OCR Text |
Show IToitghntiss of the Hon- riy. A lly will survive hm:: Immersion in water, and will sustain the rUoro of aulphur anil other disinfectants without with-out apparent Injury. Only turpentine chloroform anil ammonia cull get tlie b-lter of a lly. B "TAT. or num. rirr or Tot.mio. I ' I Frtink .1 Vli. n.-v male Venih lien tin Is the 1 I' tiler iiiitliiT el the Una f I-' J I 'licnev A CM, 1 j I. 1 in re c u-i.t T..I.-.M. i...i.it n.l saute iinc-s i'.t. uiel "i n .nl.lt' nil will ...y tin. ...in f cim: hi' ' iiti:i inu.i.Ai.s iur mi ll m v. , veil- el r.l.inli llml .-i.i.itul Incur. In-cur. U liy Urn usdiil Hull -1 n'nrrli rnrc. I ICASi; J. CIII'.NKY. Rwtirn t ticfnro m ami .nl'ii-nlu-il In my Drcseue.t, UilsCiUUay of lii'1'i iiii..T. A. I). InA Hull's Celarra rare Is taken li.teniiillv. unit Set- illrectlY nil He' lil'Hsl itii'l niui-i'ili sitrtuoee VI lue system. S. ml ..r ir.ilin.eilujs. free. F J. 1 111.MIY a Co., Toledo, O. fteidliTlirinnci-i-. , M i I'smily Tills nre lie. rs-t- Newspapers Ahead, of Coarse. One bank In Kl Heuo made $::5.000 by agreeing to give notice of prlies drawn In the recent land lottery, and thin the newspapers gave the notice alother Gray's Nweetrowelrre for Chllelrea Putvessfully used by Mother Cray, nurse In the t'lilldren'stlonieiu .New York. Care KeverUlmess, Und htomaeh. Terlhlng Die. orders, move aud regulate the ilouelsand Jlestroy Wonns. liver ISMSS) tesllmoDlala, At all druggists, 1!.V. hninplo rara. Address Ad-dress AUuu B. Uluistnl, Leltoj', N. V. IKouvrnlr l'.i.u.l t.nl.. Souvenir postal cards are used al Ithe rate of l.tlbJ.'iS a day In Germany, according tu a count of them maintained main-tained by the government every day fot a week. The pontuge paid on the cardi averaged I7,1'jO a dav. Ii Ixing Live the King! The King la j Wizard Oil; pain his enemlua, whom j lie coiiuuera. J . 1 l.l(lithouse llellt fuller Water, 1 The iai-r. John M. Hacon, tho Ens- j ' llsli balloon expert, Insets that llght- ! houses should liuve warning bella uu-der uu-der as well as above water, because In i a storm sound travelH further unUci j wnler Hum Ihiu'H-h the I i Kiveat or fruit aclils will not discolor p.-ids dyed with IM'TNAM I AIKI.IS 1 l)Vi;S. 'hold bydruifi'ists. loo. packuifu. i Serve eur McVls a liar- I Waihliigtou hotels are said to be the ' only onca In thin country that serve ' four regular meals every tweuty-four ! hours breakfast, luncheon, dinner aud iupper tho hitler being served lu some casca as lute as midnight. I ToromsWil In Hio i r. i Take Laxative llnmio yumliie Inl.lels. All ! druifL-isurofuudiuoiieylf ltfulltocure.i t'sllmales on t'uiii lu-U AnthraoUe. ' A l'blladelphla banking Ai m has eal- etltated that there still remain uuinlned '( fj,0"3,775.0(j0 tons of coal In the nnthra- J cite rrglons. The same calculations es tl.eate the tonnage for the present yea. at .ri0.ooii,(iuii ' 1 do doi believe Plso's Oars fot OoasumpUoi '! has sa equal fur eoimi.s sod coIos.