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Show I : vvtiv vi CooJ bu, Kuk j j eagle Bunters j t j Kvrry hud) knov.t. vt,;tt u l ihk vnm fifTUjifiiiuii tlii! ( ha nuis huntcta of tin1 Alps lmc tu rniltiif tit make a Itvt'Il-I Itvt'Il-I lwm. h.il f,-w know that tht-nw "cliur.-j "cliur.-j Ht-urH tv vhmunW havo a hlilo lino that 1h ntlll nicii-fi vtMituii'NKmc. It In 1 hut of c;inuiiiiit youuft tfrl-'H. f)nly thn morn ilut-tux the tl.amuU. hunrirn tmiWtJtko tt, .hiUo U.n t.tct thnt tlx Iln.iiKlal ;warlH are min t) Krtit'r thiui voiuf-n to thoao who di-1 di-1 vntii themsrlves ntii i;ly to Mhoutiit;; i t".i ntiiilih'-f wttcil nnliniiln whno boIl Mk in Ii plv(it3 In H'.irh (icniund, Tho v:kv if tho Alpi Ih a roy.i! Mnl 'h hulhlM his ncHt fur nliovo the rvAi of 1 ho farth'H Inhahliiiiitn. Tho most InaciM-Hslhli' rlllTri, uunlniK tU-vp ynn KW'-'-h und crowii' tl with nnow-rapHMl m al , Ih hi;' favtir tt upot for Ihmuo-tiinltitix. Ihmuo-tiinltitix. tuid It iK to tlh.-ff plains that th cajlr hiiiilcr hau to Tho ini'thctl o tho hunt Is not only daiiKiToiiH, but It in exci'tialvHy tftllmiH ns well. It iiteoKhltati a, Hointtliiuu, thn SfMtrt'hi'iB hunKliiK lu mldiitr for hoiirH at u time. Thn clrclhiK of tho ingh-s is rnrcfnlly wutched and , the rlrft notod on which tho iit'tt Is probably located. This run only be dotermlned after long and rnreful study of tho birds' habits. Tho center of tho dlninett-r of their circular cir-cular lltKht Is sum to ho neur tho nest nnd tho young engk-s. Tho noxt thing Is to net to tho top of the (lift nnd rlR up h dnuhle set of pulleys. pul-leys. Tho ha 11I I n k pulley la faMmed on a nturdy tandlUK tree firmly rootod tn tho .mricucU-H of tho moiintnln top. A cabin Is veered throueh this and then throuRh r drop pulley fntened to soma stoi,( fn I It'll tree ti utile, brae, d to reach over the l-i; :ik ko Unit tho lino will fall clear of il'o rocks. A cor.ipiu nti'd knot, known nn a bdalsmnn'H H'-nt, In which a man can rewt at conipMtiitlvp onse, Is formed In this lino. Into this the e.H'N't hunter 1 flips hh lcfcn und Ih lowered away ov-r t in pttxlpUo. Vtih a man alov t the jiulliy to iouir and one below at the Kuhle rope to pull In or out, tht ciikIc hunter ran Ret at tho eruvlces In j tho rock nod fanh carefully for tho I IlCHtH. j Hnow-Rhronded peaks 'and Rlaeton ! are his nHj;!. bors, A weak Htrund lu 1 tho rope nie;iilri ii rtntn ib ath. Kilt death alio threatens him In other wavri. It may emuo from a moment's mo-ment's Klddlnetn on hi part; from a fhil .slip by the ma ri uhim who held the pulley rope or fro:u bad Judtcment by tho m m who hebl thn Kuldlut; rope In low, who mlKhl Hwln, him so forcibly forci-bly Into tho cleft that he would b dutdicd to pieces. After the nest Is found and tha caKh'ts secured there are tho old eales to be reckoned with. They do not take kindly to having their you on kidnaped and If they are In tho Immediate neighborhood neigh-borhood there 1b huio to he a lively half hour for tho eaglet hunter up tn the clouds. Koinetlmcs a hunter Is lowered to the foot of the dlff wllbout scciuu; a next. Then comes iho tedious and laborious process of bQiilinn him up Buln. Thli frefpieiitly takes an hour. If a single nest Is found In a week's hunt tho hunters feel amply repaid. |