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Show A riciicin iii Fur. j jiY iii'S'''!'!: l.i.u'.Aiir.ni WAim -e..l'''' '"' .1 S-.ry f.,1, I-.. I tlcr.InU h.'.t. t T l,,tl . name f " Hi 1 not a round, suit. slllt j b.lll. "':n '' r"'ll- tit" ! put I somewheie Inehl'. 1,1,1 k'-i'-ht. iiiiiwling creature genersl'V n ii.l and si ilb.p-.l- eared. ""' 1""H oflm with three ioiiml br-1 lll;"i ith tour; a monster haunting Ixrksinl t, rices; a freak giving giv-ing vent to tin.-ii rt It ly shriek so badly aimed ' tits unoffending moon that In-etesd In-etesd llT'y Pierce Hie Innermost depths of poof seaiitue mortal souls nnd stir up emotions better not described. Tlierrfi" e, fiurdun ttid not Jump fur Joy aft'1" ' liatl r''l the following Idler Id-ler from 11 weslthy aunt : Mr Nephew: - While the tie- sen ptl 11 'ou r ue of your new stmllii rharairil me. 1 ol -Ved that you lack one ttlliiM. nil that an Important one" ("Money! Al -uis did. my dear aunt.") "Th.H to lili'h I reler. Is lutllspen. snh'e to Sieif prclenllous stuillo" f'Aiitl to every unpretentious purse, aunt. "I "Nn studio, uiy tb-ar nephew, pliDuld 1-0 lilitnu a " and here, fiordon " ue ij.nl lth one of the afore Oietuluiii d bi ller-not ilt srrlbed enioilfuis. (or the word he read was cat! est," went on the letter, "Is as necci iry to nu artist's success as Is his hi' h; Indeed, ( may say. the cat adtls n tone." (' lleiter say a fiendish noise. int,"i, "wltti h Is not to be oh-tnlneil oh-tnlneil '' mere pietnres anil furnish- I lugs. I tin not nu . in tlott I think you e hi to bike In an ordinary animal;- cilsr none at all, than any eomn i type. Knowing you are nut o pi tl as to he able to make for youn'Ii t isnl si leetlon, I havo done H for I ou. mnl am now sending you n innst tfc.iuliful creature a full-blooded ns'iil. reglctcred as John Mih'ii. and need three rmmths. Ho Is valueil at flfteen dtillsrs. tint as he grows older telll lvrne In worth. Let ino know If he I arrlvci safely, and what Jim tliluk ,oI blm; nlso. do iwl r.cll tu in.net inn mnl reports of blm." Tfc' iDlWI.I s. vetfi p.iKe or lll- re--ti.:i .,ir the eare of Angora rale, proper levin, etc. and (lorilnii clrcppecl the c;(w!ili a tlie'i'-ii ii.-tii tl s'.gb i'llt'i" nut ll:i Johu Allien lllllvi.l At light ot lilm (eu-.liin did not t-hud-tler us !tf li.ttl lolly liitcmli .1 to ilo. lu-Iteatl lu-Iteatl he tifiid 'y sin i d the in::, yellow yel-low f-tr ami biio hnl when this net itnrtn i tplnnlng-v. In ' I In John Al- tlell s lUli'lKU. 'I hell Hi d tin re. ot his own ntTurd. llh no t In, it 'it ot doing let lor the Mi,:.' of bin tovtt Inlerisls III i!eae rt a lit Ii i-ehtllie, i:ntesl llorilou nientall.- nuir to do thn right thlin; by h tin iHXite-sion, and wh"U pans , jne plaie to hungry inewn, hastened to hil neall Inner room, procured a urir.fao. lighted his oil-stove, and louti J milk mi ortling to bis uuut's ml-vlre. ml-vlre. Join . Idea was duly Introduced tn Ijyri' - boy and to the night j eTi an, eai b ot whom gladly to il. the 'i a alligittnie to bin fairy hlgftij ". Thus 'as hut InHtallalltiti 0C'Cripllsbi'tl, bis lel.;n bivull. "Vcitir generous gift came safely." wrote (ionlon lo his aunt. "1 like Ii I in Ii::meinc1y and nppreclnte your klit-i Interest In miikliir; the aueeeas ot my new studio complete. I have no dnuht try Angola fro nil aud I will get on famously together." I Ills lotdahlp was not long lu estttb- lithlug hiiu.-t ir us nia-ter ot the studio. I). "I lining lite coiofortahlo bnskol G' rtion hud lit ranged for him. ho raro-fi.lly raro-fi.lly selei.teil the luti.'t expensive fab-rli fab-rli s whereon lo compose his ehilniy Ihuhs; scornlntt the spool and stilng pruvldetl for bis amusement, ho ttuo up and down velvet curtains and portieres. por-tieres. Ilo whisked as lightly ss it (rather, buck and forth, In and out. srtuuig costly vase and marbles, and tliCiugh Cordon aometluies drew long breaths, he snltl nothing. A woek passed, during which John a If- M'K-' "A cat!" Alden met many enthusiastic admirers, chief among whom was Miss Isabel Urahaiu, who was sluing for htr por trait. "How thoughtful of your Hunt!" tho young ludy exclaimed ut first sight of the eat. "Mr. liiirdon, you must be proud to own thut dear