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Show J , (UU - COALVILLE. - UTAH. According to tbc Railway Aye, only mile of railroad track waa laid la 4.7 Uthdnrlng th past year.. 1 The Richfield postoffle ha been ad tvanced from a fourth clans to a third (class office, the chant; taking effect on Hh let. J The California excursion of the Tab icrnacle choir next March is now an as anred fact, all the preliminary arrange jmeots haring been made. The members of the Salt Lake mining stock exchange closed the first year of Abe new century by a banquet at the 'KnuUford hotel, cover lor eixty being laid, , weather station has been established at Johnson, In Kane lo county, with Joseph Chatterly station charge. This is the sixty-fiftia U tab, A number of IdahtT sheepmetT are .wintering their flocks on the desert in Utah thi year, while Utah sheep are excluded from Idaho during the lumpier month Senator Kearns, who has Just returned from Washington, speaking of the jbnildlngof tb San Iedro railroad from (California to Salt Lakr, declares that the road will surely be built. The constitutionality of the inhere-.tnnetax law will be tested by the their of James M. Fichetts of Salt (Lake, who left an estate of 825,000, The state claims 1713.88 nodsr tbs A voluntary h - r- - Jaw. ... - . Joseph P. Anderson's, an Ephraim Jadfi years old, was psiufully1u jured by failing nppa a pair of scissors Friday. The sc i tutors penetrated hit ab dotnen to depth of one and one-haInches. lf Apostle Ilrlghsm Young, who left Belt Lake two week ego to visit Mexico for the benefit of hi health, .is sick at Fruitland, N. M., with a complication of stomach and nervous troubles. James II. Anderson, a Kelt Lake carpenter, suffered the amputation of leg last week from the effects of caused by a scratch Cecetvedr white oiling a floor threa blood-poisonin- g weeks ago. The prcqxHed lntcrmonataia baseball league, comprising teams from Bull Lake, Ogden, Pocatello, Great Falls, Helens and Butte, bus been atsndoned d and It t probable a t t I i - I - 'I. ? .. I t . .a t at 1 u7otti v cue-the m i iv,r of the Metropolitan Lank was diiectcd to accept the offer of Charles MeNamee to take the assets and property of the hank aud pay the depositors and creditor la full. Arguments in tn case Instituted by Governor Wells to compel the payment of an increase of aalary according to the law passed by tbe legislature were made in the supreme court Jest week. Decision was reserved. . The University of California has been asked to recommend to the Philippine commission several men quail, find by experience and acient-fitraining to take charge of agricultural ex periment sUtious in the Philippines. Sait Lake will have Improved postal facilities within a few weeks. The business delivery district will he enlarged and piore freqneut deliveries will bs made. Tbe mounted service In the outskirts wtll also be extended. Utah-Colore- c . Lieutenant Frank G. Hines, tha young halt Laker who recently re- -' celved a commission in the - army, has distinguished himselfregular by as alstiog in quelling" dangerous riot which brokeout among the miassigned ...Jjoupe at the.TrjeJ,d.ia....neaxSs.n.Ji rsxu., cisco Wednesday night. A dispatch from Salem, Oregon, re porta that the Mormon elder were held up and relieved of a small sum of .money, last week, almost under the nose of the police, while they were looking for the offender, who have been terrorising the outskirts of the icily by numerous holdup, A check for tx cent drawn by the (Ctah Sugar Company to A. C, Larson, representing the net proceed from hi ogr beet crop, ha been received at Balt Lake, bearing about fifty endorsement. The check ha beeu traded as a matter of sport, and ha been sold time for a dollar. For the year luoo the mine of Park l.57T,500, out City paid in dividend jo f a total dividend by all tbe intnea of the slate of I ,437,500, In loot the Park City mi nea have Id ihelr 'credit in dividend tbe sum of 13,631,500, nn increase over 1900 of 81,041,000. A wholesale jail delivery was prevail led