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Show Democratic Defeat Spells Repudiation of Wilson to Europe What Will Europe Think of Election of a Republican Congresj? And Germany What Will She Think Of It? How many Americans appreclato the appearance which election of a Republican Congress will put on the face of American affairs in tho eye3 n( Europeans, and reallzo that tho coming election may play an important part on the settlement of international affairs, depending on which party Is j successful. Perhaps just as many as can fully explain the effect on an En;. lish cabinet of the downfall of tho majority party in parliament. 1 i Theodore Roosevelt and Benjamin Harrison, two Republican presidents, understood It Roosevelt told the nation during the Spanish American ar appealing to tho people for election of a Republican Congress to stand behind be-hind a Republican President William McKinlye: "Remember that whether you will or not, your votes this year will be viewed by the nations of Europe from one standpoint only. They will draw no fine distinctions. A refusal to sustain the Presi. dent, this year, will, in their eyes, be read as a refusal to sustain the war and to sustain the efforts of our peace commission to secure the fruit of war. Such a refusal may not inconceivably bring about a rupture of the peace negotiations. It will give heart to our defeated de-feated antagonists." It was Benjamin Harrison, then an ex-President of the United States who, while that same war was in progress.hnd this to say: HARRISON GIVES SAME MESSAGE. "If the word goes forth that the people of the United States are standing solidly behind the President, the task of tho peace com. missloners will be easy; but if there is a break in the ranks If the Democrats score a telling victory, If Democratic Senators, Congrcos-men Congrcos-men and Governors are elected Spain will see in It a gleam of hope, she willtake fresh hope, and a renewal of hostilities, imore war may bo necessary to secure to us what we have already won." To Europe, accustomed parliamentarian democracies, where the fall of tho party in power from the majority of seats In the parliament means re pudlation of all its policies, removal of all responsible heads of tho executive department, and an about-face in affairs a crisis, in fact, In political life-It life-It is Inevitable that a party reversal in the United States will bear the sanu meaning. They will not understand how a government can claim to represent rep-resent its people when the people have turned to the opposition. ' With one hundred millions of free people behind him, President Wilson has attained leadcrshipafor the United States among the Allied nations. He has been able to guide the thought of democracies of the world to solution ' of the conditions of warfare along American ideals. His voice, as that of a united America may well, be the dominating voice in the peace counclh of next year, when the allied nations decide the future of the world. NO LEADERSHIP TO BE REPUDIATED. But repudiated by his own people, tho allies will look elsewhere for leadership, lead-ership, will find it elsewhere. England or France, or both, will take the reins of decision. The United .Sr will have only a secondary voice, for who can speak for it not Woodrow Wilson, because he will be "repudiate ed," and not the Republicans, for they will haye no leader at the head of affairs. af-fairs. The Republicans may nominate as zealous and patriotic men as do the j Democrats. Their candidates may have the full Intention of supporting the President faithfully in all international affairs. But if they nre elected, in 'j tho eyes of Europe, Woodrow Wilson ceases to be the spokesman of a united j American people, and nothing under heaven can change that fact, j - MAYS and WELLING have been faithful and true representatives of j the people of this state, zealous, meeting every test of patriotism with a j record 100 per cent. They have been tried and not found wanting. They ; deserve election because of past services. But they must be re-elected in any case, for Utah cannot afford to go on record as a state which docs not stand by the President. It must announce to the chancellories of Europe ' that Its people believe in Woodrow Wilson, in his policies, and In his position with relation to the war and to peace. ; i Why change horses now? The bank of the. stream is not yet f reached. - Democratic Central Committee of Weber County ' I Political Paid Advertisement. |