creature," and (leu-don wait not wicked onoui'li to nk which. I Ill-lore tho ond week was over John Allen signaled his determination to bee fcouietblng of out-door life, und fought so franiically at the wlnduw-sereens wlnduw-sereens that fiordon look hi... tu the btuirilltig-pluce, whore tlii'ro ,ta a strip of yard. This was loo narrow lo lull Ills Majesty for more than a day. and ns the laudludy could not watch hi in all ot the time, ho stole out und ought the Hrqiialntaiire of the ulley aia. (Jortloii gated sadly at the dirty, tangled fur, as Tuss strolled lu wearily wear-ily cine evening. Once more His Highness High-ness took up hla abode at the studio. "He ought to be brushed, " suid Mlsi L ilrshatn on ihe r,i 1 ... .tig mottling, rs she tried to ti. tie thu su trl. d locks (ionlon nought a soft biu-h nnd w. rlinl t hnurs til Ihe fur While IIHH i t,,;,'e..,l . m.l.le II slartllllg d:S cov. ty. 'I l.e ue VI el. IV Willi" tin ;uS Mi,.s C.r.i'i.un M,nic Iurltan t.tullis hi ton. hi ginning wot k on the pen it alt, he ex-claimed ex-claimed lu a tragic tune: "(1. Miss (Itnhntn. did you know er- that - that John Allien had liens?" "Mr. Cordon!" filed she In a shocked voice. "Did you Intend that as a Joke: O." siltldeully remembering. "Ol course. 1 bail forgotten. You mean the ent!" "Most certainly," returned Cordon, emphatically. "Well, In that case, I itiii tell you l "How Ihoiighlful of your aunt" what to do. Wash him with tar loop or with clog soap anil comb thcin out Willi a flue COIllll." Cordon purcliiiHctl threo combi he-fore he-fore he found otto thnt would not break. He bought three different kinds of soap, aud returning to John Alden he combed, he btulietl, ho rubbed and then combed again. At the end of the lu- In John Alden lay snugly tdicplng iiluler a warm dtnpery high on a bookcase and (lotdoii dressed his own tin n nnd bleeding hands ami cap-Itltcil cap-Itltcil two lho linn on his coatFleeve. He bus since come to believe that those Inseels than lull on sironj s'l.tp.utb., for tlt'ir tills pcrforiilllllt t John Alden did llitlo but mulch ami dig ut his P'lor, ti ir tit .ii I il skin. Hit lost hla nppi'tltn ami grew thin. Miss (linhnm lull Isecl nunc coiiihlng nml vmiiiu catnip tea. liiuilon honglit catnip ut the tliugglst'a. He houchl ulso a walnut wa.-.h te.-om. mi-tub ii l.y the cheuilet anil a bottle of cat tonic. Hull the tlma Increased and John Ahlen tlltulno he d. (ionlon wroto to bis aunt. "Take hltn to a veterinary autgeoti," advised ; he. for the Ileus will kill tho cat If not see n let nt oticn." "What n pity'." sal.l Vina fliahnm, whin she heuid this. "Now, I think th:tt entliely unneci ssary. I 'nor I'u-isy v n :ld die there. If you will trust blm to me 1 will take blm home and my mother will doctor hi in up for you. Wo live out of tov. ii In the summer, you know, und I hero Is lots of delirious grass for htm to roam over nnd no cuts lu thu lielKhhtuhood. Wo will walth hi in chuely atul he won't ruu away. Ilislili i, there oro oceans ot fresh cut-ttlp cut-ttlp growing about the place, and home dried ealnlp Is different from that compressed com-pressed st nil you bought. Then, too you you might eoiuo often, you know, to tu no how ho was getting on." John Allien went to tho rAintry. A mouth later a b lur went to the aunt, "Vuu will be glad." wroto (ionlon, "to hear that John Alden Is entirely rid of fleas, eats like bear, and II more beautiful than ever. You will be surprised to hear that I have found that a rat does not add tho finishing grace to a stuillo. There Is something lse. That to which I refer la a wlfo who knows how to tako cart) of Ihe cat and of lho nrtlnt. As you are nut so placed as tn lual.o this r.clot lion for mo, I havo done so myself or rather-John rather-John Alden bos at last spoken for me as well as for hlmseir lo t'ie fair I'rls-cllla. I'rls-cllla. Her name Is Isabel Crahnm.' "Your affect Innate nephew, "KHNICST (iOltllON. "I. 8. I forgot to siiy Juno thirtieth. "K. (1. ". U. 1 enclose Inst months report: re-port: tine snfi brush M Hire tin eiimlts (Ii i iiiiip I".!!!'.!!'.!!'.!!!'.'.'.!"'. !in U m I licit wash lit) I'm tonic Id 1 Ktru iliillilles 1 a L'ar-lnie lu Hit! etitllitiy tttllt Total. due sleek Angura. Two buuile |