by the confession of a released kvrl -- ' U which, it ia asserted, Experiment are a beginning of tbe nnraveling of tbe mysteries of daath wer made pob tie by Prof. Jaequea Loeb at tbe four--' teenlh aonnal meeting of tbe American1 Physiological society at tha University of Chicago Monday night. Daring tbl last summer tbe noted aclentist baa been continuing bin aeries of expert meat with tha eggs of tha lower marine animals, tspecislly those of the sea urchin, and In a paper entitled On tb Prolongation of Lifaof Unfertilized Egg of the Be Urchin by Potassium Cyanide," he told a group of the foremost physician in America that by means of observation of tha effect of certain chemical upon these minute bite of protoplasm he was ready to make a tentative definition of the here tofor unknown nature of death. Death, Prof. Loeb affirmed, was not a negative process, a simple breaking-dowof tissues, aa it has been regarded up to tbia time, but an active agent boro with the birth of tha egg, and deatlnedLU not checked, to gain the upper hand of tha life instinct and prisoner. Who told the aulboritie that tbe prisoner in the Balt Lake jail bad planned escape. Saw had been smuggled into the jail by friends of some of the prisoner. Sheriff Shorts of Provo ia in receipt of a photo of M. E. Lemmon, the wan serving a sentence )n Honoluta who was suspected of being Wright, the Peilcan Point murderer. Tbe photograph show no resemblence between the two men. n Nr, HHN Interest Are tempting to laujr Culmination of Northers 1'arlOs Plana. t Rumors are current In Santiago that, n revolution baa broken out at Ruenoa, John B. Weeks, of Champaign, 111., Minn., Ilea In a hospital suffering from a personal y friend of iyre serious injuries received from vicious baa received a letter from tBampson, Tbe Brasilian senate baa approved He a fierce had and conflict, hog. I Mr in aha which that an Sampson, says agreement to define the boundaries only for tha great fight be put up for the mental condition of tbe admiral la between British Guiaoa End Brazil. Ilia life he would have beeiy torn to waa Tbe letter recovery. jbeyond Mr Catherine Riley, of llealdsburg, abreda w ho was a cripple, fell out of bed ' Sunday Mr. Logan went to cure for 'Written in reply to note expressing ' in the with and broke her neck Christmas morning. his stock a Usual. In order to prop- (Sympathy baa sufthe be of personal annoyaqcea Andrew Carnegie has offered the cit-erly feed tha hog it was necessary for fered in the with controversy librarir, free a for 870,000 O.. to with him enter tbe pen the animals Akron, Schley. The letter follows: the and distribute tbe feed in the trougha city to guarantee 7, 000 annually n Samp-noAdmiral Mr. Dear Week: My He had no sooner entered the pen lbaa , ia too ill to really understand your to keep it up. the animals attacked him with great imost kind letter, just received, bnt if George 1H burst, one of the pioneer ferocity. He tried to fight them off, ihe were well be would wish to thank of Douglas county, ttush,, committed all, suicide at a Maze statiop between tiat-ervii- le bnt could not do so, and it was only (yon for it, he cares 0 much for conold aod for anything Jhat with the greatest effort that he was cern time aud Coulee City. Palmyra. able to keep bis feeL Tha wording of your letter show A In ge nu inber of 1 lilplnos captured Tbe maddened animals bit and tore that living in tbe West bus not blinddeath at the baadapfan outiantaod iu Laguna aud Ha tongas provinces Ilia at his knee and limbs, and when he ed yOtir eye to recent events.' in the Barrio of Han Antonia, Been sent to tbe have of true the Lups enjoyed your expression province. Tha outlaws were hug In reached the fence surrounding the pen facta aa you understand them. military pitson t Suing Lav ambush swatting the passagVfi pa- he was bleeding from many wounds. My deer husband ia quite worn out 1 he ieii nil Samson aud all trol of three policemen, and upos their He bad just strength enough to drag with a long life of concentrated duty. tile ol