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Show IBell-ans I Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package' 1 proves it 25cat all druggists, fk Tl Is tffMttT la trMtiaf tW S oontarl discharge ; kflfl pitftlMOvBOt- poltosott IT W M tad will cot IbUSW ID 1 tO S ikjt. sold nv niiuMHT J-rel Post It dMlrd- Pnee II. sr I bottle 7 ('rpATU Sr TUB E V A.N S CHEMICAL CO.. CINCINNATI. O. Coming, "The Purple Mask," Read the Story See it. in Coming, "The Purple Mask," Read the Story See it. oo Honest Treatment for Honest 1 1 People jl MEN AND WOMEN g A gTat amount of adrerse crlt lolim of specialists tsj unethical 'fl doctors has led maajr to believe th ere Is hardly an honest specialist jj 11 I require is that my patrons be as honest with me as I am with ri them g I have the highest endorsements of the most repu'nble men of M any specialist Ln the West I could not afford to disappoint them nor 'fc? my patrons. I hare a reputation for honesty to uphold, whlcn can gBl only be done by the most honeet w ork. V I have a thorousb equipment, years of erperlence and the latest 1 fl and bt-jt remedied, and make a specialty of a few diseases difficult to care, vis.: m 1 ' Rheumatism. Skin Disease. Catarrh. Piles. Crlnary Troibles. all !f forms of Nervousness, Weakness, Mei&ncboly, Debility. Kidney aad Bladder Trouble, and many other chronic forms of dls'ss. NB My statements are true, mado In public or prlvato I conceal TL nothing, make no false Impressions; publish my own nam and ituy W Ufrapb. and give my personal attention to overy ptient. j Call at mj office for oareful diagnosis of your case, -m DR. W. M. GRIFFITH 159V2 MAIN STREET SaJt Lake City. Hours. 10 a m. to S p m.. Sundays 10 to 12. 1 -3 |