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Show & & & & & A J, A j. 1. j. ARMED IGDOES OPEN FIRE UPOi DEPUTIES I WHO ARREST SUSPECT I Federal Troops and Governor Brough of Arkansas Arrive 1 to Prevent Disturbances i TROUBLE REPORTED TO ! I BE BREWING TODAY Scene of Ecitement is Near Place Where Fatal Riots j H Occurred in October i I DUMAS, Ark.. Jan. 22 Federal j jfl troops, accompanied by Governor Charles H. Brough, of Arkansas, and I large parties of civil officers and pos- I semen from nearby towns arrived here j early today to take charge of a race situation arising from an attack upon a deputy sheriff by armed negroes near Dumas yesterday. The soldiers, consisting of six officers and 122 men, were ordered here from Camp Pike ' after Governor Brough had conferred with departmental headquarters in Chaleston. The chil officers and pos-semen pos-semen were recruited during the night following reports that trouble was brewing in the affected district. , According to reports the disturbance started when J. H. Breedlovc, a-deputy i sheriff, and two white companions went into the negro settlement to cap- IH ture a negro charged with stealing hogs. Armed negroes, it is said, de-manded de-manded that the officer release the prisoner and when he refused opened fire. Breedlove, who was armed with 1 a rifle, returned the shots and with his companions withdrew to obtain roin-forcements. roin-forcements. Shortly after the shooting I the wires leading from Dumas to the outside world were cut. Dumas is about sixty miles south-west south-west of Elaine. Ark., scene of a negro uprising last October when a number of jaerspns were killed before the out-I out-I break was quelled by federal troops. Dumas is ten" miles north of Winches- jH ter, headquarters of Robert L. Hill, al- LH leged leader of the Elaine Insurrection- TH |