IkFilipino 11 Mii r ini tuitJaou Ihe islhe ia comfortable and hapapproach the waiting Filipinoasfaug himself over the fence, where he fell Physically but the brain ia tired beyond ever and of Jiohoi b.tve su, rendered with out and captured one of than, rw. A exhausted, and where he wa found a py, cannon and forty-liv- e being rested. twenty-eigh- t abort time afterward by some of the few days latter hi bod was fyWi Elizabeth Bcrljso Sampsoh. lie, g a neighboring river with member of his family, Ilewa brought i WE weight John Mitchell, president of tha to tbe for with all city Vpeed possible rock and showlo 1 sf America, has United treatment.--f tb NAvy Uabos Daelstoa te tbKJBgtiTir heart and In tiiJ ,k. Two c ,11 for the national conventhe issued Effect. That An hi showed examination that of tha member of tbe oJ ,f band, tion ot luuteis iu ludixuapolis for JanThe secretary of the navy has apwho were captured, were f seed by limbs were frightfully torn and laceradvo-cat- e uary 20 th. the an One ated. opinion by a military commission to b judge kneecap was almost torn proved ged. intbe Us that from Ji. U.' Freeman, of Portland, Ore.t Philippine Two Filipinos who look general place. i in tbe land are United Slates territory, 'so won the tweuty-five-mi- le opeu promurder of an nnknown oat ccused Bad Tear far Pugilistic Champtoaa. on the 1'artt race of as far limitation statute fessional the applies bicycle of being an American spy, fading has been a disastrous year for to naval offense This Christmas, iq Boston, track, square tbe body and burying it in city of In the case in question n sailor champion pngiliats, four having been 1:06:08. Manila, were sentenced to anged. from the navy over two ears A petition against the sale of the Another outlaw band aelzt native disposed of since lkt "year. Tbe most was that of Terry Mc- Ago and enlisted in the army. defeat Ilia aurprisiog man and woman for no ap West Indies, uutess the matter Danish ( nt mo featbei-weigregiment waa serving in the Philipp shall have' been first submitted to ai tive and billed them by slrii them Govern, who lost hi title of j champion to George Rothwell pines sod he remained with 1L Th with clubs on tha back of thV neck. plebescite, has been circulated in U'Yonng Corbett") in two rounds at naval authorities, learning of his Copenhagen. J Argentina llark Out at Ponca 4 ,ament Hartford, Conn., on Thanksgiving day. 'whereabouts, instituted proceedings A Jeffersonville, Ind., jnry has found With Chita. The honora of the .welter-weigfor his trial by court martial on the, C. Rathbun guilty of manNewell Advice received by Senor, ifante, championship were- psrticularlu fleetharge of desertion. The case came' slaughter and his punishment was tha Chileao charge at Wa.ngton, ing. Mattie Matthews of New York, jbefore the judge advocate general in th confirmed the news already linked who held the title, slacked np against who decided that the statute of limita-,tioD- S fixed at two to fourteen years penitentiary. Santithat tha Argentina minister id Rub Ferns of Kansas, and waa laid barred prosecution, it haylngj There ia a state law which compels ago bad Informed the ChileaoJyj 'istct low in ten rounds. Ferns held the title occurred more than two years ago, and, of foreign affairs that ArgenlinEcould Wyoming women to remove their hata on til recently, when he met Joe VVal-oothe alleged deserter Dothavingleft In theatres, and Cheienne miniate ar not accept alt the terms of she protocol tbe black, who licked him good in the teriitoryof ' the United State now attempting to make the action a heretofore signed for the seUlem'Ql of five rounds. Secretary Long approved the opinion tbe dispute, aud that some chhnge Tbe fourth champion to go tbe route hod directed a discontinuation of the voluntary ou8 iu churches. would be necessary iu the Instrument. of the other waa Dan Dougherty, tbe 'proceedings The immense creosoting works of s against the sailor. Scour Infante cuntiuuea to exprtMbi the Southern Pacific Bail road company, bantam, Dougherty