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Show CAUitS I OR DIV0R3E, "Kilrfino I rnrliy l a I'fiaraa .ulu- Ins M, llUertinliinllon, As S'T.e , lit 1 ,i es , .wily rite,) f ., ill" IliK n n:..,li of la-.v an, liili l,:i l.oti-in;-. ... t. "uro-.s n, ,:l, i t of il nv,' i,u, I "evil. r,,. iin-lty." In riird ' tl. Ur I. t;ie Hijined paity. hello :.nn or s i i in. root k, "iily f. , i,, f'-i. , i, 'I liel: ;;,i'y i.,. I. d by lull, Mil, i h Ii a pi a for d,, if Is nn up. i C,,,;uil'..ir 111 the I. ,. ; f tl 1 : 1 1 C 1 1 . .-? who h ii ny n wioe.n hoi lalli.T en-dure en-dure v.... ,,g i tin it it, l. a'lw.edge lu p,i, lie. Willi i Mrs. K. (l.,ri,eit W, I1-, , the Nonh Anieib.in . The n-r. nnd ia i.e. li Mi-Hupjioi t. is being' ilmii away wllh by the codi i n, eionoiult woman, who conn nds for her rlglil to indnstrlal purwiis nnd nlleg.s bei ntdl'.ty in d il.'Mlny to he a wage, earner. It used to lie n stigma to In so unat tractive as a wife that ono win not supported In trmfort. Now It Is i greater stlgiiin tn hr Incapable of self support. If both hiislinn.l nn.l wlfi are to be wnse-earners, or If the unearned un-earned Increment of Invested capita, accrues to Ixith. It will be dilllcult fi i a woman to base a suit upon thlr ground, except Its object lo bo to secure an arruuiT' meut for her participation In her husband's re .niie.s. In which enso It Is still to lie h' p".l. the larger burden of 'if-siippoit will fall upon tho man, on.e the pa'roti, now thr equal, of woman! 'I he third and fourth conditions, "gnes neglect of duly" nnd "cvtmiin rrue'ty," appeal to the mill, I ,is pr.T.n.mt phras, s. wlib 11 allow- la-go ll'Mvty lo nlT'-liders I nnd r"u"lie n n;.e .'". of dis, l-nlna- lion In i ur rotiit. If ole.r condiii'in., ore tn aligned. I,rr cin never b--,iis- lepMble im th. V Hie of III liVldllill III-! III-! I.T--I c.-il inn. e'o It 'lie;: nii'ec vault)' I nnd mod. ty. "N :, .1 .d ,1 ,ty" Is n rul.cli ni..te Hlite.,1 . ,-II, m th," .,' j f-rlfii; n' "In lii-.:i. :," tint lender life "Int.neral;!.." r "li.ir.li n-o.'.e,- II a ,'lie j might Im owr-fn-iidions or fm i.ly bored "Lxliep.e niiellv" d. ;i s up- in lh.it tu wl.u'i Mi- leti a h r, I n nccn-t. lined, lint, however had or nl.-leading nl.-leading li nny "oinnlhu.i rl;.iu." It l no woise In Its i:i urn I etl.et than restriction re-striction of divorce to a single cause. |