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Show ilill B1R S BIG 1 SUIT m : POUHI . I i i ! Present and past police officers of ' Ogden City are made the defendants j In a ?20.000 damage suit filed in the 'district court oday by Elizabeth, Mc-iciintock, Mc-iciintock, in which she nlleges false ar-jrest. ar-jrest. assault and general injury to her iname, together with gross humiliation. 1 The defendants are Loroy and Te-i Te-i rese Sessions. A. B. Jensen. Everett I Noble, Riley Patten, Mrs. Malina I Briggs and E. Catherine Boyle, j The complaint alleges that on De-ceraber De-ceraber 27. 1917. the defendants as isaulted the plaintiff and charged her jwith the theft of a diamond ring. I It is furthed alleged that Mrs. Brlggs I and Mrs. Boyle at the city police sta-tIo'.i sta-tIo'.i took the plaintiff into a room, (divested her of clothing, roughly combed comb-ed her hair and searched her clothing and stockings for the ring. Subsequently Subsequent-ly the plaintiff was discharged from custody. ' She claims she was a graduate nurse in Ogden and as a result of the arrest and assault she was injured In reputation reputa-tion to the extent of $20,009. |