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Show Ti.Mllf.rdTiinee I th 'ete.t ad.ll-tioato ad.ll-tioato L'Uab't) weekly papere til lint BotnNi making ltppearanrlaat mk. ' C. V. Hart li th pntilliher. Puree . to lh ;lme. On of the moat tnteraellue, number elllie Improvement Era yet punHihed waa the lent leetie ol Jan, It la lull ofellent null if matter ' and U . wurlhr tti tim ol anon t read it. ' Th Era li bow on of th vary boat ol tnagailtie nJ ahnulrl b taken by ill th yvue peopl who wili to f"t fxxi reading matter. A MlaMnrl armor I tliua quoted In "Th. klarvvllle (Mo.) Tribun:" "I oaed tn acre ol clitver, oalng aa leed or huahtl, whloh coat m (VI. I aold lrm that lea K'rea twenty ton nl bar ior10-oa loa and thirty l and - one-halt bohl of wdl'r $191. Thao I aold th aaaoad crop ol bay lor IS. That mail th relpt Iroro nijr ln aer0.. Tb al eoat m (A, and I wa at ancipeaee ol about plQ, to mf ' nat profit off tb tag aera of ground war J almnet 2o enar.r." Mm : Wa bllv that a law wordaol praia i in th ootflti city officer who bat erved th popl tb peat two year The, nieu have dnoe well In their of-flcee, of-flcee, and no fault ehould W found with tbaronra they pureaed. Wbil It ta inipoetlble to aull everybody, w beliet that they data acted well and that th work lliaj hav duoahaa been approved ' by th majority ol th cltiuo. Th new ofll'wr ar all good dib and will without doubt go lilt" olHce with th ' Intention ol (ervlng th people well, and they ahuuhl hav tha beatwlahea of all. Th Sew Yar'i edition of th Bait j ; I.ak Herald which came out laat Buu- ,L - day wa a grod number. It contained excellent wri'.-upa ol Utah and her in-duatrlce, in-duatrlce, capecially that of wining, whltli aa well gotten up. TheTrihuue alio got out a (oud edition un New Yrar'e ' day, ahli li waa full of giHid lact ton- remlug th Induatriva ol our lair Hlale and llu aiirrtmnding bar. Tha big edition u( th Halt Lake daille allow ' the great progroaa that I being made ill the art ut printing, and that Utah la not on whit behind any other Pt In ' thi regard. j A Kanaa young uian who la leachlni In thal'lilllpplneawrltea home: "The j ahl'dieu hav learned to read and write Ilrom th llrat readur, and are belter etu.li-nt than the American children, They lunnnrlae everything. TheKngllah apellltig l 'in m h niulo.' They don't eabe lliml 'a' or 'ough,' 'lion.' 'eion,'eic. Tin nalivea are friemlly and ho.pitahle. The viailoi muat alwaya accept a cigur j or a ciguiett and a gla ol wine. The j enjiltiii eiunke dKai'tiea and chew 7 ln'tluiit. Theilieaa ul the imllvc i iiuple ud brief. They hav aulved ( the problem ol couifurt. The bnmlirea j wear their only upper garment flapping 3 in the breeze. Bennritaa' cluthea aie j JceuMete at both em!, but witluil tliey . i are becoming and ecueiole. The ahoea 1 raa!aylvltatlliedoranttliealok' iiigi aie left at home." i r rrnturjf ('onaforl. Milliom aredally finding a aorld ol comfort In llucklen'a Arnica Salve. It kill pain Irani Hum, Hold, Cut, llrule ; couUr Ulcer, and Kever klre;cllrea Krnplioiia, Halt Uheiiin, llnila und Keliini; remove Coma and M'aru. Heat I'll cure un earth. Only 'Joe at John Itoydeu A fou liriigniata. |