-Joh F Boiaa, Trlolty Sp-ows. laa.. fee. it. ivoo " -e- i ' i THE HANnSdM.SI LALeftilAit of the seas.. n (In te n i-d'url it henu- ttful heads Ion st s tn, Id' li lueh- csl, rcpneltn tloi -c of p tlntlnes by Moran. Issued hv C''i"'.'l l'.i""r"f 1 licparlmeiit. Cl.leiivo. Milwaukee St. I'lttil ltallwnv, will be s"lt oil l(-ee-i,t , of twenty-live cents. A'l l.ets K. A. Ulller, General l'asjo itger Agent, Chi- f cago. . Manuel lionet to, the ruyallnp half- f breed who was convlclcil on the Vance murder trial 111 Tine t. hits been sen- tenccel Ui (en years In lite penitentiary. In Winter t se Allrn'e reel Fete, i powder. Your fe et feel uncomfortable. V i nervous, and often ruld and damp. It , you have Chilblains, sweating sore feet j or tight shoes, try Alli'n's Kisit-Kaae. h Bold by all druggists aud shoo stores, I Sue. nuniple sent ll(i:iv Atldress I Allen S. Olmsted, l,o Itny, N. Y. 1 The California Cnreel Trull assocls- J Hon has Just eolel Son carload of J prunes. I bis leaves only 100 carload V of last year's crop. f Dropsr trsntel vi ov !'. H. H. Oreen'e Pons, of Attaint, tiv lue greatest lruO"T f pss ialletsln the wo-!cl Heed thl dr- 1 U.om.-r.-. in another cOainn ot this paper, ( iCotlftoy llnrtung, ngetl tkl years aud j the ohleat mini In Mpidiano, Is dead. I I Mis. hisliiw's atmttilnalrrtth The populnllon of Vancouver, 11. C, I J ie nun pieced al '.'s.tusi. Sp imiitiii.au A u i . m umo (woe ' A. .' ,y..ie.jjW .! j I V -.' f Vv"t I Jnii.i .. . I. -'...i.e.. I I'nlre. I i..- . t. : ' ... wi '-ft.'" I I TT. l.iilili,7'-' I'nirs. fk-i I-" -1 t -- t-' -uar.s-ji sai .,, ., ..Ul4..le.j.e. ..s-c r.'i. iu Ai'Ojs i : , . l 1 .-I..-, nee-, ertits'l'' "re mstt's ut... liir..' Ill tie-wi'-i'l. W. I.. 1 . lii,....l S im.', Irf.f.taeel Met U ."lo ll '' se.l .' a e.l srneik. .. ref..iti.i I . I ) . t ei S " t. Ii, -y ,ll i.'ilwstr iwo .-U el ooltiuir , V. .is. .)yn'1'; ,'!1-'" f f BS171BS HVIJB tltvrg 7AII.,, :Yi,cco,cq,J CMtamwsy. A siiti-lltiile fur unit sttp-rlnr lo mitsinrd or Itliylillier plusler. Hint Ml ti ll 1,11, I T tl.ll III .Ht ee.ll' It" Sllltl. 'I'l'e plllll .llli tlliir Slut llli irl'!'l'..il'tlll.l..Ol..,l.t e...."llll ' rnll-Ve lies III. In. llli-t set .III,.. Wo rcre.ili in. ml It os III" li'-t att.t .nlr.l e-riernul i-..uiiO'r Irrltutil kni.sii. l.n u tut KI.tii.iI ili.il sil rli'ii. ..Hi'. O.IUU-suit si, utye'eitn p..,. ills. A li ml Villi li lil V.H rli.illi i ,r II. Ilt.tl II 'll be f.'.iii.l in he lioiiliit.l.le ' III urn l,...i.el,.,:,l. Mini) s-.,.ie sey-ll Isltii-le-Hlufiilluf tent .r..,ttttle.." I'rl.-et 1 ee-u, nt nUilnwM.el nil - r ili-nleis. e.r In-K. In-K. -I Hi..: till. Ulll.eilll Ol IIS III Isi-U.un HtullMi. e will semi tun u tuts- III Iti.itl. No srtli le .lii.tll.l Ik. hi ,., .l...l i.v 1 lie P Ie mill ss the Sllllie ,-in-rll Ul.nr HO ' I II-el her I -tilt ISUOl gtuuiuu. ciii,..-.i:iuet)iiiti strii. co, IKE COflTEHTED FflRMEti s the men trim never hits a fslltire In crons, ., HI reter-i. tei- 1,1s lu-. -.TM. Still 111 J r?iir.Tr c.n "' ''' '.i- I n. r i ! ''-"' A-.'iiiii.n. A"erl n. at .l h i.lt.il. In sua. I:..' laleliol otlvsnlig , mil lee Licit lure at- tovi ti to lltose deslr- , e,t. (,t lt,-..e. utis tlie f .ill gnu" WW! Toe , l,..,.lM,te f.ic.J I..O.I Aims W.i.o-ra C'sn. U s.-ui free l.i ll n..Hl.niits. Applv Ui K. , l-islley. hillsTliiUliili lit lli.liilsrillloii. Ilinese. f. I'sti.iifii. er to V. V. Ilei 1. C aii.ellilli titiv. eminent Aicvut, but New York Lale lliUg., I fjluuhu, Nell. C. pROMG-LAX Sor,,,,l," f..1-nt!",rV ' p'"-i'!'i" "mi'SV!' M.'f.."''! f l.i:XAM)l.K, l I jl Assnyer, ",'ML,"!,"ll,,)'1',l,, DfOPSY DlsrnvfltY' '.Tr issik ii. i'Il'JssIi's subs. k.. b. as W. N. VJ., Salt Luke- No. I, IUD2. t, ..eAaU"I'"it ."TJiijuJ fJ.i"liL y t'-3 'e |