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Show I The Kitchen I Rice Cusiard. Doil scant half cup of lice iu ono quart of milk in a double boiler until done, or about one hour; then add a rounding teaspoon of butter, salt, the yolks of four eggs. Beat with '.i cup of sugar. Stir one way until thick, tl en remove from fire and stir in tho whites of four eggs that have been beaten very stiff. When cool flavor with lemon. German Coffee Cake. One-quarter cup butter, one-quarter cup lard, one cup sugar, two eggs, one-half one-half cake compressed yeast, one-half pint milk. Cream, butter, lard and sugar, add eggs, yeast and milk. Flour to make a stiff dough so it can just be handled with a spoon. Let stand oyer night, or In warm weather if made In tho morning will be ready to bake by 1 o'clock. When light put into buttered but-tered shallow pans, brush with melted butter. Spread sugar, cinnamon and chopped almonds over top. If rusks are desired mako stiff enough to roll and cut with biscuit cutter. Let riso and bake in a moderate oven. ice Cream Cake. One cup of white sugar and half cup of butter creamed together, one cup of flour, half cup sweet milk and one cup of flour. Add whites of two large eggs, half cup of flour sifted with two teaspoons tea-spoons of baklug powder and one teaspoon tea-spoon of vanilla. Put together and bake in a loaf. Frosting one cup powdered sugar, two egg yolks beaten together for 15 minutes, then add one teaspoon vanilla Spider Corn Cake. Tnko ono cup of corumeal, half teaspoon tea-spoon salt, mix with new buttermilk till it can be poured from the dish, then dissolve half teaspoon of soda in one tablespoon cold water and add to tho batter, also one egg not beaten. Beat 1 all well and turn into hot spider which has been well buttered. Put in hot oven and bake till just cooked. It does not get brown on top and is about one inch thick when cooked. Serve hot with butter or molasses. Brown Betty. Two cups bread crumbs, four table- j spoons melted butter, two tablespoons cinnamon, four cups of chopped applo j and one cup of sugar. Arrange in lay-era lay-era alternately, spreading the sugar and cinnamon between the first and last layers of bread, add three cups of hot water. Butter may be spread on top or not, or on each Blice befora cutting into crumbs. Bake ono hour or a little more, covered. cov-ered. Uncover to brown on top. Jollied Bananas. Peel 8 or 10 bananas (not over-ripe), and cut each ono in slices lengthwise, then once across. Lay them flat on a dish Have ready some melted red currant jelly and pour over, so that the bananas aro just covered. Place in j Ice chest. When jelly is quite stiff j cut out each slice with a border of jol ly and pile them carefully on a glass dish. Dust them over with dcslcated cocoanut, i Steamed Podding;. Two cups of sifted bread crumbs, ono teaspoon different spices, one and a half cups chopped apples, one cup of raisins, one-half teaspoon soda and one egg. Steam several hours and serve with hard sauce, or whipped cream, or any favorite pudding sauoe, Blanc Mange. One-half cup Irish moss. Wash iq tepid water, pick over and put lnta double boiler with ono quart of milk. Dull until It thickens when dropped on L a cold plate. Add half saltspoon salt, I strain, not allowing bits of moss to pass through strainer; add flavoring and turn iuto a mold that has been wet with cold water. Sea moss farina may be used, one level teaspoon to a Quart of milk. Heat slowly and stir often. I Applo Pie. Make a rich crust with lots of lard and a little cream of tartar and pinch Of soda, sifted In flour. Slice apples j thin place around plate till nearly full, then' sprinkle a little salt over all tha I apple, cover with sugar and grate nut-meg nut-meg or sprinkle cinnamon over tho , sugar cover and rub top crust over with milk. Never fill an apple pie tuo I full, then it won't run over. That la I what causes so many soggy pies. |