 per cent. jH METAL PRICES. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. Copper iH steady; Januaiy and first quarter 19Vi 19Mjc; second quarter 191934c. Iron, firm; No. 1 northern $45.50; No. 2 northern $44.50; No. -2 southern $42.00. Antimony 11.00c. Lead quiet; spot and February S.-50c S.-50c bid, S.75c asked. Zinc easy; East St. Louis spot 9.02c bid, 9.17c asked. BRITISH EXCHANGE FALLING. NEW YORK, Jan. 22. British ex- .H change fell to a now low record at tho outset of today's trading in foreign re- mltttanccs. Demand bills were offered 'M at ?3.60& which was c under the jH previous low record. IH |