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Show GIVES UP HER BLOOD There a woman who, on the battlefield, bat-tlefield, meets the man who has ruined her life, and she elves up her blood in a transfusion operation so that he may be saved to fight for his eoun-try. eoun-try. See this marvelous picture Btaged in Paris with Mme Petrova as Star. Utah, Sundav. Monday and Tuesday F'etrova calendars free. Popular playB and players Phone goo. Advertisement. HI i J Sunday and Monday Only l "The Price of Silence" I A Story of a Woman Who TrustedGave and the Price She Paid. Featuring Dorothy Phillips and Lon Chaney IT'S A BLUEBIRD-IT'S GOT TO BE GOOD Tuesday, Wednesday, Jan. 6-17 pB Sunday and Monday , ! i i PI FASF NftTF e following plays. They have been asked for by a number of our patrons and we take great pleasure in announc- 1 LLnJL nilL jng nat we nave booked them all. If after seeing them, you don't like them tell us-if you like them tell your friends. The Oracle is doing all that can be done to please its patrons. We will never raise our price. By the way, "Wid," one of the world's greatest theatre critic says, (about the "Price of Silence" and "God's Crucible") greatest play and photography of the season, should not be missed." "God's Crucible," "The Piper's Price," "Morley's Ghost," "The Shriveled Soul," 'The Right to be Happy," 'The Honor of Mary Blake," "Black Orchids' "Mixed Blood," "The Silent Battle," "Bettina Loved a Soldier," "Little Eve Edgarton," "The Crippled Hand," "The Girl of Lost Lake," "Fighting for Love," Wm. Hart in "The Night Stage." TO EVERY PATRON OF THE ORACLE TUESDAY AND WED NESDAY WE ARE GOING TO GIVE A SOUVENIR. See "The Purple Mask" FEATURING GRACE CUNARD AND FRANCIS FORD Thursday and Friday with "Liberty" jjWWtfHPyt TfJjy AySfflr fHfVjSlfef - ir - KMpOBMS1 uSSjvQHSHMHhSiIppv 9iB9BBV9iiHiRHHHfi9S ZjBp &jg& TfiSIfly fwfl ORPHEUM SUNDAY, TOMORROW ONLY Her battles for the right is pictured In the WILLIAM FOX PHOTOPLAY "THE VICTIM" STARRING VALESKA SURATT The Woman of a Thousand Emotions. The Might of the Law I Makes One More.Victim "H An innocent girl, against whom all the B$ I world seems to conspire, Is caught In Hr. I the tolls of a giant conspiracy, and I crushed beneath the Iron hels of E, I ONE NIGHT H ONLY 10c Admission I ORPHEUM THEATER WED.. JAN 17TH MATINEE AND NIGHT fejj W I "THE WINNING OF fKg I BARBARA WORTH" Mgtim And an Rloquent Competf-iH Players W'mMKmKBm W- I and Complete Scenic Equipment MFHB W I A PLAY FOR MOTHERS. DAUGHTERS, MBmT K- I FATHERS AND SONS TO SEE HeW? S I' I PRICES 25c to $1.50 Matinee 50c-75c ig I ORPHEUM THEATER MADERS I H MONDAY, JAN 22. I John Cort Presents the Complete Oriental New York r I Cort Theatre Presentation f I Special Augmented Herbert Orchestra. I PRICES 50c, 75, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. ' |