relinquished his 'Governor Nash of Ohio Fropoaaa to Tax alt located two miles firm Gonvictiou that there will be no title, while Tom Ryan, tbe middlebeyond the city limCorporal Ion. war because of the present misundeweight champion, aud Frank Erne, tha of its llouston, Tex., were destroyed light-weigA bill has been drafted in the attorchampion, did notflgbt fire rstanding. The president of Chile, be with their titles Tuesday. Loss, 8100,000. by at stake. ney general's office, at the request of says, has been conducting the negotA French syndicate is making tb .Govenor Nash, providing for s corporaiation iu a Yery amicable manner, end Four t'eopta Perish In n Col Hot on. arrangements with a view preliminary tion combines in Tbe tax Ohio. bill he confidently looks for a peacyfidjola Four persona were killed and twen a fruit business in Jamaica. of starting the features of the Littlefield bill, now ll lion of the difileaUy. injured, several of them possiload two steamer It )s prpposedto lew New York collision on the Chi- jpendingin congress, the for different port Obaetd to (Jam Chawing and gut Iso Jail bly fatally, in a every forrnigbt Govsome ideas and new suggested by & railroad Sunday Charles iVcnlworth has beeh vlged cago Northwestern ernor Nash and Secretary of State Tbe Chinese court has decided to enmile west of Chi at III., Malta, sixty f iu the Santa Rosa, CaL, count for publicity in the gage an American a iviser. The name . It Layllo, provides were collision tho lu The trains eago. aixty days, anj all on aecon Omaha Flyer and an eastbound freight affairs of the corporations in Ohio, for of the official ia not given by tha Ori- - f for ti ! forjJness stepdaughter' enlal papeVs, but the Chiue.se press V, sv rock caught fiie and two penalties for perjury in making train. M of go to and state tUtitoAio, the secretary car one sleeping slaye that his salary ia to be 8l5,OOtta 'passenger coach, ol iuTkU iUitr on Chris 'da and an annual tax of all corporations year. eight freight car were burned, (for '0 to and another chewing gum and was ordei car was partly doing business in Ohio, The bill wil It Is not probable that Germany sleeping C pun her re, move It fjpom her mouth. 'be carefully studied by Governor Nash ever will burned. begin a tariff war with tha ; fusal Wentworth undertook te force The freight train had taken a aiding and will be modified in some respects United fitates, says Consul-Genercompliance with his wishes. Ik ejectin the legisla- -' Harris st at Malta, but tbc train was longer before " it is- introduced Elbeostock, in a report to 4 ed Mrs. Davi from his present with tore. locoand tha the dated November than state the height aiding department, some violence, it being charged lliat he Office Kill Wrong Mn motive protruded upon tbc main track 2znd. Tm used bis fists upon her. Hhe a were to One man was killed and soother morsidetrack. Tbe incoming To save her babies, Mr Nebemiah a complaint charging him with bsitery beyond tbe west not was the from train tally wounded during a fight at Dallas, Ellison of Denver held to a burning passenger and Justice Provines imposed a senslopped until the two locomotives Texas, Monday, In ' which Deputy lampshade-unti- l the flesh on her left-ha-nd 4 tence of sixty days, cornered at tbe awitch the passenger fiherl L. Sullivan apd-was burned to the boner'By tht " La apod From Brooklyn Bridge to htkf; engine being thrown into the ditch and Cam mack attempted to arrest Thomas act of heroism the woman may lose her several coaches piling on top of the t urtu.lt y. and A. L. Timmerman on a band. wreck. The cars caught fire from tha Myers John Finover, a young wholesale locomotives, charge of murder. When Sullivan orThe treasury department has drawn dered Myera and Timmerman to surliquor dealer of Middleton, N.YM Jemp-e- d a warrant in favor of SHELLS FROM MISSISSIPPI. atfrom the Rrookiyo bridge Butday. claimed them is of oue render, it Schley for 83334, his share of the prizej He la still alive at a hospital. Pinover SLlty-Elf ht Handrri Teas Takaa Freia