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Show Interesting Finds in an Id House While) tearing clown one of the oldest old-est houses In Tacoiiy, l'a., one of the laborers, while illsplaelng a rafter, discovered dis-covered a cuiloiiH-Khapecl anlinnl closely close-ly resembling a llzunl, enseoncecl In a niche In tho timber. As noon as the air struck It tho creatine, which was about nine Inches long ami very flat, tried to escape. Hut tho workman was , too quick fur it, and soon lu.wlc It a prisoner. The moat curious feature of all Is ) that where the anlmul was fournl there was absolutely no moisture, it looke.l ! to be tptllo oh!, mnl had apparentlv Biibslsted on ivhat austetiunee II could extract from the old timber und ver-1 ver-1 utln which cntrin Its way, the house h.ivlni: been iintennuted for some time. Duo day, while tearing clown one of thu shies or the house, a large silver coin wus fount). On exammutlon It proved to ue an old Hpanlsh coin of 1711), us near na could he Judged by the dale, which was Indistinct. Further M atch was rewarded by tho finding ot other coins, which In rich time were found to huvc been linbeililed behind the plnster. All the coins, which are of silver, nearly tho sire of n silver dollar, were apparently of about the same dale. Not until every slick and silver luiii been thoroughly gone over, however. Wert" the mill satisfied th.lt ul! the treitsuru hud been secured. |