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Show nlu-hurlllif MaeliliiKa, In Lanka, lurga atorea, and ticket ; odlcea It la tin auiull tnk to nu t the dlfforout colna which go to ninke up tbe receipts of tho buslueaa, and ao I John J, Hoey of Niw York city hua , den Ik ned a maehliie tu peiforiu thla j - work expeditiously and acnirutely. The apparatus cutmUta of a rotary barrel, j having a continuous groove running t around Its face from and to end. This j .barrel la Inclosed In a cylinder, having i . ', amid In tho under aide In Hun with tliu inns foi in. .1 ,y tho groove ou tho rain of ti, roller, thu UuKih of the alot vaiying to coriopoiiil win, vailoua c.ilm, fiuiu tho Ulinu tu tho ilolliir. To juit tlio muclilne lu operation opera-tion iho nilM'cll.mooiia loina are puured lulu Ihe upon top of the liu-loalng cuao au.l fed Intu tho hopper lit one eud. Aa Iho culm fall downwind the crank la turned to revolve tho barrel, the colna working their way gru.luully along tho groove, will, h feeds them towards to-wards tho opputite end of the liarrol. As noon us each coin re.iches tho slot In Iho cj Under corrcpoudlng lo lta aluo It iln.ps tbrii.iKhllrst tho dimes, linn the pontiles, nickels, quarters and hnlvea. w hen tho rolu Is nil "ground up" the drawers lire withdrawn from the tiiinlilno una the different coins poured out for counting ur storugo. |