tempted to draw a revolver, when the money due him for the destruction ot told the doctor that h simply wasted shooting began. Gus Beck, s Hirer Brin 81,600. the Spanish fleet at Santiago, July 3r to see If be could make the jump aid was killed and Paul 'Himnger, anIt is estimated that no less than 0,800 1890. was fatally other live tons of clam shells were taken from th The Russian government bss forbidThe leap was taken In tha afternoon Mississippi river between Dnbuque and wounded. Myers, on of the men! den from tho girders near tha New York Bed was boring for kerosene or minerals in the At shot tb chin. wanted, Wing, Minn., the past season, for at A soy point.within 100 leagues of the coroner's inqncst Sullivan was exonerlower government tng lowered which paid 881,600. Over three coast from Russian possessions, begin. boat and the man waa taken out of tha fourthsbuyer ated blame. from all of these shells were shipped to Korea and extending to Sag-- i at ning water, apparently .lifeless. At thebos-pitand. tha Orgoa- Bap factories' south ; and east, Footpad h alien. ha waa unconscious for threa Mob8J for Khutelni Umom freight on them amounted to 813,600. In Cleveland, 0., the Salvation Army r hour That they might secure money to A estimate of 8170,000 is placed on the aCbristmas dinner to 5,000 people gave wer which Barks1 for and John' dancing lessons, boroque pay Indiana FoatoHlea Clarks Find a Baby I tbs pearls, slugs Two thousand wert . purchased from the digger MsU. and Henry Amaeher, two seventeen-year-ol- d in that city. in served Central Armory and basket While the clerks In tha Indianapolis, boysT'of Portland, Ore., Caracfla Will UCa 10,000,000 far Blfhar turned of were sent to the remainprovisions con-1 have Ind poktofflee wer assorting packages highwaymen.- They , Kdaeatlea. 3,00a . ing to Jessed and bound, came acres a gagged having received-la-basket Sunday they that ... PreAidnLRoosevelt.IiAa ., Ffre broke oat In thepwtofficebniid Beu Ih man, another boy' had an address and no stamps on it. formation from Andrew Carnegio that robbed In Donlow, W. Vs., sad notwithfrom meat a No on remembered having aecepted Is log market, expected to enable him to submit to employed bysecured cal- -, standing The 811.8a whom beavjr rain, spread so rap- -' such a package, and this led to aa inthey to congress s form of gift of 810,000,000 vestigation. When tha covering of tha the United Staten for higher education. prits sr novel fiends, and planned the: idly that almost the entire bnsines in a deliberate manner, even; portion of the town wa consumed. basket was removed a bottle of milk This offer will not be in bonds of the bold-uas to tell a circumstantial J Loss, 875,000. sOfsr fell on the floor, and still farther inve. going as for United States Steel corporation, an of alibi character until the' J Emperor Francis Joseph has ordered ligation revealed a baby boy, supposed merly proposed, but will be in a form Story were confessions to be a week or ten day old, sleeping wrung from them, j J the expulsion from Austria of the prio-Flacexpected to be generally satlafactory. soundly between a lot of flannels and The gift 1 likely to be in cash or In seWoo, aa Keocaro Jallar' j clpals In the baccarat game of Decern-an- d Brak.'"' ' her 31st, when st the Vienna Jockey pravaats baby clothes of tha finest possible tex- curities drawiug annual interest, in the county jail at; Club Count Potockl lost 500,000 florins ture. prisoners Eight Basalt at lha Flbt at Zaafantala. Walla Walla, Wash., overpowered Jail-- , j in three hours play. Th British wsr office has issued a list er Malone aa be waa locking tbe cells' gloalst Wail Fuad to Bay Syriaa Loads. k exhibit of the Tbe Tha Zionist congress, la session at of the British casualties at Zeefonlein, Monday night and wars about to make sition in Charleston, S. C., willexpoopen Col. Firman4 when Basle, Switzerland, ha resolved to es- December 24tb, their escape when Mr SussnKeea,i on January 6, continuing until Jana- of of thre companies tablish a fund of 