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Show I - RECALL OF PUBLIC OFFICERS TO BE PROVIDED FOR IN BILL I TO BE INTRODUCED MONDAY QtAtc House. Snlt Lake, Jan. 13. Representative Thomas Page ' today 3 ' ,ve notice that he will introduce a li f,,! prnviding for the recall of all pub lic officials on petition of twentv-five I percent of the voters of the state, die. Lcr, or city. I The bill will rover every elective office from governor to constable. Most states having thr recall re-uIrP re-uIrP a different percentage for the Delltion for recall of stare, counts and ! municipal officers, but Mr Page's! measure will mak the percentage same In each case. I I'nder the drastir provisions of this I bin an election for the recall of anv If I (tale officer must be held on petition 0f rwenty-five percent of the voters of the state. The election for the all of any county or district officer nu?t bo hold on petition of twenty j five percent of the voters of such district dis-trict or countv, and likewise with municipal officers. Mr Pace has another bill, already reported, providing fnr the Initiative ; and referendum The recall bill will be introduced separately. (Th general support of the recall : measure apparently assures the easy : passage. In the Senate. When the house committee on revenue reve-nue and taxation met this morning to consider the tax bill, Senator C. L. Olson, champion of the public utilities Mil in the upper house, asked permis. I son to make a statement, which wn I granted. He delivered a powerful ar-f ar-f rument for the passage of the public utilities in the drastic form of tha original draft. iT I' was an executive session, but! nU Senator Olsnn s ringing voire nonetrnt.! Ail I cd the walls and his eloquence was 1 understood by the listening throng ' In the lobby. The senator declared it was fool-: for the ,sn and futiIf ,n attempt the passage! j. o. of a public utilities hill which did not ebaker covf'r pverythlng The people de mand the bill in Its original form, he ! 5ierp.it sald' as drasti :is H can he made.1 er has including every utility used by the1 Dublin public, and they also demand Its rigor- 1 ore ous eniorcPrnent- M-ferS Thr' Pnosi,in to the bill in the 'bile ' h0USP ,s at'a!nst ,nr Provision for the eshold commission of three at high salaries 1 i auto Tbe eronorn-v champion argue that the T,ulu commission should consist of the gov. to Jn PrDOr- th trcaFurer or auditor, and u reas the allorno'-:r':,npral. who would have s mn rWPr to emDly a superintendent to ' handle the office and field work. This . "PC I rrran cement, they contend, would be ,ar& sufficient to enforce the law and sao 1 - the expense of the high salaried com-raters, com-raters, T ion Ith? Senate. mand. Petition signed by citiiena of which wlington protesting i ... nsl anv ac-mca ac-mca i urn landing toward enforced militarj 1 trailing or service presented by Sen-mmm Sen-mmm 1 ator Colton. Referred to committee on public affairs I Senate concurrent resolution No. 1, authorizing employment of messenger, mes-senger, reported back from committee commit-tee on engrossing and enrolling, signed by president of the senate and referred back to the lower house for speaker's signature. Senate bills No. 2 and No 5 re ported back from legislative refer- ence committee with recommenda I tlons for printing, and referred to Judi-clary Judi-clary committee Corrupt practices bill, bill provid j ing for codification of state laws, and bill providing for increase in number ' i of members of legislature and redi-I redi-I vision of representative and senatorial J districts introduced and referred to legislative reference committee. Retrenchment in printing expenditures expendi-tures of senate discussed and adjournment ad-journment taken until 2 o'clock Mon- dav afternoon Causes of majority members on administration ad-ministration measures followed adjournment. ad-journment. H ouse. Joint resolution introduced by Rep-I Rep-I resentatlve Thomas Page. proiding that the legislature shall meet for thirty days to receive proposed legislation legis-lation and refer it to commit lees, then recess for thirty days for committee I work and meet for thirty days more to act upon committee reports and pass legislation. House joint resolution No. 2, by Williams, protesting against an increase in-crease in grazing fees on national forest for-est reserves, reported back from committee com-mittee and passed as presented. Baft ' ",roduceJd bj McKlnnev of fo enrt;; a?cndin garnishment law to correct abuses attendant upon garnishment gar-nishment proceedings before' judg Bill by Boyden of Summit to place aUcense tax on itinerant peddlerTof RUl by Cazier of Juab extending the romonreCUnp ,itl? t0 irom one to five vears Adjourned until 2 p. m Monday. oo . |