300,000 to be devoted eamp. consisting wife of the sheriff, stepped np with a ary 20th. In tbe competition many 6? to tbq purchasing of land la Syria and yeomanry and two guns, ws successrevolver and firbvC'Vhe prisoners back the juoKt famous herds In the United under Boercommsud Palestine, Collections for this fund fully rushed by Sheriff Kees and hla States will be to tieir cell represented. will be made in sll the ronatries of the General De wet. The list indicate the family live la the jail building, and has decided to make Tbe Six president world. Tbe congress also decided to entire success of Dewet's attack.when Mrs. Kees heard the eommotion; In th office of collector of no were men change killed.eight she rushed to the rescue of tbejaRer'j form organisations in various countries officers and fifty to promote the Object or the present officers were wounded sod four are miss and released him from tbe prisoners, Internal revenue-fo- r held the district of New Mexico, now by A. L. Morricongress, and to hold biennial con- iog. It 1 presumed that the missing ,who were beating him' into insensirecord in the office was whose son, with the token were along officers gun. bility. gresses, stated to have been satisfactory,, Want Now Laws. Ta Go ta Spain aa a Mlaataa at Paaea, DoaaaV Civil Service Commlwloa Kefaaea to SaataUs Trost Laan W.' W. Feet, trea-urerthe missionMaelay, M. L. Lockwood .of Zelienople, P., J. M. Curry, of Washington, D. CL, in has esConstantinople, ary society bss been selected by the president to president of the American Anti-lrnThe Civil Service commission Thurscommunication with the tablished tn represent the United States nt Madrid league, bss given out s statement day notified Edgar S. Msclsy, tbs bin- -' brigands who hold Miss Ellen Stone on the occasion of the coming of age which he criticise at length th rectorisn recently employed In the Brooks captive, and hopes that the release of mad by- - President of thn young king, Alfonso XIII, on ommendation navy yard, that his removal from Miss Stone msy be accomplished withlya law to govern Roosevelt for a national Msy 18. bis position at that poiat was not ini in a fortnight. Mr. tockwood Dr. Curry wa United State minister trade combination violation of th eivil service act. Thiff Mr Adeline Barrett died of starvs- to Spain daring th year 1885 to 1889, that there is no necessity for aotification ia contained lo a letter In Pasedena, CaL, Thursday, betion on the tbs first administration of President any further legislation subject. written to Mr. Maday by President cause she was too proud to beg. Neigh- Cleveland. Re was present In bis Sist the rigid eoforcemcntof th fiberProctor of tbe commission, sad is in re4 official capacity, at the palace when th? law would be sufficient to ply to an inquiry from him. It U very bor of the woman are deeply affected, as they did not know of her need. Jlr. ffeclusliy suppress aod restrain hurt- .broadly intimated that the removal waa' king mads bit Advent into th world. ' Barrett was a native of Illinois, ,5 Mr Curry will accompany Dr. Currv. il trade and Industrial combinatloo for th good of tbs service. years of sge. Rear-Admir- al Rear-Admir- al Rear-Admir- al -- Mtur-iVolts- F. r-- . ht jl : tt, ht ty-ni- Vr V I annual-statement- t At- . V, hn Real-Admir- - al r ... - heMtht lo p rind Uaeher Which They Were EoSaavartng lo Avoid. It is reported that promoter C'oueaatrailoB. ky ar- ranged to sink gaa and oil well near Harboursville, Ky., to a depth where they wera Certain that oil would ha found in paying quantity and then plug" tha well, leaving tha impression that it ia a dry hole," in order that the price for land lease might be kept down. Since Christmas the overseers were absent, and It la claimed that lhe '"tiler went too deep. The result was a gusher aix mile from Barboursville yielding 3,000 barrel a day. Tbe oil became Ignited, destroying nil the machinery and surrounding Umber, shooting np a distance of over a hundred feet every twenty minutes. oa live-stoc- 4 -- of LIBERTY FOR'CERONIMO, A pacha Chief sad CSS - ht Judge Elliott at Minneapolis Mon day granted a temporary order restraining the officer of tha Northern Pacific Railway company from retiring the preferred stock of that company, Tha order wa issued oa th application of Peter Power of New York, who holds 100 share of the common stock. It was supposed that tha fallors of tha actloo brought In New York by bolder of preferred stock cleared away tha last obstacle to tha retirement of tb preferred on January lat, leaving the Ilill Interests free to netIt ia inferred, although it doca sot so appear, that tha preaen action la brought in behalf of the Hardman interests to prevent th control paaalog from out of its haode for another year or nutil the legal standing of the Northern Securities company la settled. The claim set up by Mr. Power In hla suit la that the retirement of the preferred stock ia in violation of the agreement that such retirement would lay no additional burdens upon tbe common. Atack..ad It the eee llficate of debenture bond lo i iaaned to effect the retirement of tha preferred stock would become a lien upon the common stock and thus work an injury to hla property. OH Men lw - NEWS SUMMARY. ed IN COURT. Bsllof That llarrimaa bj Mlaaoeota Farmer Narrawly Eseapa Daath Ftaaa Vlcloua Auluiala. Eugene D. , Logan of Hidgeway, hvy Tb experiments. Prof. Loeb say, were simple, .Unfertilized eggs of thu aea urchin wer placed In a weak solution of potassium eyanida and abandoned far several days. In ordinary condition an unfertilized egg dies in a few hours, destroyed by Abe death agent born with it, 'At the end of aeveral day the rgge were again examined and were found to be atilt capable of fertilization and of producing healthy animals. In explaining the results, Prot Loeb said that the Mortiferons processes" were due to the actions of certain ferment of an unknown nature, whose destructive tendency was counteracted by the potassium salts. Several other papers of importance were read during tbe meeting. "Prof. D. J. Lingle of the University of Chi Ago, gat th results of his research into the effect of common salt upon the heart heat, lie affirmed with great emphasis that, contrary to the statements of Prof, Howells of 11 arvard, salt ia tha aule agent responsible for the rythmic action (if- the heart. - AMva ADMIRAL SAMPSON'S WEN- TAL CONDITION SERIOUS- HI Brsta Is Tlran ud Kara very from 11 1 vjj ATTACKED BY HOGS. 1 bring about extinction." lint, greater vea than tha apparent discovery of thl death egent in all life snhalanee, ia ProL Loeb a announcement that ha has been able to check tbe agent, in the egg of tha.sea urchin at least, by mean of chemical agent This, it ia said, means nothing leas than that on a minute scale the secret of eternal life In tbe power of mankind. rytzss fkae-ws- T- Of FILIpijc3 W all. la aU,iU. . Many Filipino who accept service finder American rnle are i,udtith awful vengeance by their My Tbe records of a Ire been received at the war (Ut dej,ruot fo which three native polls,. me(, who had been sent from S La,g la Nicholas, I loco North, for duty H the latter port wer seized and board by an armed band of Filipino out". Uken before a priest to' W and then flung alive into a well,dtr being backed with bolo. The' aailants then filled np the well I11 loose earth. One of the band, eealao Resales, who was breast to trial, waa sentenced to be banged Another native policeman Aid hi ' I UTAH STATE NEWS 4 ptactvoe Capture Bn4 Sciential Claims, Is Sal la( Pews of Tlaaeaa, Hat aa Acalve Aeat That Ceo te CeatrelM, poath. CO. ' rtBLJJBDia BARBARITt MYSTERY OF DtsATH PROBED BY SCIENTISTS COALVILLE TIMES. of His Hood to ha Rriuds Frank Armstrong, ns so mgvot for tbe war department, ia now at Fort Sill, Wyoming, making arrangements for tha release of Chief Geronimo and 396 Arizona Apache Indian, who are held by tha government a prisoner of war. They wera captured by General Lawton twelve year ago after a 3,000. mile campaign. They will he allotted1 land by tbe government. at nti-trn- st i |